9 inspiring quotes about PR and social media



9 inspiring quotes about PR and social media chosen from select parts of the book "Share this too. More social media solutions for PR professionals" created by Chartered Institute of Public Relations and edited by R. Brown and S. Waddington.

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9 inspiring quotes about PR and social media

source: Share this too. More social media solutions for PR professionals edited by R. Brown and S. Waddington

1.„I believe that the discipline of PR is in a process of rapid evolution.(…) There are new skills to learn (…)

One of these skills is the ability to read and interpret web analytics. The data may be more complex, but it’s increasingly easy to access and gain insight from. Many web services and social networks have easy-to-use built-in in analytics.

Every PR person should have at least working knowledge of how to gather insight and information this way.”

Rob Brown@robbrown

2.„Social media content should always have a clear purpose, be that to inform, entertain or inspire.

Before embarking on social media programme, brands should consider carefully what outcomes they are seeking to achieve. Are they attempting to gain insight, elicit a response, or drive traffic, whether online or in-store?

By being explicit about what their social media content is trying to achieve, they are better placed to set clear, measurable goals that can act as a benchmark for future activity.”

Dom Burch@domburch

3.„In the age of shareable “always on” communications, brands are being urged to become publishers and use content more effectively to deliver business benefit. (…) Acting like a media company and producing content that people want to read, watch or listen to, is very different from producing content you want people to read – the difference between publishing and advertising”

Robin Wilson@robin1966

4.„PR is a more complex process than previously and the landscape of potential influencers you will have to engage with has become more complex. The place to start and address this challenge through rethinking how we do planning. This has been broken down into three sections:

Insights – to better understand audience behavior and opinions

Influence – to understand who are the most powerful conversationalists on social platforms

Messaging – to sense check the language that an organization uses in its Communications.”

Ged Caroll@r_c


„Remember that you cannot control other people’s behavior on the internet, but you can set the environment and you can influence it. Get that right and the unsociable side of social networking becomes an occasional annoyance rather than a serious problem.”

Dr Mark Pack@markpack


„In the world where distinctions between work and leisure time are increasingly blurred, creating rich game experiences has enormous potential to build engagement between organizations and audiences. Gamification is not a single strategy or toolbox, but rather taking inspiration from successful game design in order to create campaigns which invite greater participation and engagement.”

Sharon O’Dea@sharonodea

7.„Digital culture is now a filter culture. (…) We are all content curators. (…) However, content curation isn’t just about collecting links and saving them, it is about providing context to the reasoning as to why one article is of higher importance then another. A content curator as a result becomes the knowledge source and the go-to person on that particular subject.”

Michael Litman@mlitman

8.„If the old adage <<a picture’s worth a thousand words>> is to be believed, today’s web has got enough for team of travelling encyclopedia salesmen. If web 1.0 was characterized by copy, images are now the king of online content with millions being tagged, tweeted and tumbled each and every second. (…) But could the infographic be the new press release? Well, yes it could.”

Dan Tyte@dantyte


„Digital PR is dead because all PR is digital.”

Rob Brown@robbrown


