Dance and Social Media



Selected slides from our talk at English National Ballet's dance writing course, Dance is the Word, on the social media side of dance and on ballet blogging

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Dance & Social Media!@theballetbag!

•  Blogging has transformed journalism in the last 10 years!

•  Blogs are breaking important news!

•  Some have become mainstream media companies (Mashable, HuffPo, etc)!

•  Dead or alive? Their functions are increasingly being fulfilled by other media (FB, Instagram, etc). Yet, good blogs (those w/ good content to deliver) still alive and kicking!!


Tech Talk!•  How much of a techie are you?!

•  What’s your budget?!

•  How much control do you want on functionality and design?!

•  Will you be using non standard tools?!

Easy Blogging!



What’s your budget?!•  Cost of platform/design!

•  Cost of domain!

•  Cost of hosting!

Custom domain & custom design: from US$12/year (depending on type of domain)!

Hosting in your own space: around US$100/year!

Finding a Voice!

•  Think about your ideal reader: what does he/she like? Write it down!

•  Write as if you were writing to this person!

Creating Good Content!

•  Your analysis should be original !

•  Copy should be engaging, coherent in structure & well researched!

•  Mix it up: lighthearted/think pieces!

•  Don’t forget the layout: people judge the covers!

Mixing it Up!

Degree of Objectivity!

•  How personal with dancers, choreographers, etc.!

•  Bloggers are often conflicted!

•  A post or a tweet is forever (equivalent to talking about it in a public forum)!

•  Beware your inner fanboy/fangirl!


•  Why? To build an audience and drive traffic!

•  Twitter: breaking news, links, discussion & POVs!

•  Facebook: image sharing, procrastination & competitions!

•  Tumblr/Instagram: images, video, images!

Top Tips!

•  Display your social media icons prominently!

•  Use your blog name consistently across!

•  Be generous & share content (esp. FB!)!

•  Play ball (NB: time considerations)!

•  Short & sweet, but authentic!

Images: what to share!

•  Ballet is visual, so photography is a great asset!

•  Unfortunately difficult to source & lots of bad pics out there!

•  Dancers are very sensitive!

•  Important to pick good images: influence & educate!

Video: what to share!

•  YouTube footage: often bootlegs so quality not great (find favorite channels & sub!)!

•  We often share links via Twitter / FB!

•  As with images, it is a matter of taste. People appreciate being pointed out to good content!
