Getting the Most out of Linked In



Linked In - why would you? This slideshow runs through how to set up and build a profile for yourself and your business on Linked In, how to make connections and manage them, what to post and Linked In ettiquette. Beginner to intermediate users. Information in this slideshow is current as at November 2014.

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Getting the most out of

Linked In

November 2014

Goals for this session

Find out what Linked In is all about

How to develop your own profile

How to express your personal brand

Making the right connections

Managing your network

Developing a page for your business

What to post

What is Linked In?

Social media for business/professionals

Approximately 5 million users in Australia

Global network

Approximately 330 million users worldwide

2 new users per second

Why Linked In?

Online rolodex!

Networking every day, 24/7

Nurture relationships

Stay top of mind

Establish your expertise

Optimise recruitment

Showcase products and services

Learning and sharing

But it’s not perfect!

‘Linked In Liars’ and ‘Half Truth Harries’

Self promotion meets content sharing – the fine line

False endorsements

Non-legit recommendations

Connection junkies

Getting started: your profile The sign up process is simple (there are video tutorials available)

PLEASE spell your name right and use correct case!

Build your profile

Dust off your resume

Be thorough – it will take a

couple of hours

Choose whether you wish to use

first or third person – and stick

to it

Linked In picks up your details to

create a kind of snapshot

‘business card’ to show others

Create a strong cover statement

or ‘headline’

Add video, presentations,

website, your blog and other


Choose a professional photo

Bad Photo Examples

Not human

Bad light,


Too small


Not square

Too far away

Editing your profile

Editing your profile

Making connections

Understand connections (1st, 2nd, groups, following)

Use your business card collection

Do a search for:




Friends and family

Look at your connections’ connections

Use Linked In’s ‘people you may know’ feature under the connections button

Use a personalised invitation

Making connections well The personalised invitation

Better response rate – jogs person’s memory – makes you look good

Making Connections (continued)

• Use the email interfaces available

• Request an introduction (2nd degree)

Managing connections This isn’t Facebook – business, not personal! So you don’t have to have close

friendships to connect

You may be a target if you are in a desirable industry or have powerful


Your have two options: confirm or ignore

If you don’t know them, try viewing their profile

Any valuable mutual connections?

In a related industry?

Posting interesting or relevant updates?

Are they in your target market?

You can ask questions via InMail (premium/paid feature)

If it’s an introduction request, you can ask your mutual connection questions

You can think about it – no need to immediately respond

Your personal brand Your profile

Your connections

Your business page

What Linked In shows about you

What you share

Your photo

Your interactions Your personal brand

More on this later….

Your company on Linked In

• You must have a personal LinkedIn profile set up with your true first and last


• Your profile strength must be listed as Intermediate or All Star.

• You must have several connections on your profile.

• You're a current company employee and your position is listed in

the Experience section on your profile.

• You have a company email address (e.g. added and

confirmed on your LinkedIn account.

• Your company's email domain is unique to the company.

Why put your business on Linked In?

Ownership of the brand, control of messages

Staff can list your business as their employer

People can follow your company

Allows you to showcase products and services

Some SEO value


Why not? If you ARE your business and brand it might make more sense to focus on your

personal profile

If you don’t have a unique company domain

What does it look like?

Main sections of a company page:

- Home

- Careers (if you choose)

- Showcase (if you add)

- Analytics (only visible to administrators)

Editing your page

Company Profile (Home) in edit mode

Recruitment – paid job listings

Silver and Gold career pages

Generally used by large companies

Job ads approx. $200 per month (variable)

Targeted and cross-matched

You can also simply post a job ad as an update for free


Your individual products (up to 10)

You may choose to showcase one or more of your flagship products

Generally the product will have its own dedicated website and brand

It can also be used to promote a major initiative or business unit

For example, Volkswagen could use it to showcase the Golf, or a telco

could use it to showcase its broadband service

Allows for targeted marketing

Add media such as images, videos, slideshows, etc. that directly

relate to the item being showcased

Review your page progress using


Click Analytics from your company page

Only administrators can see these

Allows you to compare your page’s performance with other businesses

You can compare statistics on your post with your other posts

Use these to learn and adapt/improve

You can also use Google Analytics on your website or blog to see what traffic

you’re getting from Linked In

Traffic from Linked in is generally fairly good quality – good dwell time and

deeper visits

Optimising your Page’s Performance

Add your Linked In page/profile link to your email signature

Get your staff on board, listing your business as an employer

Send In-mail to your (close) connections to let them know you have a

company page and invite them to follow

Share and comment on your own page updates using your personal profile

Respond to those who engage with what you post

Encourage staff to share/engage with your page updates

Join industry groups and contribute to relevant conversations

Learn to use the more advanced features – showcase, audience targeting, etc.

Considered shared administration

Post at strategic times

What to share (Updates) ADD VALUE!

Content curation

Relevant and appropriate (no cat videos)

Company, Industry, Product news

Website and blog updates

Partner and client news, if appropriate

Staff achievements

Mix it up: links, multimedia and images add interest for users

Linked In’s Share Bookmarklet to help you share content:

Other apps like Buffer and Hootsuite allow you to schedule your posts

Tag other users using the @ symbol and their name

You can write longer posts or reblog your blogposts on Linked In using the publishing

feature (click the little pencil shown)

Linked In Best Practices

Try to visit daily and spend a little time

Get mobile

Connect respectfully – quality not quantity

Stay professional and be considerate

Don’t spam or self-promote

Thank people for endorsements and recommendations

Engage – congratulate, share, respond

Be useful and provide insights that will help others

Join groups and leave those that don’t work for you


Linked In Help Center

Social Media Examiner

Social Media Today


Watch and follow your heroes on Linked In

Thanks for your attention!

Find more of my slideshows on business communications and social

media at:

Linked In: Sasha Wasley / Razzed Communications

Facebook: Razzed Communications

Twitter: @RazzedComms
