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Survey Results‘Me & My Instagram’

Cindy Wellings

Question One: ‘Are You Male or Female?’

86 Female

14 Male

Question Two: ‘What age are you?’

77 16-2118 22-2728+ 410-15 1

Question Three: ‘Is Your Instagram On Private?’ If yes, why?

61 No

39 YesYes: - Share Photos with only friends- Like to know the people who sees my profile- Creepy followers- Privacy- Job reasons- Like accepting followers

Question Four: ‘Do you always use filters on your uploads?’

53 No

39 Yes

Question Five: ‘How Long Does It Usually Take To Choose A Filter?’

65 Up To 1 Minute

25 2-4 Minutes

8 5 + Minutes

Question Six: ‘Have You Ever Used Another App to enhance your photograph before uploading onto Instagram? If Yes which one(s)?

50 Yes

50 No

1) InstaSize2) VSCO3) Whitagram

Question Seven: ‘Have You Ever Participated in an other Social Media Project before’? If yes, which one(s)?

54 Yes

46 No1) ThrowBack Thursday2) 100 Happy Days3) 5 Photos that make you happy

Question Eight: ‘Do You Use Hashtags On Your InstagramUploads?’ If Yes, why?

67 Yes

33 No

A Wordle, of key words that are commonly used in the responses

Question Nine: ‘Do you feel it is important to you to achieve a certain number of likes on your upload?’

66 No

34 Yes

Question Ten: ‘What are the majority of photos that you upload onto Instagram?’

1) Social Events2) Everyday3) Selfies4) Art5) Memories/Celebrations6) Food7) Pets8) Work9) Competitions

Here I spilt key words into categories to gain a clearer understanding:

Question Eleven: ‘What kind of Instagram profiles do you follow?’

Here I spilt key words into categories to gain a clearer understanding:

1) Friends2) Celebrities3) Fitness

Question Twelve: ‘Do you feel you upload instagramposts for yourself or for others?’

94 Myself to share with others

4 Feel the need to upload photos for my followers

2 Other

- “Bit of both really. I like to show off my good photos and get a lot of likes do that I look popular haha but I do upload photos that are pretty to share with my friends.’’

-“To document my life, I like to look back at what I've done in a visual way”

Question Thirteen: ‘Would you consider yourself more as a participant on Instagram uploading photos, or a spectator, witnessing others photos?’

60 Both

20 Participant


“I don't upload that often but will check to see what others uploaded multiple times a day”

“I go through phases of rarely uploading photos, to uploading often”

“It’s good to be both because you're getting inspiration in every day life from people you think are stylish, healthy, fun or enjoyable to see. But I like the idea that I participate in adding images that are relevant to my life, that I hope people enjoy. Even though I do it for my own benefit!”

“I use Instagram a lot but mainly to look at other peoples' posts- I'll only ever post photos if I feel it's worthy of Instagram, I won't upload things just for the sake of it”

“Primarily a spectator but I would say that I do upload fairly regularly as well (about once a week on average)”

“I don't really post that often but I enjoy seeing what other people are posting.”

“I only upload special photos so my posts are not often”

“I post at least once or more a day”

“Nice to see what others are up to but also to share my experiences with others.”

Optional comments responses:

Question Thirteen: ‘Does the number of followers you have on your profile matter to you? If yes, do you accept followers, to then unfollowthem to gain a higher ‘follow’ ratio to ‘following’?’

82 It does NOT matter

18 Yes it matters to me

Question Fourteen: ‘Why do you use Instagram?’

A Wordle of key words that are commonly used in the responses: