10 Things about Facebook That Affect Your Internet Privacy!



Facebook has been hammered for its privacy in the recent years. This blog will give tips on how to improve Facebook Privacy for its users. You can read the full article at: http://www.bestvpnservice.com/blog/top-10-facebook-privacy-tips/

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Did you ever feel that your Privacy on FACEBOOK is beingVIOLATED?

Did you EVER feel that you need to get your

Personal SpaceBack?

Do you want to

know how to

Improve your

Privacy Settings


Stick around

we are about

to show you



? ?



Who Can See What!

Categorize your


Assign friends

appropriate to those


Start sharing

Don’t Let People

Look You UpStop being stalkedGo to privacy

settingsEdit “Who can look

me up” the way you want

Be invisible ;)

Stay Under the

Public Search

RadarEnabled the public search

option? Not a good idea!Uncheck it in the privacy

settings“Google! You Can’t

See(arch) Me”

Define Who Can Post

and Who Can See

Don’t want to share something with your parents.

Be in Control! Edit “who can look me up” in the “Privacy Settings” LIKE A BOSS!

Your Friends Might Give Your

Data Away – Inadvertently!

Cursed with dumb Friends? Have no fear of apps your

friends use Edit your privacy settings and

edit the feature “Apps Others use”. Voila! Instant Salvation from those pesky apps

Are We Done


Not Yet… 5 More to Go..

And it Gets BETTER!

Don’t Let Other Websites

Snoop Your FACEBOOK Data

Tired of Getting Stalked?Select the “Apps” option in

settings and edit “Instant Personalization” and have your stalkers banished from your REALM!

Use it! and Remove


Apps you have once used are like “Leeches”. They don’t stop sucking your data

Worried? No need! We got you covered!

Go to Settings>Apps and remove the ones you don’t want. TA-DAH!!

Don’t Click If It

Doesn’t Seem Right

Trust us on this one! You DON’T want to live the rest of your FACEBOOK life in utter embarrassment.

Be a Star, control your nerves and Don’t… and we mean NEVER Click on suspicious links!


? ?

! !

Because we don’t want you to go from this

To this

The Dreaded

Graph Search

The “Graph Search” that we all Love to Hate!

Avoiding Graph Search is simple.

Go to your albums and select “Friends Only” from the vertical dropdown.

Stalkers be trippin’ :P

Don’t Let the ‘PHISHERS’ Fish You!

Phishers are creepy impostors who intend to befriend you and steal your data

Avoid them by being vigilant. Be Bond, Be Very Bond!

The Final Word

“If you really want to hack someone, the easiest place to start is a fake FACEBOOK profile—it's so simple, it's stupid. They're [FACEBOOK] not listening. We need oversight on this."

Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn ya!

-Eric Fineberg

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