Is Your Cat Anxious and Stressed?



Since music has such a positive effect on humans, cats would enjoy this art form as well. At Relax My Cat, we have crafted anti-anxiety audio and visuals to reduce your cat's anxiety plus aids sleep and reduces hyperactivity. Try it today!

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Is Your Cat Anxious and Stressed?


Cats can experience stress if there’s a change to their routine, a dirty litter box, new additions to their home, loud music or fireworks, and more. Most cats hide their stress, which may turn into a slew of health issues.


• Insomnia• Over-grooming• Hiding• Avoiding their litter box• Lack of appetite• Aggressive behavior• Lack of purring and awkward posture

If you found your cat is stressed, here are some ways to help

• Visit the vet• Remove potential stress triggers• Exercise and cuddle time• Create a Kitty Spa Bathroom• Music for Cats

Music is the best way to overcome the stress and anxiety. RelaxMyCat provides music and videos

specifically designed to help cats. We have helped over 2 million cats just like yours in over

100 countries around the globe.
