On bloggers, and getting invited in events


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Why do you blog?

“I love blogging because of the freebies, lootbags, and VIP perks”

“I want to have an event invite that you receive. How did you get it?”

Tips on getting invites

Boost your social media presence

Do’s and Don’ts inattending events


• If there’s a dress code, make sure you wear it properly and behave appropriately at events.*

• Be conscious of time when attending events. If there are unforeseen circumstances, need to cancel, or can't make it on time, inform the organizers ahead of time and apologize.*

• Observe the rules of the establishments where the events arebeing held.*

• If there’s a certain tasks to do during the event, (e.g. doing live tweets, or post photos on Instagram) you have to comply with it.

*Source:Fleire Castro: “A Filipino Blogger Manifesto”


• Don’t gatecrash events, just because you want to be “in” among your blogger friends or misrepresent others.

• Don’t bring +1s, unless the organizers told you beforehand.

• Don’t demand too much when you receive tokens. PR firms andbrands appreciate the presence of bloggers for their events.

• Don’t extend invites to others, unless stated or have askedpermission from the PR or organizers.