Twitter and Yelp Basics For Business, by Visibly Media LLC for Business Mentor Team



Basic overview of Twitter and Yelp for business owners. Use these platforms to gain more followers, more eyeballs on your content, and manage your reputation.

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Strategic Visibility.

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© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21061

Twitter & Yelp: Business Basicsand Reputation Management

A presentation for ASBA, the Business Mentor Team and Paradise Valley Mall Small Business Workshops.

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21062

Why Twitter?

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

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Twitter & Business

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21064

Twitter & Business

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21065

Twitter & Business

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21066

Twitter & Business Reputation1. Get a Twitter account (FREE sign-up). Satellite shops should get permission from larger parent brand.

2. Brand to business. Business logo, colors, images.

3. Simple Twitter lingo. See slide 9.

4. Search for business name. @ mention (i.e., @VisiblyMedia)

Hashtag (i.e., #VisiblyMedia)

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21067

Twitter & Business Reputation1. Post new product or service.

2. Upload a relevant image.

3. Post industry updates. Increases authority and trust to followers.

4. Customer service.

5. Mentions of business name. Use of @ or # with business name.

6. Follow parent brand.

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21068

Twitter & Business ReputationComplaints on Twitter:1. Address each Tweet as quickly as possible. Not selective. Don't wait.

2. Offer to resolve. Refer to company social media policy for proper procedures.

3. Call if appropriate. Ask for phone number in a private message.


Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.21069

Twitter & Business ReputationBasic Twitter language (lingo):Tweet: posting an update.

Mention: @ symbol along with Twitter handle/name

Handle: Twitter name, not person's real name (i.e., @VisiblyMedia)

Hashtag: # (pound) symbol, along with word/words-no spaces (i.e., #VisiblyMedia)

RT or ReTweet: reposts same message from a follower out to your followers

DM: Direct Message, posts to a specific Twitter user privately

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210610

Why Yelp?

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

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Yelp & Business

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210612

Yelp & Business

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210613

Yelp & Business Reputation1. Get a Yelp personal account (FREE sign-up). Satellite shops should get permission from larger parent brand.

2. Sign up for business Yelp page. Upload business logo, colors, images.

3. Post Yelp logo to your business website. Encourages reviews.

4. Search for your business.

5. Review your reviews.

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210614

Yelp & Business Reputation6. Respond to all reviews timely. Negative reviews should never be left unanswered. Thank positive reviewers.

7. Advertising. Removes competitors from Page.

8. Invite friends. Top-of-mind-awareness.

9. Review nearby Tweets. Is someone looking for a product/service you provide?

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210615

Twitter & Yelp Allows scheduling of social media posts to 5 platforms for free. Can monitor up to 10 streams of conversation for free. Uses the URL shortener Website URL / address shorteners Email signature program, allows embedding of social media links Free and paid versions

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210616

Twitter & Yelp Resources Sign in to profile, then claim your business page at this link

and set up location, description, photos, hours/days you are open. “Find Us On Yelp” review badge and link for your website, links back to your business Yelp page so viewers can leave a review. Questions about what type of content is/is not acceptable to post? Answers are on this page.

Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210617

Connect with me:


Twitter: @VisiblyMedia | @LisaRaymondAZ


Phone: 602.423.2106


Strategic Visibility.

Be strategic. Be visible. Be found.

© 2014 Visibly Media LLC. All rights reserved. | 602.423.210618

Thank you for joining me today!A presentation for ASBA, the Business Mentor Team

and Paradise Valley Mall Small Business Workshops.