Dependency Injection in .NET applications


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Dependency Injection with .NET


So you’ve decided to finally inject your dependencies

-OR-Let’s test production scenarios so it

doesn’t break


• What is DI?

• Why use DI?

• Where to use DI?

• How to do DI?

• C#, Legacy Code, and DI

– Interfaces, and Singletons, and Mocks, oh my!

What is Dependency Injection

• A software design pattern that implements inversion of control for resolving dependencies. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service). An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dependent object (a client) that would use it.– Wikipedia





Dependency Inject – An Example

• Legacy code w/o DI

public class ReviewManager{

public ElasticSearchBackedReviewRepository ReviewsRepo

{get; set;}

public void GetReviewsByMovie( int movieId){

return ElasticSearchBackedReviewRepository.GetReviews(movieId);



• Legacy code w/o DI

public class ReviewManager{

public IReviewRepository ReviewsRepo {get; set;}

Public ReviewManager( IReviewRepository repo ){

ReviewsRepo = repo;


public void GetReviewsByMovie( int movieId){

return ReviewsRepo.GetReviews(moviedId);







Why Interfaces?

• Develop against a contract

– Business logic isn’t changed as new implementations are introduced

• Moq (for unit tests) requires interfaces or virtual methods.

• All wiring for dependencies can be performed in a centralized location

Why Mocking?

• Allows testing any use case without the need for test data

– Mock a response that returns the use case you are testing (as opposed to test data in the DB)

– Null return values

– Timeout (web service clients)

– 0 reviews, 1 review, 10000 reviews

When? Architecture Boundaries

App (Front End)App (Business Logic)

DB 1

DB 2

Service 1

Service 1

Service 1

Any time the app reaches out for data is a good candidate for dependency injection.

In this scenario, the clients we use to wrap the 2 databases and the 3 services would each implement an interface that could be mocked for unit tests

When? Responsibility Boundaries

• Fandango Desktop/Mobile Web

– Reviews (Direct DB calls, Elastic search service)

– Movies (DB calls, movie service)

– Theaters (DB calls, Commerce service, old service, new API)

DI via Delegates

• Initial Effort is low– No extra frameworks– unit test can define the mocked method

• Subsequent efforts are O(N)– One change per new mocked method

• Pros– Methods can be incorporated one at a time

• Cons– Each new method will require its own delegate and

new wiring.

DI via Mock POCOs

• Initial Effort is medium– New class for each mock– Logic for mock states

• Subsequent efforts– Potential for new forks (and bugs) in mock POCO logic for

each use case

• Pros– Don’t need to learn a new framework.

• Cons– Supporting all use cases increases potential for bugs in the

mocks.– Some dependencies can’t be mocked


1 – With Moq, you can only mock methods defined in an interface or virtual methods.

DI with Mocks (Moq)

• Initial Effort is high– Each unit test use case requires its own moq wrapper

per dependency

• Subsequent changes– Only changes to the contract require modifications to

your mocks

• Pros– Each tests clearly identifies its assumptions

• Cons– Lots of unit test code will just be setting up the


Legacy Code: Static Methods

• Interfaces can’t have static methods

• Convert static methods to instance methods that conform to the (new) interface with a Singleton to expose the static instance.

ScenarioProduction issue with unknown cause

• Scenario in production we can’t reproduce easily

• In a unit test, mock the underlying interface to the throw the same exception.

– At the very least, we’ll know how to stop this error from crashing the entire app and set up proper logging to identify potential causes

ScenarioProduction issue with unknown cause


public void TestIndex_WebExceptionFromReviewManager()



var mock = new Mock<IReviewManager>();

mock.Setup(rm => rm.GetEsReviewsByMovie(





.Throws(new WebException());

IReviewManager reviewManager = mock.Object;

using (var controller = new MovieController(reviewManager) { ControllerContext = new ControllerContext { HttpContext = new MockHttpContext() } })


MockHttpContext httpContext = configureContext(UserAgentValue);

controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = httpContext;

ActionResult result = controller.Index(MovieIdAmericanBeauty);

Assert.IsType(typeof (ViewResult), result);



ScenarioAnonymous + authenticated users

• Our apps identify a logged in user by the presence of a cookie. We can mock that!– See changes to MovieController with


Strategies for Unit Testing

• New Projects

– TDD allows us to work with QA to identify good test cases before we start writing code

• Legacy Projects

– Don’t test something that’s been working in production for years

– Create unit tests to reproduce your bug. This will allow for immediate ROI on the tests

– Introduce tests for new features

Side Effect (Good)

• Enforces the SOLID principlesSingle Responsibility [link]

If an interface crosses domains, you know to split themMultiple interfaces too many responsibilities for the class

Open/Closed Principle [link]

Your code is inherently open to extension

Liskov Substitution Principle [link]

Your mocks provide are substituted for the concrete implementations without code changes

Interface segregation Principle [link]

Interface contract hides helper methods

Dependency inversion principle [link]

This is what we’re talking about here

Further Reading

• Martin Fowler (

• AutoFac IoC container (

• AutoFac in action NuGet Gallery – DI by Environment
