Technology For Entrepreneurs


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Technology for Entrepreneurs

Hosting options Cloud options CDN

Databases like –MySQL, NoSQL DBs

Searching/ScrapingData Analytics, Big



PHP, Python, Ruby, Java

CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, Drupla

Frameworks: Ruby on rails, Django ,Laravel,


Node.js, JQuery, CSS3, HTML5

Themes, Templates, Designing resources

Videos, animations Presentation

Demystifying the Stack


• Shared Hosting -• Server shared with other users• No root access• Limited configuration through cPanel• Can’t install new software or upgrade• Costs free - $7/month

• VPS (Virtual Private Server)• Cost $10+/per month• Providers – DigitalOcean/LiNode/RackSpace/Heroku/AWS

• Dedicated server• Physical server dedicated to you

• Data Centre w/ or w/o hardware• Data centre provide higher security configuration and more secure


• When do I need it?

• From your play ground to the time you make it BIG

• Use it for you MVP, prototypes and keep scaling it to the level of a big enterprise

• If your solution needs infrastructure but only in an incremental way e.g. B2B solution

• Service providers: AWS, Rackspace, Salesforce, Joyent, Microsoft, Citrix

• AWS – Rich in features, but costly and a little difficult to control in the beginning

• Rackspace – Easy control with moderate features

• Linode or DigitalOcean – Relative inexpensive options and good for startups

• Who’s using it?

• Every big player: Pinterest, LinkedIn, AirBNB, Quora, NASA

• Pricing details:

• Free to as per need


• Relational: MySQL –• Free,• Easy integration with higher layer technologies• Easy to find a developer.

• NoSQL DBs: MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB• Useful when one has to store humongous amount of data without complex

structure.• Retrieve a lot of data quickly and efficiently

• What does it really mean?• Begin your MVP or prototype with MySQL.• High scale, a lot of data crunching should need NoSQL DBs.• In fact use a combination of both.

• Who’s using it?• Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter.



Language Simple, storage and presentation of content.

Python is a general purpose programming language.

Ruby is best at creating web application of data entities.

Complex architecture, threading processes.

Developers Highest Low Lowest Average

Cost ($) Low Average Average High

Development Time Average Low Low High

Performance Average High Average Highest

E.g. FB, Wiki, Yahoo Youtube, Yahoo map Twitter, Groupon, Shopify, Indiegogo


Every Thing Put together.

Blog, content, social community websites, Web interface for simple services like a listing websites For MPVs, Prototypes.

It can be used to build almost anything from web apps, crawlers, daemons and desktop GUI applications.

Interactive Web app. Enterprise level applications or desktop applicationswith complex algorithms, multi-threading etc.

Content Management Systems (CMS)WORDPRESS JOOMLA DRUPAL Magento

Developers High(You don’t need one)

Average Low Low

Most used High Average Low For e-commerce

Development Time Low Average High Average

Cost ($) Low Average High Average

Resources (Plug-ins ...) High Average High Good for e-commerce

E.g. CNN, Forbes, Wiki, Yahoo

Harvard university, Yahoo map

Linux, W2E

Every Thing Put together.

Ideal for fairly simple web sites, such as everyday blogging and news sites, simple content presentation.

Joomla allows you to build a site with more content and structure flexibility than Wordpress offers.Supports E-commerce, social networking and more.

For complex, advanced and versatile sites; for sites that require complex data organization; for community platform sites with multiple users; for online store.

If you are trying to make some ecommerce solution with less technical expertise and in relatively less time.

Frameworks: Django/Ruby on Rails

• Django• Possible to quickly build, deploy and scale powerful applications in just days • Let’s you build cool applications quickly, lets you ‘Fail Fast’ and come up with

prototypes with a shorter time line

• What can I make from this? • Virtually any web application can be easily and quickly built• In fact both Rails and Django are equally powerful, and in the end it often

boils down to a question of Ruby v/s Python

• Who’s using it?• Django - Instagram, Pinterest, Disqus, EventBrite• Ruby on Rails - Twitter, Github, Basecamp, Walmart Labs, Groupon.

• Other frameworks (PHP ones):• Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter etc


• Node.js • An event driven, non-blocking I/O model which makes it lightweight and efficient.

• perfect for real time applications across distributed services.

• What does it really mean? –• Node makes it super easy and faster for one to build cool stuff in an app that

happens in real time, giving the users an amazing experience.

• What can I make from this?• Real time collaboration tools (CodeTable)

• Chat applications

• Real time analysis dashboard

• Real time multi-player games

• Who’s using it? • Yahoo, Microsoft, Walmart, Mozilla, Linkedin.

Data Crawling & Scraping

• What can I make from this?• You need a website for say Price Comparison.• Extracting data in structured format form external sites like a Real Estate Listing or

Financial data.• Image Scraping

• Technologies• Python, Scrapy• PHP, Guzzle

• Cost ($ + Time) • Low to High depending upon complexity.

• Challenges• IP Blocking• Multi factor authentication• Data Volumes


• When do I need it?• For a website with large amounts of data, and when you need to search

through this data.

• A number of users with their profiles e.g. LinkedIn, FB

• An ecommerce portal data is searched on various attributes: Price, Description, Brand, Features

• Technology: Standard database search is not optimal and it requires special searching solutions• Apache SolR™

• ElasticSearch

• Developers: Low

• Cost: Avg-High

Backend – Big Data and Data analytics

• When do you need it?• If you are working on ideas to capture some trends or you want to creation

some predictions models where you study some behavior and then predict about the next possibilities.

• Technologies:• Hadoop: An open-source software framework.• Spark ( - a fast and general engine for large-scale

data processing.

• Cost ($ + Effort):• Average to High: The technology could be free but the developers are few and

costly. • The infrastructure required is costly

• Who is using it: • Yahoo, Facebook, Adobe, Netflix, Amazon, Twitter.

CDN (Content Delivery Network)

• For real-time and fast responsive website

• Services• Cloudfare

• Amazon Cloudfront

• Rackspace

• MaxCDN

• CacheFly

• Incapsula

• jsDeliver (Free)

FrontEnd – Themes, Templates, Designing and other resources

• - Free image proceesingonline.

• - Helps you make your logo.

• – Logo designs etc.

• - Make explainer like simple videos.

• - Simple animations.

• - Template and themes inspiration.


• - The stacks of popular companies.

• - What a website is made up of.

• - Mail Server

• - Know the stack of popular websites.

• - Creating wireframes.

• or - Collaboration, code review & code management.

• - Collaboration.

• - Website management and search engine submissions.

• - Website analytics.
