The 7 Social Insights That Will Help Your Brand Win Today


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The 7 Social Insights That Will Help Your

Brand Win Today And Thrive In The Future

About a decade ago, search marketing was transformed by

Google Analytics. For the first time, it gave companies

better insights to prove and improve the value of their

investment in search ads.

Now, businesses need the same for


Next-Generation Social Analytics

The social analytics space beyond likes,

follows, RTs, and comments can be daunting…

Next-Generation Social Analytics

…But with these seven social insights, you’ll be

able to have a clear business perspective of where

your social efforts stand. You’ll be able to prove

that they are driving business as well as improve

and make a meaningful impact.

Next-Generation Social Analytics

This is the single most must-have metric every business

that is seriously investing in social needs to be measuring.

Google Analytics brought conversion metrics to web

analytics. Conversion metrics need to be brought to social.

…And Conversions Per Share is it.

Because sharing (posts, tweets, pins, etc.) is the

foundational action of social media, it’s important that the

share is the denominator of social’s conversion metric.

#1: Conversions Per Share

It’s also important to note that, like traditional media,

social media has 3 elements: earned (what your fans

share), owned (what you share), and paid (social ads),

so really, every brand has 3 conversion metrics:

1. Earned Conversions Per Share

2. Owned Conversions Per Share

3. Owned Revenue Per Share

#1: Conversions Per Share

Similar to Conversions Per Share, Revenue Per Share is

integral now that social, especially Facebook, is a pay-to-

play channel. Every ecommerce brand that’s investing in

social (and they should be) needs to be tracking how social

impacts revenue.

For example, if your brand is running an influencer

campaigns, this metric tells you exactly how much each

influencer’s tweet is worth in dollar terms, allowing you to

easily calculate ROI.

#2: Revenue Per Share

Your Most Social Content is the content that has the most

number of conversions from social. If you’re not tracking

how your content is performing (again, preferably based on

conversions), you will be wasting a lot of time, effort, and

money on sharing sub-optimal content.

Google Analytic’s referral analysis captures this, but is

limited to last-click attribution.

#3: Most Social Content

Services like Klout are great at identifying large-scale


…But if your brand is able to define social influence on

a conversion per share basis, you’ll be able to identify

influencers large and small—based on social

conversion efficiency—which is super powerful with

social’s sophisticated targeting ability.

#4: Most Social Influencers

On the flip-side, these are the people that respond well to

social sharing.

People who respond well to their friends’ recommendations

on social have a higher likelihood of converting from social

ads, as well. Therefore, if you know who converts at a high

conversion per share rate organically, you can more

efficiently target your paid social ads.

#5: Most Social Converters

Because every brand has different customers and different

customer behaviors, brands need to figure out the efficiency of

their social channels. The Fastest Channel to Convert insight

helps brands do just that.

For example, if the average time to convert on Facebook is two

weeks, while Twitter and Pinterest are 2 hours, Facebook is a

top-of-the-funnel channel, while Twitter and Pinterest are a lot


This insight helps brands more effectively prioritize and distribute

their social advertising budget social in accordance with their

customer behavior.

#6: Fastest Channel to Convert

For most retailers, average order value is a staple KPI. As

companies increase their investment in social, it’s critical

for marketers to be able to compare AOV across channels,

including social.

• Comparing digital banner AOV vs. Pinterest AOV vs. Facebook AOV

• Even more granularly, organic Facebook AOV vs. paid Facebook

AOV, etc.

With these specific social AOV insights, marketers can

more effectively allocate their social budget to the channels

that are most effective.

#7: Social Average Order Value

About Inside Social

Inside Social is a social marketing platform that helps companies measure and

increase their social ROI by focusing on the metrics that matter, not the vanity

metrics you’re used to on social.

We built a share tracking technology that connects social sharing to

downstream conversions, such as a download, subscription, or purchase. By

measuring, attributing, and optimizing social based on conversions, we help

companies do better social marketing.

We are based in Seattle, WA.

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