9 biggest mistakes businesses make while doing facebook marketing


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9 Biggest Mistakes Businesses make while doing Facebook Marketing

Establishing a strong presence on Facebook is crucial for businesses. But it’s true that little

knowledge is a dangerous thing, when we start marketing on a platform without understanding

it nicely, then we end up getting ourselves in trouble.

If you are not marketing your business right way on Facebook, then you may lose the audience

you have gained because it’s a platform where content is shared at a lightning speed.

Nevertheless, mistakes are not that bad if we can learn from them. Here, you will get to know

the 9 big mistakes that businesses make while doing Facebook Marketing.

1. Slapping anything up at inappropriate times

You just cannot post anything and expect that it will to reach your target audience. Most of the

Facebook audience has 9-5 job, so they do not access social media during the day. Posting an

update at an appropriate time, when most of the users are online increase the likelihood that

your efforts will not go in vain.

Early morning and early evening posts always work better. So, do not slap up anything up at any

time, as the chances are that you may not be able to get to your audience.

2. Marketing your business through a Profile

You shouldn’t use your Facebook profile to market your business. Profiles do not offer analytics

tools, so you do not get to know whether you are reaching your fans or not. You cannot get the

information that which strategies are working well for your business and which are not without


There is a lot of difference between sending a friend request and page invites, no user would

like to share their personal details with your brand. And, if you do so then you are also violating

Facebook’s Terms of Service and it might delete your Profile.

3. Marketing your business using a Group

It is recommended to not to market your business using a Facebook Group. The main intention

behind Group is to connect with each other on common interests and hobbies not with a

specific brand. It doesn’t work well with the groups when a single person controls and shares


So, if you want to get effective results with your Facebook marketing then you shouldn’t do it

through Groups, as they weren’t created for this purpose.

4. Selling, instead of telling

The most common mistake marketers make is by selling too much instead of telling more about

the business. Selling all the time does not work well; if you want to sell all the time then you

should rather run a Facebook ad.

A Facebook page that only talks about the deals and offers you provide is the biggest mistake

marketers make. So, you need to make sure that you are not too pushy while marketing your

products on this social network.

5. Using Shortened URLs in the Posts

We think that shortening URLs work in our interest but we are wrong. It is recommended to not

to shorten URLs while posting on social media, as it decreases the relevancy of your post.

Studies have revealed that full-length URLs receive three times more clicks as compared to

shortened ones.

Most of the people do not click on the shortened links. There exist plenty of tools for this

purpose and most of the marketers shorten it to manage social media effectively. But you

should avoid it, as it puts a negative impact on your business Facebook presence.

6. Posting Lengthy and too many Updates

Posting too many updates in a single day can never work well for your brand. Your audience

gets bored of you if you do so. And, posting lengthy updates with no visuals in it is the major

reason that you are unable to generate potential results from your marketing efforts.

You should always keep an appropriate time interval before posting updates. And, if you want

your audience to read your posts, then you must not share very lengthy posts and that too

without any images.

7. Not using Facebook tools

Not using Facebook tools is the biggest mistake any marketer can make while marketing. You

can customize your Page with the help of these tools and provide users a customized

experience. For example, you can create a ‘Welcome Tab’ for users by using the tools.

There are many Facebook Page tools that you can use to make the presence of your business

effective. You should make full use of them to accelerate your business growth on Facebook.

8. Not having a Clear Call-to-action

The posts which have a clear call-to-action like ‘Share’ are likely to get better two times better

clicks than the posts with no CTA buttons. With a compelling CTA you can prompt the users to

take an action what you want them to take.

You may miss out your potential buyers if you do not include a CTA button in your posts. So,

make sure to incorporate an effective one in all your posts.

9. Not Responding to the comments

A mistake that most of the marketers make is by ignoring the comments. If your audience is

making an effort to comment on your post, then they want a reply back to know that you are

listening. You can engage with your audience well by responding on the comments.

Pages that participate in comments threads win out the trust of their users. And, the best part

is that Facebook notifies the user when you reply and this brings him back on your page, so it’s

foolish to ignore comments.

These are the common mistakes that most of the marketers make while marketing their

business on Facebook. We hope that you will learn from the above mentioned mistakes and try

to avoid them to generate potential results from Facebook Marketing.

Source: 9 Biggest Mistakes Businesses make while doing Facebook Marketing