7 Innovations That Will Transform IT Operations


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Traditional data centers assemble server, storage, and network towers for application deployments.

How’s It Innovative?

What if software can abstract your infrastructure layers to meet application demands?

How’s It Innovative?

Software Defined Data Centers (SDDC) use virtualization to abstract hardware and aggregate computing resources.

What It Means

Deliver IT as a service by pooling data center components using automation.

What It Means

SDDC enable applications to define resource requirements in conjunction with business rules.

Use Cases

Gartner predicts 75% of global 2000 enterprises will use SDDC to adopt DevOps and hybrid clouds by 2020.

Use Cases

Deliver higher ROI with increased agility and reduced time to market.  


Meet application demand by breaking down organizational silos and efficiently using computing resources.  


Cloud architectures introduce delays for machine to machine communication while transmitting data.

How’s It Innovative?

What if you can embed intelligence at the edge of the network instead of having all the processing power in the cloud?

How’s It Innovative?

Fog computing delivers distributed intelligence to devices that are closest to users.  

What It Means

Handle data and communication needs of intelligent machines by aggregating and filtering local data. 

What It Means

The explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) requires intelligence at the edge of the network.

Use Cases

Store, process, and analyze data sources across connected devices (robots, drones, and industrial sensors). 

Use Cases

Process and analyze at the data source to reduce latency and deliver faster insights to the user.


Improve user experience by delivering rich content in a secure and efficient manner.


Cloud computing still needs IT to provision and manage servers based on application demands.

How’s It Innovative?

What if you could stop worrying about infrastructure management and focus on application functionality?

How’s It Innovative?

Serverless computing allows developers to build apps without worrying about underlying computing resources.

What It Means

The cloud provider takes care of the actual infrastructure management.

What It Means

Build IoT and mobile apps that interact through APIs.

Use Cases

Create microservices that use the "fire and forget" paradigm with serverless approaches.

Use Cases

Stop paying for unused server capacity. Pay only when your code runs in production.


Scale rapidly without worrying about server uptime, upgrades, and security.


Cloud computing requires application workloads that are efficient, fast, and secure.

How’s It Innovative?

How do you build apps that consume less memory and are less vulnerable to attacks?

How’s It Innovative?

Unikernels are machine images with app code and a small subset of OS services for the app to run.  

What It Means

Think of unikernels as virtual appliances optimized for a specific application. 

What It Means

Create transient microservices that exist only when you need them.

Use Cases

Optimize your computing infrastructure with lightweight and agile services.

Use Cases

Build applications that are agile, flexible, and secure to deploy.


Achieve better performance and portability for web-scale workloads.


Security pros have long had an antagonistic relationship with Dev and Ops teams.

How’s It Innovative?

What if you can deliver security and compliance as a service to safeguard the enterprise? 

How’s It Innovative?

Deliver security at speed and scale without compromising safety.

What It Means

Achieve compliance by embracing security as code. Ensure “everyone is responsible for security.”

What It Means

Deploy agile cloud services by incorporating security practices iteratively. 

Use Cases

Reduce security breaches and costly downtime with security automation. 

Use Cases

Create secure and defensible infrastructures with DevSecOps principles.


Increase release velocity without risking stability and governance.  


You use instant messaging every day to collaborate with your co-workers.

How’s It Innovative?

What if you could use chat bots to not just communicate but automate IT ops tasks?

How’s It Innovative?

ChatOps is IM-enabled devops. Use APIs to connect to other applications in your chat console.

What It Means

Use your chat window to collaborate and solve business problems. 

What It Means

Deploy, provision, and manage systems and infrastructure with chat bots.

Use Cases

Integrate IT projects with real time notifications in a single location.

Use Cases

Real time information sharing and transparency across your teams.


Automate manual tasks by running a command in your chat window.


You build and deploys apps for delivering an optimal end user experience.

How’s It Innovative?

Have you ever wondered how users actually interact with your app?

How’s It Innovative?

Monitor and analyze every end user transaction on your website or app.

What It Means

Observe your system in action to ensure availability, responsiveness, and reliability.

What It Means

Improve performance by fixing app sluggishness issues.

Use Cases

Understand what problems users experience and learn how to address them.

Use Cases

Make user experience front and center of your DevOps initiatives.


Track the metrics that matter most to your business performance.


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