Sentosa's Spooktacular - The digital experience


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Digital Promotion of the Spooktacular Event

Spooktacular - Asia’s Scariest Fun

Venue – Fort Siloso, Sentosa, Singapore

The audience

Age group:

18 to 40PMEBs and Youth

Free / Independent TravelersPeople seeking

Thrill, Scare, Fun & Excitement

Spooktacular theme in 2013

Last year’s theme was based on the

Thai hit Horror movies –

Body, Coming soon, Shutter, Dorm and Pee Mak

Spooktacular theme for 2014 - GTH’s horror movies and asian theme


Trail # 2Movie – Alone

Trail # 3Asian theme

Trail # 1Movie - Laddaland

Trail # 1 – Laddaland

Trail theme – Laddaland, the movie

A family of 4 (Thee, Parn, Nat and Nim) move into a new house

Paranormal activities take place

Man shoots son by mistake, shoots himself too

Rest of the family leaves the haunted house

Pre-event – Laddaland Game

The Laddaland Survivors

The Laddaland Survivors

Entrance of Laddaland House where player has to reach

The game begins at the gate of the haunted city called Laddaland. The Laddaland is infected with ghosts, spooky elements and horrifying creatures. On the other end, there is a house.

The players have to login with Facebook and choose the role that they want to play – Thee or Pam, and safely reach the house.

The players will encounter haunted mansions, blood-thirsty creatures, blood-red lake with scary people.

Player has to successfully navigate and reach the house

The game landscape and characters

Parn Thee

Choose character -

Building virality on Facebook

The Laddaland Survivors

Miang Chang at Sentosa Spooktacular – Survivors of Laddaland

Miang Chang has successfully crossed the Frankenstein mansion. Give him tip or weapon to help Miang move forward carefully and win tickets for next trail.

As the player crosses hurdles, the game app will

post updates on the player’s wall – location and

what happened.

Friends can help the player reach the destination

or vote for his/her boldness or start playing the

game themselves

Players will get rewarded on successful completion

of the game and points scored.

During the event – capturing the excitement on the trails

Facebook post

Inside at the trail

Outside at the venue entrance

Jackie had the most horrifying moment of her life at Spooktacular Laddaland mansion.

Got a brave heart? Then come to Spooktacular and show Jackie that you are not scared of ghosts

Visitors will be given RFID tag which will have their Facebook username and password stored. Their details will be captured when they enter the trail.

The haunted trails will have Mic with sound sensors and a camera placed at ghosts-visitors interface.

Whenever there is a human-ghost interaction, the mic will capture the scream of the visitor and activate the camera.

The camera will capture the most horrifying moments of the visitor and display it with the audio on the digital board at the entrance along with their name, location inside the trail and the pic

The pic will also be posted on the visitor’s facebook page with the location

Trail # 2 – Alone

Trail theme – Alone (name of the movie)

The story is about two conjoined twins – Pim and Ploy.

Pim has a good soul and Ploy plays the evil part.

Pre-event - Interactive tab on Alone

Ploy Pim

Users visit the Facebook page and click on the Tab called – Pim Side. Ploy Side.

The tab will ask user to enable webcam

Users have to take two photos using the webcam, one reflecting their normal self and the other with a ghostly expression

Pim side. Ploy side.The good side and the evil side

Take a pic and upload your Pim and Pam expression

I am getting ready for Spooktacular.Rate my Pim side and help me win Free Passes

Click here to make it your profile pic and win free tickets

Apply filter

The app will also have scary face filters to make the ghostly expression look more horrific.

The app will provide an option to add the ghostly pic as the profile pic on user’s Facebook page

User can also post his/her Pim or Ploy face on wall and ask his/her friends to rate it or like it

The users will also have an option to download some really spooky SpooktacularCover Photo Themes and add it on their profile page.

Game based on Alone

Facebook post

Game screen

Wong reached the other end in 60 mins. Are you ready for the Go Alone challenge? Play and Win Free Passes.

The game can be played only in darkness. User has to activate the webcam which senses the lights.

When the light is turned off, the game begins. The game will be from user’s point of view and he has to navigate with the arrow keys.

Horrifying creatures start appearing on the screen and user has to navigate through them and reach the other end.

He can also post the score on facebook and invite friends to compete.

The Scream Alone Challenge

Live storytelling event at Sentosa

The audience

Local / ExpatFamilies with kids

Free / Independent Travelers

Children aged –4 – 12 years

Pre-event - Live your favourite moments

On ground

Mobile App

The mobile app, enabled with augmented reality will be preloaded with best scenes / themes of various stories or movies.

Parents have to dress up their kid based on the story. They can select their favourite scene available in the app to take a pic. The frame will make the kid look like a character in the scene.

Parents have to post the photo on Sentosa’sFacebook page to enter the contest. The best ones will win a Free rides at Sentosa

Cut out of characters will also be placed at malls. Parents have to take a snap of their kid with the cut out and post it on Sentosa’s page.

Post-event - Make your own storybook

The Story Book App

The Facebook app will have preloaded comic strip with speech blurbs

Parents can take a picture of their kids and make it a part of the comic strip or entire movie scenes (optional)

Kids have to fill up the speech blurb with appropriate dialogues and submit it

The comic strips with best dialogues will be rewarded with Free ride at Sentosa

Parents can post this comic strip on Facebook and invite likes

Thank You
