Growth hacking: How We Acquired 100K Early Bird Signups with Zero Marketing Budget



Most startups dream about immense organic traffic at their launch. While there has been no rocket or viral growth for us yet, we gain a steady stream of new users every day. We at have grown from 0 to 100K signups in 10 months – spending zero – practicing the methods described in this presentation. Read the full article at

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From 0 to 100K Early Bird Signups withZero Marketing Budget



Tip #1

Prepare to listen

Your firsthappy usersare the best


Why? You find out if your product brings real value for the target audienceThe first feedback providers are your trusted community and loyal promotersUsers generate great ideas and topics for your blogYou can use the insightful testimonials on your website to establish credibility

Tip #1

Prepare to listen: tools

A Feedback forum – usehelpdesk systems (Zendesk,Odesk, UserEcho and ourfavorite one – Freshdesk)

Social Media – Twitterand Facebook pages toassist users outside theproduct.

Email ( –to respond to privatequestions which maycontain personalinformation.

Tip #2

Start with Your Strongest Side — YourExisting Network

Pitch to everyone.Everywhere




Address book

Business partners

Instagram followers

Tip #3

Let Your Product Be Used inWorkshops and in Academia

RealtimeBoard at Ethnogramworkshop with Vodafone

Open Google, type in “[your audience] workshops”into the search box, and go.

Tip #3

Let Your Product Be Used inWorkshops and in Academia

Events let you interact closely with the audience, understand theway they think and use your product, and see the reaction rightaway.Even if you don't attend the event, the organizers gather audienceat their channels and bring credibility to your product.Some organizers were glad to introduce our logo on theirwebsites, write posts, and embed our video, which brought usonline users and backlinks.

Lessons learned:

Tip #4

Earn Reviews and Blog Postsfrom Users

RealtimeBoard at Ethnogramworkshop with Vodafone

It works just like a snowballeffect –once your product isreferred to in a blog, you’llcontinue to receive newreviews every month.

in 5 months we had700 backlinks andmore than 100 000 visitors (andthat was only beta)

Tip #4

Earn Reviews and Blog Postsfrom Users

1. Find users who can write about you (use your existingnetwork!)2. Send your startup for review (use Mashable, MakeUseOf,AppStorm and other sites, just google them)3. Connect with bloggers and authors, mention them in yourtweets and posts4. Have a good story and don't pay for review

Tip #5

Work on Your PR

Visiting journalist-attended events andparticipating instartupcompetitions may bea bridge to the mostpopular media.

Startup competitions (TechCrunch, DEMO)

Startup alleys and exhibitions

Techie competitions

Education for startups

Tip #6

Use Your Product as a ViralSpringboard

Which part or your product can make it sharableorganically? Until now, we’ve used the following ways:

Peer-to-peer invitations via emailPeer-to-peer invitations via FacebookEmbed sharing at outer websites and blogs“Post to Facebook” option

These altogether so far have brought about 15% of totalsignups, and there’s room to grow.

Tip #7

Getting Broader Audience — We’veFound the Perfect Platform

7 things to help you get better ranking

Google Chrome Web Store helped us to increase trafficin several times

Keyword OptimizationThe Cover PhotoCategories and CollectionsRelevant Integrations (e.g. Google Drive)Current Users (let them know about your new app)Multiple Language Version of Chrome StoreLanding Page Optimization

Tip #7.5

Work hard on your product andlove it!

1. Find users who can write about you (use your existingnetwork!)2. Send your startup for review (use Mashable, MakeUseOf,AppStorm and other sites, just google them)3. Connect with bloggers and authors, mention them in yourtweets and posts4. Have a good story and don't pay for reviewTry to make your product better and better every day and bringhappiness to your customers. Love them – and they will give you love,traffic and ... money :)

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