Ginger snaps


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The opening sequence begins with an establishing shot of the town and then the sign which shows the viewers it is set in Bailey Downs.There is a close up of the dead dog which shows that it had a very violent death, this is shown by the camera zooming in and the dog’s intestines and body parts are sprawled out across the floor. The camera also zooms in on the woman’s face which shows her screaming and crying as she sees her dog dead lying in front of her. The camera is at a canted angle as we see the woman walk into the frame as she looks at her dog, it is also at a canted angle as it cuts to dog. This creates confusion for the audience and makes every feel disoriented reflecting how the woman is feeling in this scene, she is in shock because of her dog’s violent death. As the girl walks out of the garage an establishing shot is used to introduce her to film, she is seen carrying quite violent objects such as a chainsaw and a blowtorch which could imply that she is dangerous or that she is just very handy and helpful.

MISE EN SCENEIn terms of Mise en scene, the title of film appears on the screen in white block capitals over a red background. The colour red could suggest danger and relate to the blood in the first scene when they find their dog.The woman is dressed in a jumper and coat which shows that is cold, she is surrounded by brown, yellow and orange leaves as she rakes therefore showing that it is autumn and therefore quite cold. The toys and sandbox in the garden shows that there are children around the house and are very playful.The location at which this is set is in a town called ‘Bailey Downs’ as the woman comes out of her house and starts screaming children are seen outside playing in the road, showing that town is very communal and everybody is friendly with one another.


The opening sequence begins with a fade in which shows the audience the town which it is set.There is an eye line match when the woman is seen walking towards her son as he is playing in the sandbox, we are able to see her face expressions which tells us she in awe of her son and fascinated After they discover their dead dog it fades into black leaving the audience with a bunch of questions, intriguing them and therefore will want to continue watching. There is slow motion when the girl walks out of the garage with the tools in her hand, highlighting her importance and implying she is a main part of the plot.

SOUNDThe opening sequence beings with ambient sounds such as dogs barking and wind blowing showing that the town is quite ordinary. The sounds of raking and rustling leaves is exaggerated and implies that she is a hard-working woman and she does a lot of work around the house. As the woman's son starts to rub the blood onto his face crows begin to caw suggesting that something bad is going to happen, implying danger.The music starts to get tense and sombre as the woman starts walking towards her son and she discovers the dog foot, showing something isn't right. As she discovers her dog has been killed the strings start to play loudly and the pitch ascends frantically, as the woman screams clearly disturbed and frightened of what has just happened to her dog. The scene ends with a high pitched ringing as it fades out, creating discomfort for the audience reflecting the woman's feelings after finding her dog.The titles are accompanied by dull, slow gloomy music which transitions into a high pitched ringing that could resemble a ringing alarm clock.The woman's screams continue into the next scene along with the children's laughs and cheerful playing, showing they are active and friendly but also young as they do not react at her wailing.
