Cómo Java afecta nuestros Diseños



Presentacion de la charla de JavaConf 2014

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agile software development & services

La Influencia de Java en

Nuestra Manera de Pensar

Hernán Wilkinson

Twitter: @HernanWilkinson

Blog: objectmodels.blogspot.com


The world “we live” in … ?

The world “we live” in … ?

The world “we live” in … ?

The world “we live” in … ?

Bret Victor - Thinking the unthinkable

Language <-> Thinking

What we can not talk about…

we can not think about

(or it is difficult...)

Do not Insist on English

Aimara: Pasado y Futuro

(nayra) (qhipa)

What is the relationship with Programming Languages?

(K. Iverson: “Notation as a tool of thought”

1979 ACM Turing Award)

If a programming language does not allow me to “TALK”

(write) about certain things

Then I can not THINK about certain


Let’s seeList<Customer> selectedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))

selectedCustomers.add (customer);

return selectedCustomers;

Let’s seeList<Customer> selectedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))

selectedCustomers.add (customer);

return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;

Let’s seeList<Customer> selectedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))

selectedCustomers.add (customer);

return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;

What is the problem?

We have repeated code!List<Customer> selectedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))

selectedCustomers.add (customer);

return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;

Code != Text

How do we remove it?


1. “Contextualize-Copy” the repeated code to some “place”

2. Parameterize what changes

3. NAME IT!!!

4. Use it :-)

class Collection<T> {

public Collection<T> <<NAME>> (?) {

List<T> selected = new ArrayList<T> ();

for (T anObject: this )

if ( )

selected.add (anObject);

return selected: }


Copy the repeated code to some placeList<Customer> selectedCustomers =

new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))


return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new

ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;

Parameterize what changes

List<Customer> selectedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))

selectedCustomers.add (customer);

return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;

How do we do it?

An object that represents “code”

class Collection<T> {

public Collection<T> <<NAME>> (Closure aClosure) {

List<T> selected = new ArrayList<T> ();

for (T anObject: this )

if ( )

selected.add (anObject);

return selected: }


Copy the repeated code to some placeList<Customer> selectedCustomers =

new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))


return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new

ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;


class Collection<T> {

public Collection<T> select (Closure aClosure) {

List<T> selected = new ArrayList<T> ();

for (T anObject: this )

if ( )

selected.add (anObject);

return selected: }


NAME IT!List<Customer> selectedCustomers =

new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))


return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new

ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;


The most difficult part because it means that we understood the repeated code


List<Customer> selectedCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer> ();

for (Customer customer: customers)

if (customer.nameStarsWith(“H”))

selectedCustomers.add (customer);

return selectedCustomers;

List<Account> selectedAccounts = new ArrayList<Account> ();

for (Account account: accounts)

if (account.isOverdraw())


return selectedAccount;

cutomers.select( customer -> customer.nameStartsWith(“H”) )

accounts.select( account -> account.isOverdraw() )

customers.select( new Condition<Customer> () {

public boolean value (Customer aCustomer) {

return aCustomer.nameStartsWith(“H”); }});

cutomers.select( customer -> customber.nameStartsWith(“H”) )

Why not an Anonymous Class?

1. Sintax:

Which one reads better?

2. Binding problems…

What did we gain?

1. Few words Simplicity, Easier to

understand, read, remember, etc. Less bugs!

2. We created a new “abstraction”: select (filter in Java 8)

3. … and we removed duplicated code!!

Now… let’s do some reflection

1. Why didn’t we see the “duplicated code”?

2. Why didn’t we came with a solution?

Why didn’t we see the “duplicated code”

1. Because we are use to that code (is the programming language the problem or us?)

2. Because there is no “concept” to remove it

Why didn’t we came with a solution?

1. Because the programming language does not provide us with a “concept” to think about a solution!


should: [ do something ]

raise: Exception

withExceptionDo: [ :e | self assert: …. ] (Smallalk)

TDD: Test for exceptions

Try {

… do something


} catch (Exception e) {

assertTrue (…. ) }

…and much much more….

Imagine how your designs would be if

you could use closures

You can create your own control flow “sintax”

Further reading: LAMBDA The Ultimate…


Object = ¿Data + Code?


Object = ¿Data + Code?

If you think so, you don´t understand OO yet


Data is an Object

Code is an Object

An Object is a “superior” concept that unifies data and


Hamming / Closure

If there are certain objects that can not be created in some languages …

… and given the solutions provided by some programming languages…

The statement: “There are design solutions that are unthinkable in some

programming languages”

¿Does it surprise you?

Java 8

aList.forEach( ... )

aList.stream().filter( ... )

aList.stream().map( ... )


Lambda != Closure


What is the problem?

No If!

Now… let’s do some reflection

1. Why didn’t we see the “polymorphic message”?

2. Why didn’t we came with a right solution?

Why did we not see the

“polymorphic message”?

Because 'if' as a reserved word is a “primitive construction”, there is nothing behind it

Therefore it does not make us think in polymorphism

If as a message

A programming language is its creator's state of knowledge




How do we “generalize” it?




Extending a Language!

How can we add specific behavior to an object?

Let's see an example

Now… let’s do some reflection

1. What are the solutions we lack due to limited meta programming?

2. What do we loose if we do not have a meta-circular language?

How do we learn a new word?

Do we:

1. Stop our brain

2. “edit" a new definition in our dictionary

3. “Compile” the new definition

4. Restart our brain?


Why do we have to do it with our programs?

Can our programs “change while running”?

Can our programs “learn” as we learn?

Yes, they can!... If they are




Let’s see a problem:

Can you make a proxy “learn” about its proxee as it is used?

If we don’t have meta-circular languages, then we can not think about solutions that are natural in

our daily lives!!

Let’s think again…

Are these concepts new?


John McCarthy

Alan Kay

“We must know our historyif we don’t want to reinvent… not only the tire, but a a flat tire”

And more…

Classes are modules

Static is not OO

Misleading words:



Unnecessary implementation complexity

filter, map, etc.


Do not accept languages without Closures

Do not accept languages without good meta-programming

Create your own extensions!

Liberate yourself from the programming language


Learn other programming languages



Forth and more...

Learn our history

"The Humble Programmer”

E. Dijkstra

“The tools we are trying to use and the language or notation we are using to express or record our thoughts, are the major factors determining what we can think or express at all!"

"Java and C++ make you think that the new ideas are like the old ones. Java is the most distressing thing to hit computing since MS-DOS.“

Alan Kay


agile software development & services

Muchas gracias!


twitter: @10Pines


Tel.: +54 (11) 6091-3125Alem 693, 5B(1001) Buenos Aires
