Abstract Factory Design Pattern



An introduction to the abstract factory design pattern.

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Abstract FactoryManohar Thummala

Bharat KhatriGovind Chintapalli

Mohana Sai Cherukuri

Pizza Store

Pizza orderPizza(String type) {Pizza pizza;if (type.equals(“cheese”)) {

pizza = new CheesePizza();} else if (type.equals(“greek”) {

pizza = new GreekPizza();} else if (type.equals(“pepperoni”) {

pizza = new PepperoniPizza();}

pizza.prepare();pizza.bake();pizza.cut();pizza.box();return pizza;


Pizza Store

Problem ?

The problem starts with objects' creation (new in Java).

Pizza orderPizza(String type) {Pizza pizza;if (type.equals(“cheese”)) {

pizza = new CheesePizza();} else if (type.equals(“greek”) {

pizza = new GreekPizza();} else if (type.equals(“pepperoni”) {

pizza = new PepperoniPizza();

}pizza.prepare();pizza.bake();pizza.cut();pizza.box();return pizza;


New Pizza Store

Pizza orderPizza(String type) {Pizza pizza;if (type.equals(“cheese”)) {

pizza = new CheesePizza();} else if (type.equals(“greek”) {

pizza = new GreekPizza();} else if (type.equals(“pepperoni”) {

pizza = new PepperoniPizza();

}pizza.prepare();pizza.bake();pizza.cut();pizza.box();return pizza;


Pizza Store


Encapsulate the change into a class which creates objects.Product - Objects (that need to be instantiated)

Factory - The class that encapsulates the creation of products.

Client - The class that performs actions on the products.

Pizza orderPizza(String type) {Pizza pizza;

pizza = new SimplePizzafactory .createPizza(type);

pizza.prepare();pizza.bake();pizza.cut();pizza.box();return pizza;}

public class SimplePizzaFactory {public Pizza createPizza(String type) {Pizza pizza = null;if (type.equals(“cheese”)) {

pizza = new CheesePizza();} else if(type.equals(“pepperoni”)) {

pizza = new PepperoniPizza();} else if (type.equals(“clam”)) {

pizza = new ClamPizza();} else if (type.equals(“veggie”)) {

pizza = new VeggiePizza();}return pizza;}}

We got a Factory !

Another Problem ?

Our factory is a concrete class.

New family of products will require new Factory.

DC Pizza Factory

public class DCPizzaFactory{Pizza createPizza(String item) {if (item.equals(“cheese”)) {return new DCCheesePizza();} else if (item.equals(“veggie”)) {return new DCVeggiePizza();} else if (item.equals(“clam”)) {return new DCClamPizza();} else if (item.equals(“pepperoni”)) {return new DCPepperoniPizza();} else return null;}}

NY Pizza Factory

public class NYPizzaFactory{Pizza createPizza(String item) {if (item.equals(“cheese”)) {return new NYCheesePizza();} else if (item.equals(“veggie”)) {return new NYVeggiePizza();} else if (item.equals(“clam”)) {return new NYClamPizza();} else if (item.equals(“pepperoni”)) {return new NYPepperoniPizza();} else return null;}}

Another Problem ?

Our factory is a concrete class.

New family of products will require a new Factory.

New concrete Factory implementation would lead to change in the client.

Abstract Factory

Abstract Factory - Intent

Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

Let's get formal !

●AbstractFactory - declares an interface for operations that create abstract products.

●ConcreteFactory - implements operations to create concrete products.

●AbstractProduct - declares an interface for a type of product objects.

●Product - defines a product to be created by the corresponding ConcreteFactory; it implements the AbstractProduct interface.

●Client - uses the interfaces declared by the AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct classes.


Questions ?
