Know the benefits of Stand Up Pouches for your Industry!



Get plastic pouches for packaging at the most budget-friendly rates and make your industry stand out from the competition. Stand up pouch is reusable, resealable zipper storage bags and containers that are available and manufactured in different sizes for use with different products of the different industry.

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Stand up pouch is reusable, resealable zipper storage bags and containers that are available and manufactured in different

sizes for use with different products of the different industry. Solos polymers is a zip lock pouch manufacturer that offers

customizable options for manufacturing zip-lock pouches as per the demand of their customers. Mainly these zip log bags

are used for storing food and pharmaceutical products, therefore the manufacturing of these bags is done using premium

quality raw materials. Such high-quality zip lock pouch bags


Ziplock pouches are designed in a way to keep the stored

product fresh for a long period. While manufacturing we

use several specialty films like puncture-resistant films.

There are many other films too that protect against

moisture, UV rays, environmental changes, external

elements, and so much more. We as a stand-up pouch

supplier understand and try to fulfill the requirements of our

clients because we believe more in customer satisfaction.


We can proudly say that zip lock bag pouches offered by

us are environment-friendly. Plastic packaging products are

nowadays much demanding, thus earlier they weren’t

biodegradable. But as the new technology thrives in, we

have quickly switched our plastic packaging materials into

biodegradable and recyclable materials. Plus, besides

being qualities like biodegradable and recyclable,

the pouches we manufacture contain the same safety and

quality as earlier.


Plastic zip lock pouches satisfy every aspect of

transportation. The main two aspects are durability and

cost reduction. During transportation, the shipped product

should not get damaged or spoiled. As the manufactured

zip lock consists of various films they are tear and wear-

resistant that ensures the avoidance of the damage of the

product. Not only it shows higher durability, but it also

provides you a cost-effective solution. One can fit a large

number of units in a single time which lowers the fuel cost,

ultimately transporting cost is also reduced.


The most common stand up pouch with which almost every one of us is familiar is a round bottom gusset pouch that can

be folded flat once it has been emptied. Stand up pouches are generally used to be kept on the mall shelves, therefore a

die-cut pouch may attract many consumers. Some additional options available in shapes and sizes are:

Vacuum zip lock pouch

Bottom gusset pouch

Flat bottom pouch

Transparent stand up pouch

Side sealed pouch and more


We offer our customers various printing and customization options. The zip-lock pouches manufactured have a surface

that can be printed using HD graphics. Also, if a customer needs a bag varying in shapes and sizes then we provide

options that suit their requirements.

These benefits of stand-up plastic pouch packaging for an industry holder like you will also let you meet the goals of your

business. Get plastic pouches for packaging at the most budget-friendly rates and make your industry stand out from the

