A data driven agile scrum tool in Drupal 8


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A data driven app in Drupal 8Drupal 8: Our New Hope




Supernatural: A heavenly dynamic scrum tool. One tab. All day. Every day.


Kango Labs is a digital product consultancy that develops products such as

websites and mobile apps

I am a co-founder of Kango Labs, Atlanta, Georgia

We are digital makers!

What specifically is the problem?

We have a lot to organize and we have not found a tool to do it just right.

• Basecamp

• Microsoft Project

• Physical boards

• Jira

• Trello

• Liquid Planner

Example: Trello

Not enough summary

across boards


Example: Liquid Planner

Difficult for day to day

and for individuals


What else has been lacking?

Collect data from our sprint retrospectives and process

Create daily tasklists for developers

Easily plan out future sprints and goals

Provide a better summary across the whole team

Ease progress and time tracking

Enter D8: A supernatural aid

We are digital makers. Lets build our own in Drupal 8 (rc).

APIs / REST / Headless

Controllers and Views

All the strengths of Drupal and data modelling

Crossing the threshold

Good things for getting started

Stand it all up right

Establish the data models and build with the basics

Creating a basic custom module

Explore REST and Boostrap

Challenges along the way

Challenges to custom module and template development:

• New configuration in YML

• Routes and controllers and PHP namespaces

• No more drupal_add_js() -> libraries.yml + page attachments

• system_settings_form() -> \Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase

• Dealing with caching -> https://www.drupal.org/node/1903374

• In Controller actions -> \Drupal::service('page_cache_kill_switch')-


• In Configuration -> settings.local.php / default.services.yml

When things look their worst

Challenges to custom module and template development:

“The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.”

drush cr

Lean on your CI setup

Back to basics: Creating nodes and terms in your module is not very hard

Upgrading was difficult

Making it all look good

TWIG is great for building highly customized interfaces

Bootstrap base theme and bootswatch

Building workflow is even easier with named routes


Simple screens


Custom data



Questions?Thank you!


