Bitcoin Website Development: We Are Only Leader In Industries!



Incarnate Software Solutions offers bitcoin web design and development services throughout the world. Our services are: Cryptocurrecny development, bitcoin web design, bitcoin development, Bitcoin wallet Integration, BTC to other currency conversion etc..

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Get Best Bitcoin Website Development Services


1. Bitcoin Website development Service .2. What Is A Cryptocurrency And Bitcoin?3. What Is Bitcoin and Is It a Good Investment?4. Bitcoin: What Is It, and Is It Right for Your

Business?5. What Can Use a Bitcoins For?

Bitcoin Website development Service

Bitcoin is a consensus network that enables a new payment system and completely digital money. It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that is powered by its users with no central authority or middlemen. From a user perspective, Bitcoin is pretty much like cash for the Internet. Bitcoin can also be seen as the most prominent triple entry bookkeeping system in existence.

Why Incarnate For Bitcoin Website Development:

Incarnate have always been a proud advocate and supporter of high quality open source systems and for this and many other reasons we are pleased to announce that we now accept Bitcoins and many other crypto currencies for website development services.

We work for following crypto coins:


The original and gold standard of cryptographic coins. Bitcoin is the most widely used crypto coin and is accepted by retail outlets, restaurants, bars and some the very big online stores with a multi-billion dollar market-cap it’s not hard to see why.


Litecoin is a crypto currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol and is currently the second largest and widely used coin.


A new coin which has in a very short time become extremely popular and growing, rapidly reaching a staggering daily market-cap of 90 million dollars.

Incarnate Software also holds expertise in Wallet Integration ,BTC address generation through Blockchain ,Escrow payment ,API’s like Bitpay ,Icepay , Bitcoin Daemon.

What Is A Cryptocurrency And Bitcoin

The Web is part of society and is shaped by society. And until society is a crime-free zone, the Web won't be a crime-free zone.

So what is a cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is a decentralised payment system, which basically lets people send currency to each other over the web without the need for a trusted third party such as a bank or financial institution. The transactions are cheap, and in many cases, they're free. And also, the payments are pseudo anonymous as well.

As well as that, the main feature is that it's totally decentralised, which means that there's no single central point of authority or anything like that. The implications of this is done by everyone having a full copy of all the transactions that have ever happened with Bitcoin. This creates an incredibly resilient network, which means that no one can change or reverse or police any of the transactions.

The high level of anonymity in there means that it's very hard to trace transactions. It's not totally impossible, but it's impractical in most cases. So crime with cryptocurrency--because you've got fast, borderless transactions, and you've got a high level of anonymity, it in theory creates a system that is ripe for exploitation. So in most cases when it's a crime online with online payment systems, then they tend to go to the authorities and, say, we can hand over this payment information or we can stop these transactions and reverse them. And none of that can happen with Bitcoin, so it makes it ripe for criminals, in theory.

In light of this, a lot of different agencies are researching into Bitcoin and looking at Bitcoin and trying to understand how it works and what they can do to police it. It's also been in the media quite a few times, and the media, being the media, like focus on the bad side of it. So they focus very heavily on the crime with it. So if there's a theft or a scam or something like that, then they tend to blame it on Bitcoin and Bitcoin users.

So the most notable is probably Silk Road, which got taken down recently, and through their $1.2 billion worth of Bitcoins, went to pay for anything from drugs to guns to hit men to those sorts of things. And the media, again, very quickly to blame this on Bitcoins and say that it was the Bitcoin user's fault.

But there's actually very little evidence of the scale of the problem of crime with cryptocurrencies. We don't know if there's a lot or we don't know if there's a little. But despite this, people are very quick to brand it as a criminal thing, and they forget the legitimate uses, such as the fast and quick payment.

So a few research questions I'm looking at in this area is what does crime with Bitcoin look like? So a lot of people will say that scams and thefts have been going on for ages. But the means through which they happen changes with the technology. So a Victorian street swindler would practically be doing something very different to a 419 Nigerian prince scammer.

So the next question that I'd like to research as well is looking at the scale of the problem of crime with cryptocurrency. So by generating a log of known scams and thefts and things like that, we can then cross reference that with the public transaction log of all transactions and see just how much of the transactions are actually illegal and criminal. So my final question would be, to what extent does the technology itself actually facilitate crime? By looking back at the crime logs, we can see which particular sorts of crime happen, and if it is actually the technology's fault, or is this just the same old crimes that we've been looking at before. And once we've consider these things, we can start to think about possible solutions to the issue of crime with Bitcoin.

What Is Bitcoin and Is It a Good Investment

Bitcoin (BTC) is a new kind of digital currency-with cryptographic keys-that is decentralized to a network of computers used by users and miners around the world and is not controlled by a single organization or government. It is the first digital cryptocurrency that has gained the public's attention and is accepted by a growing number of merchants. Like other currencies, users can use the digital currency to buy goods and services online as well as in some physical stores that accept it as a form of payment. Currency traders can also trade Bitcoins in Bitcoin exchanges.

There are several major differences between Bitcoin and traditional currencies (e.g. U.S. dollar):

1. Bitcoin does not have a centralized authority or clearing house (e.g. government, central bank, MasterCard or Visa network). The peer-to-peer payment network is managed by users and miners around the world. The currency is anonymouslytransferred directly between users through the internet without going through a clearing house. This means that transaction fees are much lower.

2. Bitcoin is created through a process called "Bitcoin mining". Miners around the world use mining software and computers to solve complex bitcoin algorithms and to approve Bitcoin transactions. They are awarded with transaction fees and new Bitcoins generated from solving Bitcoin algorithms.

3. There is a limited amount of Bitcoins in circulation. According to Blockchain, there were about 12.1 million in circulation as of Dec. 20, 2013. The difficulty to mine Bitcoins (solve algorithms) becomes harder as more Bitcoins are generated, and the maximum amount in circulation is capped at 21 million. The limit will not be reached until approximately the year 2140. This makes Bitcoins more valuable as more people use them.

4. A public ledger called 'Blockchain' records all Bitcoin transactions and shows each Bitcoin owner's respective holdings. Anyone can access the public ledger to verify transactions. This makes the digital currency more transparent and predictable. More importantly, the transparency prevents fraud and double spending of the same Bitcoins.

5. The digital currency can be acquired through Bitcoin mining or Bitcoin exchanges.

6. The digital currency is accepted by a limited number of merchants on the web and in some brick-and-mortar retailers.

Bitcoin: What Is It, and Is It Right for Your Business?

Bitcoin was invented after decades of research into cryptography by software developer, Satoshi Nakamoto (believed to be a pseudonym), who designed the algorithm and introduced it in 2009. His true identity remains a mystery.

This currency is not backed by a tangible commodity (such as gold or silver); bitcoins are traded online which makes them a commodity in themselves.

Bitcoin is an open-source product, accessible by anyone who is a user. All you need is an email address, Internet access, and money to get started.

Where does it come from?

Bitcoin is mined on a distributed computer network of users running specialized software; the network solves certain mathematical proofs, and searches for a particular data sequence ("block") that produces a particular pattern when the BTC algorithm is applied to it. A match produces a bitcoin. It's complex and time- and energy-consuming.

Only 21 million bitcoins are ever to be mined (about 11 million are currently in circulation). The math problems the network computers solve get progressively more difficult to keep the mining operations and supply in check.

This network also validates all the transactions through cryptography.

How does Bitcoin work?

Internet users transfer digital assets (bits) to each other on a network. There is no online bank; rather, Bitcoin has been described as an Internet-wide distributed ledger. Users buy Bitcoin with cash or by selling a product or service for Bitcoin. Bitcoin wallets store and use this digital currency. Users may sell out of this virtual ledger by trading their Bitcoin to someone else who wants in. Anyone can do this, anywhere in the world.

There are smartphone apps for conducting mobile Bitcoin transactions and Bitcoin exchanges are populating the Internet.

How is Bitcoin valued?

Bitcoin is not held or controlled by a financial institution; it is completely decentralized. Unlike real-world money it cannot be devalued by governments or banks.

Instead, Bitcoin's value lies simply in its acceptance between users as a form of payment and because its supply is finite. Its global currency values fluctuate according to supply and demand and market speculation; as more people create wallets and hold and spend bitcoins, and more businesses accept it, Bitcoin's value will rise. Banks are now trying to value Bitcoin and some investment websites predict the price of a bitcoin will be several thousand dollars in 2014.

What are its benefits?

There are benefits to consumers and merchants that want to use this payment option.

1. Fast transactions - Bitcoin is transferred instantly over the Internet.

2. No fees/low fees -- Unlike credit cards, Bitcoin can be used for free or very low fees. Without the centralized institution as middle man, there are no authorizations (and fees) required. This improves profit margins sales.

3. Eliminates fraud risk -Only the Bitcoin owner can send payment to the intended recipient, who is the only one who can receive it. The network knows the transfer has occurred and transactions are validated; they cannot be challenged or taken back. This is big for online merchants who are often subject to credit card processors' assessments of whether or not a transaction is fraudulent, or businesses that pay the high price of credit card chargebacks.

4. Data is secure -- As we have seen with recent hacks on national retailers' payment processing systems, the Internet is not always a secure place for private data. With Bitcoin, users do not give up private information.

a. They have two keys - a public key that serves as the bitcoin address and a private key with personal data.

b. Transactions are "signed" digitally by combining the public and private keys; a mathematical function is applied and a certificate is generated proving the user initiated the transaction. Digital signatures are unique to each transaction and cannot be re-used.

c. The merchant/recipient never sees your secret information (name, number, physical address) so it's somewhat anonymous but it is traceable (to the bitcoin address on the public key).

What Can Use a Bitcoins For

Practically, almost any product or service that can be bought with dollars or other currencies can also be bought with bitcoins. On the other hand, the high volatility of bitcoins is a huge risk for some people that might want to use this cryptocurrency, but they are afraid about price differences. Even so, the characteristics of bitcoins make them perfect for internet payments:

1. Fast transactions

A bitcoin transaction is processed in 10-15 minutes. In case of a bank transfer, it might take hours or even days for the money to get from one account to the other. Some might say that PayPal or other ewallets are even faster. It is true, but there are other aspects that ewallets can't give: privacy and smaller commissions.

2. Privacy

When you send bitcoins to a partner over the internet, the transaction will be registered in a blockchain. The list of transactions is public, and it can be verified on specialized websites. Only the identification number, the sum and the time are recorded. There is no way for somebody to find out from where the bitcoins come, and where they go. This is characteristic of bitcoins attracted many people. Well, some of those are interested about it because they can buy illegal goods with those, but the majority of bitcoin users are people that want to buy legal items and services, but which don't want to disclose their identity. Porn and gambling websites might be immoral, but they are not illegal, so people that want to subscribe for those services can safely pay in bitcoins on the websites that accept this currency, knowing that their reputation will not be affected.

3. Smaller commissions

The average commission is 0.002 BTC for a transaction. It is significantly smaller compared with the PayPal or banking commissions. Moreover, you are not even obliged to pay it. By paying a commission, you "reserve" the computational power of a pool (or at least a part of it), to process your transaction faster. You even have the possibility not to pay the commission. In this case, you might need to wait two or even three days for your transaction to be processed. If you are not in a hurry, this might be the perfect opportunity to make money transactions with zero costs.

Of course, there are also disadvantages for using bitcoins, such as the possibility to lose them. If somebody steals your bitcoins, or if you delete the wallet files, it is impossible to recover those. As long as the bitcoin is not regulated, there is no central organism for arbitrage between divergent parts. In other words, you can't complain if you lose or you are robbed by your bitcoins, simply because there is nobody to complain to.

Bitcoins are only a part of the cryptocurrency world, as there are many other virtual currencies that might be a good alternative. Devcoins, Litecoins and Dogecoins are only a few of the words that you keep hearing lately.

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