Vincent gmc personal branding 2016 ppt


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Personal branding: Not just for the rich

and famousA live-action movie by Vincent


150,000,000+ Total Pageviews

50 million+ unique visitors 200,000+


1.Traffic: Zero to 50,000 visitors a month2.0 to thousands of followers in weeks

3. Training, coaching, consultancy

I used to dress much smarter

Me, by royal appointment

65-date North American Tour

Salt Lake City, Utah | Victoria + Vancouver, Canada

Austin + Dallas + Houston + SXSW, Texas

Boston, Massachusetts | Denver + Boulder, Colorado

L.A. + San Francisco, California | Manhattan, NYC

Redmond + Seattle, Washington | Chicago, Michigan

San Francisco was wavy

New York was beautiful

We did the “U” for Utah

Http:// $100,000+ inPre-orders

Search“Secret Sauce”On Indiegogo:

A word of warning

What do you do?




By the time you leave here:

- You’ll understand how to setup and grow your personal brand

Personal Branding EquationVanity + Value - time spent

= Good Personal Branding

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

2. People only care what you give to or can do for them

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

2. People only care what you give to or can do for them

3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all three)

Content is key

Content is key

Content is key

The secret formula of being sticky:

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

2. People only care what you give them

3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all three)

4. Use influencers, but don’t rely on them

Finding Influencers:

Finding Influencers (2)

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

2. People only care what you give them

3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all three)

4. Use influencers, but don’t rely on them

5. Building your brand is 10% content, 90% distribution

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

2. People only care what you give them

3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all three)

4. Use influencers, but don’t rely on them

5. Building your brand is 10% content, 90% distribution

6. 1 in 5 good posts is all you need/people will remember

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

2. People only care what you give them

3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all three)

4. Use influencers, but don’t rely on them

5. Building your brand is 10% content, 90% distribution

6. 1 in 5 good posts is all you need/people will remember

7. Copy until you develop your own style

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.

2. People only care what you give them

3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all three)

4. Use influencers, but don’t rely on them

5. Building your brand is 10% content, 90% distribution

6. 1 in 5 good posts is all you need/people will remember

7. Copy until you develop your own style

8. Never say no to public appearances

The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.2. People only care what you give them3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all

three)4. Use influencers, but don’t rely on them5. Building your brand is 10% content, 90% distribution6. 1 in 5 good posts is all you need/people will remember7. Copy until you develop your own style8. Never say no to public appearances9. Scale worldwide as soon as possible using


The 10 rules of personal branding1. No-one cares about you.2. People only care what you give them3. Be everywhere, but choose Text/Video/Photos (or all

three)4. Use influencers, but don’t rely on them5. Building your brand is 10% content, 90% distribution6. 1 in 5 good posts is all you need/people will remember7. Copy until you develop your own style8. Never say no to public appearances9. Scale worldwide as soon as possible using

Twitter/Eventbrite10.Be vulnerable > say what people are really feeling

ESSENTIALS1.Personal Facebook = Public


ESSENTIALS1.Personal Facebook = Public


ESSENTIALS1.Personal Facebook = Public


ESSENTIALS1. Personal Facebook = Public Facebook

2. Twitter

3. LinkedIn

4. A place for content e.g.

Wordpress/Medium (text)

Instagram/Tumblr (pictures)

YouTube/Periscope/Meerkat (video)

Community Management Cheat Sheet1.Use Buffer software2.Block out 9pm-12pm every Sunday night3.4x Money/Event Facebook posts/LinkedIn posts a week every morning M-Th 10am, fun posts 6pm every day

4.3 money tweets a day: 10am, 2pm, 6pm Fun tweets 11am, 4pm, 7pm

5.Peripheral networks: Instagram, Pinterest etc

6.Write mailout

Social Media:1. Get a following2. Broadcast to them3. Reap the benefits4. Profit?!?!?!?

Momma I made it! - Viral content aggregator

Let’s say your niche is “Food”

Make your posts public!Add me on Facebook here: Vincent Dignan

***How to do a successful Facebook post in 2016 (method)***

1. DON’T PUT AN EXTERNAL LINK - Facebook will block people from seeing it in their feeds. If you do this and this only, you will increase your engagement and number of people who see it by 50%. Half the reason @traffic and copy has grown so quickly and is glued into your feeds is we actively discourage dropping links- most dead Facebook groups are repositories for people spamming links. UPDATE: Facebook has finally started blocking people who spam the same links in multiple Facebook groups. Like I always say, these methods don’t last forever- affiliates made millions doing this before it got shut down. Someone even dared to spam a sunglasses link in the group a little while back (rude)

2. Include a PHOTO with every post - To avoid doing this is lazy- it stops people in their tracks when they’re browsing their feed and gives you an extra shot at them reading it. Expert level: The picture ideally must never have been uploaded to Facebook before (FB check .EXIF data on the photo, and rewards original content for obvious reasons) My mentor Dan Meredith gets around this by posting a brand new selfie for most of his posts

3. METHOD POSTS - People don’t care about your idea. They don’t even really care about giving you advice to help you. They want things which are going to improve their lives and (in the business context) put money in their pockets via traffic to their websites, etc. If you’re in the entertainment space, they want entertainment. So if you can give value, groups and friends will like you.

4. Posting time: A little over rated as a metric. Only really matters when you have a critical mass of 5,000+ following you (like in this group). KEY IS to post 3 times a day (again, hat tip to Dan Meredith for finding this out), different people are online at different times. When I’m not busy with Harambe, I post into this group at 8am (for UK earlybirds and L.A. insomniacs), 4pm (NYC coffee break, UK getting ready to go home) and 8pm (L.A. is getting up, NYC getting bored, and UK people browsing late-night)

5. Tell stories, with tangental mentions of your business/service. These have a short shelf life if you’re talking to people who have never heard of you before- I think people are gonna get sick of super long Facebook groups from coaches soon. For now, they work really well for engagement

6. Convert your written posts into video posts for Facebook and YouTube. Facebook Live gets shown to the most people, so if you can do that, you should- Facebook sends notifications to all your friends currently to let them know that you’re live.

***How to do a successful Facebook post in 2016 (method)***

***How to do a successful Facebook post in 2016 (method)***

7. beware diminishing returns: Once you’ve told your core audience/group about a certain product you have, after a few posts people will “tune out” so remember to innovate with add-ons or new ideas to convert browsers to clicks/fans

8. If you have a small team (like I do with Secret Sauce Conference, my events company) get them to like/share important posts within the first ten minutes of them going out to ensure they reach the most people the quickest. Facebook shows your posts to a few people who follow you- If they like/comment/share it shows to more, and so on

9. Don’t be too technical- You’ll alienate a lot of people

10. Use “pattern disrupts” - emojis, deliberate misspellings, slang (I love rn and af as shorthand and don’t care if people don’t know what they mean), taboo subjects (never religion or politics though).

Bonus: Save your best posts for popular Facebook group “Traffic and copy”. They have a wholesome community of friends who will like everything you post!

The future of community - 7k in 7 weeks

Your Facebook Group: Get 1,000 members in 1 hour1) Create group, image, description, etc2) Click "Add people to group" on top right3) Press "a" key to bring up all of your friends who start with the letter a, click them one by one, eventually after selecting 8 or so it will say it is full.4) Then type "b" and click all of those, and so on, all the way through the alphabet5) When you get to z, add a vowel to each letter, so firstly "ao", "bo", "co" etc6) Repeat for a, e, i, and u after the first letter7) This will cover 95% of you and your co-founders friends lists, and you're done

1. Ideal User is critical2. Reply and flood hashtags3. Who says Instagram gets no clickthroughs?


Who says Instagram gets no clickthroughs?Create a quick, to-the- point bio (150 characters or less) followed by a direct CTA that uses a memorable URL.

Use something like or The link should take users to a unique page so you can track traffic you are generating on Instagram. This page should offer them INSANE VALUE

Put your URL/emojis in your location!

The best Twitter tool of all time

Search by gender, job title, location,

company/person - mad targeting

Activity: Finding your customers

Tweepi will get you followers.

Twitter basics 1. Steal the good stuff, only RT compliments2. Tweet the same (article) 5 times3. Pictures most likely to be retweeted4. Tweet lots: 50 - 100 tweets a day is fine5. Tweepi gets you followers literally today

Top Linkedin channels by followers:

Find some Linkedin groups to post into here.

Snapchat, Periscope, WhatsAppPeriscope: Getting very important if your company is your personal brand: Download thisSnapchat: Great for real-life event promotions and flash sales/youth brands. ROI questionableWhatsApp: If you can live with yourself

Here comes a new challenger! & Smarterqueue loop updates

CONTENT1.We are all subject to base

desires: Get laid, get paid, lose weight

Guest posting 101

What to write:

5 ways our industry is broken/ needs to improve

How to do X, without Y, e.g. if divorce “How to improve your marriage without speaking to your partner about it”

5 things I wish I knew about this industry before I started

10 ways our industry will develop in the next year

A full list of all the software our company uses to stay productive and efficient

Guest posting 101Do you want to write for:

Guest posting 1012 ways to do it:

Guest posting 1012 ways to do it:

1)Pitch an editor (old fashioned way)

Guest posting 1012 ways to do it:

1)Pitch an editor (old fashioned way)

2)Contribute via webform (and pray)

Guest posting 101Huffington Post:

1. Have an appealing story. ...2. Find the appropriate section (and editor) to pitch to. ...3. Pitch the editor. ...4. Wait for a response. ...5. Deliver the content according to the parameters set by the editor. ...6. Get signed up for a Huffington Post blogger account.

Send in the final draft of your completed piece to

Pitch your story idea at pitches@inc.comBecome a regular columnist by submitting your request to

Info here

+ Ask me for 200 more

Outreach is everything for the first five years- Follow/reach out to people

daily- Ask to guest blog- Book your own talks- Build your network constantly

SECRET SAUCEIs EVERYTHING. What can you do better than anyone else?What’s your core story?

Everything you ever need to know about SALES1.Have something unique - Red ocean/blue


Finding your blue ocean strategy

Finding your blue ocean strategy

Finding your blue ocean strategy


Finding your blue ocean strategy



2. Don’t waste money on sales channels you don’t understand- Generally speaking,

social media & content can’t save sales. SEO can, if you’re really good

For most early stage companies/consultants, the easiest way to get customers is public speaking=salesMethod: 1.Scan Meetup, Eventbrite, and any other

relevant sites for your keyword, e.g. “startup” “entrepreneur” i.e. find popular meetup groups and ask to speak

2.Ditto co-working spaces/places

Paragraphs for public speaking1. Email or message through Meetup/Eventbrite/web form:

“Hi, I’m a big fan of your meetup. I give a talk on “10 ways to improve X” that I think your audience would love. Do you have any upcoming talks I can give it at? I have a large network I can invite to the event as well. Let me know, I’d love to be involved!

2. Email and tweet at them at the same time: “Hey just messaged you about getting involved with your group. Let me know what you think, thanks!

4. Criminally UNDERCHARGE to begin with/MVP

5. Main sources of more customers:1.Ask your friends2.Upselling current customers3.Ask for referrals4.Capture data and pitch i.e. email

marketing 5.Give, give, give: then receive + if little

effort, work for influential people for free/build your network.

How to get m***********s to pay up1. ALWAYS take first month in advance “We sell a service, you wouldn’t pay for a flight afterwards”

2. Offer them a 2% discount if they pay within 48 hours- some companies have policies meaning they HAVE to pay these

3. (If you work for someone else) “My boss is on my back…”

4. (If you run your own company) “I need you to pay so I can pay my staff”

Make your customers love you, right this second

1. Write to all your current and potential customers right this second. Ask them how your service is going, whether they’re ready to smash it this week, and if there’s anything more you can do for them. The third part works great because most won’t ask you to do more work (if that’s what you’re scared of) and it leads nicely to upsets

2. More generally, setup in your CRM to give an immediate, unexpected free gift and thank you note for every sale. What happens immediately after the sale is critical in reducing refund rates and starting the relationship well, which leads much easier to upsets. For the Harambe Kickstarter, we gave (and still giving if you haven’t bought yet!) everyone a content bundle of some of my most useful posts, including my guide to staying productive and growth hacking cheat sheet.

3. Trigger an automated message or reminder for a manual email two weeks into the month to check with them whether their expectations are being met. This is a great chance to fix any early problems and reduce cancel rate

Make your customers love you, right this second

1. CARE ABOUT THEIR RESULTS AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. Just because you can get the sale, doesn’t mean that’s good enough. I tell my coaching clients they pay me for my attention only- IF they don’t do the homework they set themselves they forfeit the right to speak to me until they complete their tasks (I learnt this through doing a lot of coaching in 2015 as Mr. Nice Guy but found many clients weren’t progressing as fast as I hoped). I had a coach who called me up out of the blue and told me he was cancelling our contract as it wasn’t working, causing me major alarm (bear in mind I was paying him!) a great exercise in client control

2. Understand clients vision, personal life, fears and hopes. They can cancel at any second and go to another service provider who (let’s be honest) provides basically the same service, you need to go deeper than technical aspects and mechanical going through the motions to build relationships that last years.


Become a hunter gatherer (of emails)

Redress the power balance

Voila Norbert: Find anyone’s email address

We are all connected

Now convert into gold...

Email is 40x as effective as Facebook and Twitter combined

(Source: McKinsey, 2015)

Send people to Customized landing pages,increases conversion rate by 25%+

45% of all e-mails are opened on mobile

-email automation

Say hello to hello bar - Awesome widgets, no code - Awesome widgets, no code (2)

I’m looking to meet:- Interesting startups/founders who have product/market fit (typically, seed investment too) & looking to grow their users

- Anyone who can help me book more talks/conferences

- Media/P.R.- People who want to learn my secrets :)

OUT ON INDIEGOGO NOW!Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking

Everything you’ve seen tonight, in a lot more detail. “No brainer” package is key





+ Tweet me your feedback: @vincentdignan