Chinese in the Quest of Progress


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Beihang University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Beijing, China


• Introduction to China


• Mr. Sun Yan


• Gulfam Raza Haidery

Student No.

• LS1401202

Chinese in the Quest of Progress

Chinese in the Quest of Progress

I was in grade 10 (about in 2005) when I heard following from my English School Teacher; “

Today I am going to teach you a common lesson about a country which came into being two

years after partition of Pakistan and India i.e. in 1949. It is termed, on this Earth Curst, as

People’s Republic of China.”

That was first time in my life when I heard about China. After that, I started searching about

this country, and surprisingly I came to know about unbelievable facts and figures.

Today, this country is emerging as a rising star in whole of the world with its amazing

progress in science, technology and education. This country has surpassed many countries

in economic growth. It is considered to be the world's largest exporter and importer of

goods e.g. electronic goods.

The sublime person whom I like the most is Mao Zedong. Leader of the leaders, because of

whom People’s Republic of China was liberated, ruled and managed. He brought about

radical change for oppressed Chinese Nation by encouraging the poor in the following way;

“The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.” He

also said about youngsters, “The youth is like a sun at eight or nine o’clock in the morning.”

That’s the country where a great philosopher was born about hundred years ago, he is

called Confucius. He was an influential Chinese philosopher, teacher and political figure known

for his popular aphorisms and for his models of social interaction. Once Confucius said, “To

practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity,

generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.”

China stands in the world with most populous nation (>1.35 Billion), and as world's second-

largest country by land area (about 9.6 Million Square Kilometers).

In real sense, this is called true and alive nation. If they had leaders, they also followed

them. This is why now the whole world is surprised by looking at China’s way of modernity,

prosperity and development.

How China is going to surpass almost all countries in the world, let’s stroll down with

respect to following aspects;

Self-reliance Aspect

It is said that God helps those who help themselves. Basing upon such a route, the world

leader Mao motivated his public to work hard. By keeping that in mind, In January 1958,

Mao Zedong launched the "Great Leap Forward," attempting to increase agricultural and

industrial production, and believing that the country could make a century's worth of

advancement in a few decades. However, three years of floods and bad harvests told a

different story. An appalling famine set in and entire villages died of starvation. In the worst

manmade famine in human history, an estimated 40 million people died of hunger between

1959 and 1961. But Mao ordered only one thing, “I have witnessed the tremendous energy of

the masses. On this foundation it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever.”

In 1966, Mao Zedong made his return and launched the Cultural Revolution. Mao told his

followers that bourgeois elements in China were aiming to restore capitalism, and declared

these elements must be removed from society. However, that Revolution destroyed much of

China's traditional cultural heritage and created general economic and social chaos in the


So, it can be said about Mao Zedong as following;

“Although Mao knew how to organize a revolution, but he was totally inept at running a


In short, Mao's "Great Leap Forward" and “The Cultural Revolution” were ill-conceived and

had disastrous consequences, but many of his goals, including stressing China's self-reliance,

were generally laudable.

Economical Aspect

The prosperity and infrastructure of any country depends upon its economy. Chinese

struggled a lot in this reference and investigated the best policies to compete the whole world.

They acted upon innovative polices consistently. Chinese Government launched program of

Economic Reforms that started in December 1978. From 1978 until 2013, rapid economic

growth occurred, with the economy increasing by 9.5% a year. According to Central

Intelligence Agency, China's economy surpassed that of Japan in 2010 and became the

second largest economy in the world and is projected to become the world's largest economy

by 2025.

Educational, Scientific and Technological Aspects

The most significant part in making progress in every field is that Chinese Government takes

abrupt actions to include new ideas as the postulates of their state governing law e.g. After

Mao's death in 1976, science and technology was established as one of the Four

Modernizations. China has spent over US$100 billion on scientific research and

development in 2011 alone.

China is rapidly developing its education system with an emphasis on science, mathematics

and engineering. In 2009, it produced over 10,000 Ph.D. engineering graduates, and as many

as 500,000 B.Sc. graduates, more than any other country. As of 2010, 94% of the population

over age 15 is literate.

It is also the world's second-largest publisher of scientific papers, producing 121,500 in 2010

alone, including 5,200 in leading international scientific journals.

Chinese technology companies such as Huawei and Lenovo have become world leaders in

telecommunications and personal computing, and Chinese supercomputers are consistently

ranked among the world's most powerful.

Currently, China is experiencing a significant growth in the use of industrial robots i.e. from

2008 to 2011; the installation of multi-role robots has risen by 136 percent.

The Chinese space program is one of the world's most active programs, and is a major source

of national pride.

China’s Infrastructure

Infrastructure started developing just after birth of New China. Now-a-days, it is considered

as the fastest growing infrastructure.

Roads are always considered as key infrastructure, and China is emphasizing this fact the

most that road transport is the base of country’s progress and it enhances other factors too.

Among the list of top 10 countries having largest road networks, China comes at number 2

with road networks of 4,193,000 KM.

According to Airports Council International, Beijing Capital International Airport is Second

Busiest Airport in the world with 81,929,359 no. of passengers.

China comes at Third Number with the Largest Railway Network in the world. By report till

2013, Railway Length is 103,144 km. All provinces and regions are connected to the rail

network except Macau.

China has Four Tallest Bridges among Top 10 Tallest Bridges in the world.

China currently has the largest number of active cellphones of any country in the world, with

over 1 billion users by February 2012.

China Telecom and China Unicom, the world's two largest broadband providers, accounted

for 20% of global broadband subscribers.

Defensive Aspects

The defense strategies of China are really marvelous. Enemies all over the world kept

attacking Old as well as New China in order to destabilize its economy and demolish its

civilization. In order to get rid of all, China focused upon strengthening their army. Military

Leader, Mao Zedong, once said,

“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

So, he stressed upon gathering as many persons as possible in order to make the defense

strong. At other point, he described in order to compete the enemies, “War can only be

abolished by war, and in order to get rid of the gun, it is necessary to take up the gun.”

Today, People's Liberation Army (PLA) is the largest standing military force in the world,

with 2.3 million active troops. According to Chinese Government, China's Military

expenditure in 2012 became equal to US$100 billion, constituting the world's second-largest

military budget.

My Opinion about China

I feel myself as a lucky person to write about such a country which is a complete

introduction in itself. Individuals make a nation and I find every Chinese as the essential part

of the nation. Everybody seems to abide by rules and regulations of the state. Modesty is

their main power while sincerity is their weapon to kill all the germs which can create moral

diseases. They offer you the best quality of food stuff without any adulteration. They help

you in a way that they know you from your childhood. Chinese, in real sense, must be

remembered as cooperative, obliging and compliant.

China is a peaceful country with respect to all factors. China is the country with the

fascinating, attractive and stunning aesthetical points, colossal deserts and long mountain


All I can say is, “Always salute to Chinese Nation and Chinese Leaders. Oh China, thanks a lot

for allowing me to visit yourself.”

