Top 10 Facebook Features that Go Under the Radar


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Top 10 Facebook Features that Go Under the Radar


With more than 1.7 billion active monthly visitors, Facebook is the gold standard of social networking.

For most of us, it's the go-to app. We think we know the nooks and corners of our Facebook dashboards.

On the contrary, what we know seems to be just the tip of the iceberg.

There're tons of features you never knew existed. Let's take a look at a few of those... If you're planning

for any kind of social networking platform, you're likely to get some inspiration.

1-Hidden Message Inbox:

You might be getting more messages than you see, thanks to 'Message Requests'. A hidden inbox sits

just beside our 'Recent' chats where Facebook sends all messages from unknown folks.

How to reach:

Click on 'Messages' icon at the top right side

The second tab will be 'Message Requests'

2-Find where you’re logged in:

Wanna know who's logged into your account right now? There's a section to view all your active

Facebook log-ins from all devices. Find anything fishy? You can 'End the Activity' there itself.

How to reach:

• Go to Settings > Security

• Look for 'Where you’re logged in'

3-Speak like the Pirates of Caribbean:

If Jack Sparrow has been an inspiration to you, it's like Jackpot! Facebook offers an option to use its

social network in the pirates’ language. I couldn't stop laughing after trying it for an hour.

How to reach:

Go to Settings > Language

Look for 'What Language You Want to Use Facebook in'

Choose 'English (Pirate)'

4-SavePostsfor Later

Found something interesting, but have your plate full? Facebook gives the option of saving posts, to be

viewed later at ease.

How to reach:

Click on the down arrow at top right corner of any post.

Click 'Save Post'

To view the saved posts later, go to your Homepage > Favorites > Saved

5-Geta Copy of Your Facebook Data:

Get your own personal copy of everything you've ever shared on Facebook, every message, video etc.

Yes, it's possible.

How to reach

Go to Settings > General

Click on 'Download a Copy of Your Facebook Data' at the bottom

6-Choose Your Account Inheritor:

Sounds weird, but its there. You can choose a family member or a close friend to look after your

account, if something happens to you.

How to reach

Go to Settings > Security

Click on 'Legacy Contact'

Add Facebook profile of your inheritor

7-Be Secured:

Worried about your account being compromised? Facebook provides a couple of options to make you

feel more secured.

Here are two smart things you can do to:

1. Get an Alert to your phone or email id, whenever there's a log-in.

How to Reach: Settings > Security > Login Alerts

2. Select your Trusted Contacts, who can securely help you regain access to your account;In case you

forget your password.

How to Reach: Settings > Security >Your Trusted Contacts

8- Create Your Own Interest List

It's basically Facebook’s version of Twitter feeds, where you can curate a collection of posts from

websites, companies or individuals in one streamlined feed.

How to reach

Homepage > Look for 'Interests' section on the left side menu

Click on more

Go for 'Create List'

9-Organize Your News Feed, Just the Way You Like It

You have the complete right to prioritize the contents you wanna see on your news feed. And Facebook

acknowledges it too.

How to reach

Homepage > Look for 'News Feed' section on the left side menu

Click on settings button > Edit Preferences

Take control & customize your feed

10- Re-visit Your History with a Friend

What if you feel like revisiting your history with a special friend? Guess what... you surely can.

How to reach

Go to your friend's profile

Click on the three dots, right beside message.

See Friendship

Take Away...

It's the level of details that allow Facebook to get closer and closer in delivering the best in terms of

social networking. I hope the features discussed above, inspire you to look at things from a microscope.

Any other helpful facts or features you've come across on Face book or any other social network? Share

with us in the comments.
