Radial Analysis Homework Q Magazine



Molly-May Watson Cheam High School

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The logo and the main article’s title (AMY) is in a serif font, to show the significance of both aspects. It also makes them seem more professional and important than the rest of the text on the screen, which is is bold and sans serif.

The main subject is Amy Winehouse and she is the only picture taking up the cover, showing that she is the main topic of this edition. She has been photoshopped/airbrushed in order to make her look better and benefit her reputation as an artist. Her facial expression also looks as if she is staring at the reader, forming a connection.

The main colour scheme of the magazine cover is black, white and red; these contrast well together and give it a professional and adult look. Red has connotations of passion, possibly suggesting that it intends for the reader to be passionate about music. It also can have connotations of love, which suits this specific edition, showing that the deceased singer was loved.

The masthead is the logo ‘Q’ and is white against a red background, making it ‘pop’. Because it is a simple font and logo, it is easily recognisable to the audience.

The cover lines surround Amy and are in a different font to the main article, making them seem less significant. However, the whole magazine is not about Amy and the other articles allow the magazine to widen it’s target demographic. The colour ranges between white and red, depending what stands out on the background the text has been placed on.

The puff ‘the world’s greatest music magazine’ makes Q seem supreme. It also suggests that the magazine has a large target audience and is internationally known. However it could also be seen as hyperbole and a cliché expression, suggesting that it is a magazine for young people, as the expression is childish.

The masthead is just one line across the top of the page. It is not the most significant part of the page, but it is the first thing the reader’s attention will be drawn to. It includes the Q logo again, with the same colour scheme , and also the date of the edition, also making it seem like some sort of collectors item and special to the reader, when in fact it is just a contents page.

The colour scheme is still the same, and the same layout also, with the subject being the main and only image and having text surrounding him. This directs the reader towards the article about him as he seems most important. Furthermore, the text is sectioned by colour, such as the red box graphics and the ‘every month’ graphic.

This is obviously only one side of a contents page, so there aren’t many pages shown but the ones that are present cascade down the left of the image, and there is also one down the bottom on it’s own, suggesting that it’s more important. The numbers are clear and in a different colour to the text to enable to reader to go straight to that article.

The main image is the only picture on the contents page, once again showing that he is the most significant feature of the magazine. He is ungroomed and looks dirty, giving a rock/punk feel to the magazine. This could draw the reader in, as the image gives the impression of leading to an interesting and ‘juicy’ article.

The red arrow at the bottom may seem pointless, as it shows the reader to turn the page, which is a simple task. However, the red stands out against the dark background and looks important, as if to entice the reader further into the magazine.

Jay Z’s photograph takes up one side of the double page spread, making it clear who the article is about. It makes him seem significant, and his sunglasses make him seem mysterious as if he is hiding something, making the audience want to read on about him further. He also doesn’t look happy, making the reader wonder why, and continue and reading the article. The layout of a celebrity being the main and only subject of a page is consistent throughout the magazine. The red lighting on Jay Z reflects Q magazine as red is the main colour on most pages.

The text ‘rap radar’ breaks the conventional colour scheme of Q and therefore stands out. It alerts the reader what genre of music the article will be based on and draws in a certain target audience (people that enjoy rap music).

The colour of the font carries on the theme of Q magazine, with a quote on the left being in red to stand out, and a big J on the right, but the majority of the text being black on white. The serif font makes the article seem professional and sophisticated, despite being an article on a rap artist.

The masthead is close to non-existent with just a simple ‘Jay Z’ being mentioned at the top of the page, although it does describe him as one of “the most exciting people in music”, which improves his reputation immediately, because even a reader that didn’t know of Jay Z would want to read about him after being introduced as that.

However, there is a massive red J over the text, which is effective as it does draw the reader’s attention straight away, but it could also make the text more difficult to read, despite being translucent.
