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FLOWER Flower, the most beautiful things in this world. There are many types of flowers like rose, lily, jasmine, marigold etc. Flowers are used in many ways such as medicine, food, decoration etc.

Beauty of a flower: When we see a flower we get pleasant with its beauty. Flowers are really very soft and beautiful. They appear in thousands of colors and of mixed colors. They look very beautiful and attract our sights. There are many people who are lovers of flowers and have raised gardens of flowers. The poet sings the praise of these flowers. People compare the beautiful faces and palms with flowers. Hence, flowers are really beautiful.

Uses of a flower: By having a keen observation on the flowers we can relate them to various nature of human being like a flower is beautiful by its appearance but it smells very bad this is an example for a person with beautiful appearance but they may be of kind hearted. Flowers are very useful too. They beautify our garden, our courtyard and the front and back of our houses. They beautify the sides of our houses. Bees collect honey from the flowers and store it in their hives. We get this honey from the bee-hives. We make garlands of flowers for the deities and from our honorable guests. We offer flowers to our deities. We put flowers on the flower-vase to beautiful the table in the meetings. Scents are drawn from flowers and are sold for thousands of rupees. A flower or a flower-garden gives us sweet smell. Poets write about the flowers and enrich our literature.

Conclusion:Flowers are very beautiful objects. They give much pleasure to our mind. We should enjoy them from a distance as they dance upon the creepers.

Flowers are the music of the ground from the earth’s lips spoken without sound.

Misba Kouser
