What investors want to see



What investors want to see? Document adapted by Rodrigo Dantas. The principal content is based in a lesson in Stanford University. Lecture given by Mick Lyons and Jack Fuchs (investors and teachers).

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What investors want to see?

What investors want to see? Jack Fuchs and Mike Lyons - Stanford teachers and investors

Adapted by Rodrigo Dantas - CEO - at Vindi

“You will fail” Jack Fuchs

1. Burning Need – Who has hair on fire Our product is a Pain Killer ou Vitamin?

2. Big enough market Pivoting and be careful with the market size

3. Business Models Customer acquisition costs

4. Sustainable Competitive Positioning Who is the competitors? Why are we better?

Can you sustain this advantage? What is your unfair advantage?

5. Why us? Why now? Do you have the best team, and best technology?

Why now: behavior, idea, market, product innovation, regulator?

6. PLUS: Your own personal filter

Empathy may be plus.

a.Team b. Connection with the Problem

c. Recruitment Capacity d. Execution

Forget the idea!

7. What they are looking for?

Venture Capitals

8. What they are looking for?

Early Stage = 10x expected return Growth Stage = 3x expected return

9. What i need for success?

Another chance

Customers Early Adopters

Team Zealots Money Team Tigers Product or Service

More Money More Customers Professional Management

Don't be focused on get rich

10. What they want to see?

Idea People Culture Product

Traction Distribution





11. What is important to you?

Step by Step Think Global

Create a Culture Be focused

Have a purpose

Be crazy about metrics!

12. One billion market, is a big market to them.

Should be for you too

13. Startups fail because they lack customers, not funding.

Create a customer culture

14. Approximation approach with a VC

Humility (don’t paint the “red flag”).

Ask a permission Be practical

Be the investors excited

Thanks, !

Rodrigo Dantas - vindi.com.br

