little coder chapter - 4


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Little Coder Program


Drawing with TurtlesChapter 4

Turtle in python

• A module in Python is a way of providing useful code to be used by another

program. We’ll learn more about modules later on.

• Python has a special module called turtle that we can use to learn how

computers draw pictures on a screen.

• In the world of Python, a turtle is a small, black arrow that moves slowly

around the screen

Turtle in real world Turtle in Python

Lets start drawing by turtle module

>>> import turtleWe are asking python to import a

module named ‘turtle’ so that we

can use the functions and variables

written inside it

>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()we need to create a

Canvas - a blank space to draw on,

like an artist’s canvas. To do so,

we call the function Pen from the

turtle module, which automatically

creates a canvas.

>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(500)

The forward instruction tells the

turtle to move forwardby 50 pixels,.

>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(500)


The left() will turn the turtle 90


>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(50)



>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(50)




>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(50)





>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(50)






>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(50)







>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(50)







Yaay !! You have successfully drawn a square !!

>>> import turtle

>>> t = turtle.Pen()

>>> t.forward(50)








Reset function will erase your drawing and

set the turtle to the initial position




You can use the right function similar

to left





Backward function act just in the

opposite direction of forward







>>> t.forward(50)

>>> t.down()

>>> t.forward(100)

We can use up to lift the pen off the

page (in other words, tell the turtle to

stop drawing), and down to start


Exercise !

Exercise !

End of Chapter 4