History of Social Media by Hook Traffic



Find the full jpeg image at http://www.hooktraffic.com/history-of-social-media/ First email sent with the message of “QWERTYUIOP” BBS (bulletin board system) Usenet Posting articles directly to newsgroups. Compuserve IRC (Internet Relay Chat) used to share files, links and keep in touch. AOL launches AIM GeoCities SixDegrees.com – Named after 6 degrees of separation 1998 Google become a corporation Napster – Peer to peer sharing. Marking a shift in the distribution of file (eg music and video) from companies to consumers Blogger LiveJournal Epinions – General consumer review site where people live product reviews MySpace LinkedIn DEL.ICIO.US PHOTOBUCKET LASTFM Skype The Facebook Flickr Digg YouTube Reddit Twitter Facebook Tumblr Friendfeed Spotify Hootsuite Ping.FM FourSquare Groupon Facebook purchased Instagram Vine Highlight Tinder Hater Hinge Texting – still one of the most popular forms of communication Swarm by Foursquare

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