Build your list by asking


DESCRIPTION 3rd of 3 Golden rules on how to optimise your online presence.

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Build Your List By Asking Resources….Freebies & Guides

12 Top Social Media

Information packed webinars

Here’s extract 3 of 3 from my Women Unlimited article:

3 Golden rules to optimize your online presence on how to optimize your presence online

Read part one:

Read part two:

Call To Action (CTA’s)

Having established your goals and your keywords, you’ve now got the foundation

for a solid online marketing plan

It’s time to leverage social media to build your list

Follow these simple steps and see how quickly it helps you build your list:

Decide which social media platforms will best serve your needs, and the needs of your market, and start interacting

and engaging Be clear on what you want your reader or visitor to do Ask them to leave a comment, share your post, +1 your

article, re-tweet you or LIKE your page. It’s been proven that simply by asking visitors to take a certain action makes

them much more likely to do so. So ask!

Have only one Call To Action or your visitors will be confused about what you

want them to do, and likely will do nothing

Top Tip:

A client I was working with recently had no less than six calls to action on her home-page, and wondered why her response rate was so low


Visitors were bouncing round her site looking at all the options and then leaving without taking

any action. She wondered why no one was signing up for her mailing list


Simple! Because she hadn’t made it clear what she wanted her visitors to do


Are you clear on the actions you’re asking your readers to take? Resources….Freebies & Guides

12 Top Social Media

Information packed webinars