5 ways to find the best translation agency in bangalore


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5 Ways To Find The Best Translation Agency in Bangalore? When you google it, you will find a number of service providers offering translation services in Bangalore. How do you shortlist a few and talk to them to learn more about their translation capabilities? We have highlighted some key areas to consider when shortlisting translation agencies in Bangalore to help you compare them on a like­for­like basis. Here are some key areas to consider: 1. Collate responses The information in responses will vary in detail, format, and terminology. Collate the responses into a format that allows easy comparisons. Creating a template that includes your requirements is a good way of doing this or simply download this file (Selecting Translation Service Provider Checklist) 2. Compare Pricing Models Different translation agencies in Bangalore will use different pricing models. Ask them to breakdown their price to show which of your requirements the price relates to. Often suppliers have word based pricing for translation but for desktop publishing it is per page. 3. Know the translation agency’s business model It’s important to know how a translation supplier will deliver a service and from which locations. This is particularly significant for translation services when you will need to consider whether they are having a dedicated team of professionals or they work through freelancers. If they rely on freelancers you need to be comfortable with who they are and how the partnership will work and how this company is ranked and rated among the translators. Websites like proz.com, and translatorcafe will help you know more about the translation agencies in Bangalore. 4. Pricing must not be the only criteria If supplier responses are similar and difficult to differentiate then draft some further questions. Not all the translation agencies are certified for ISO 9001, DIN EN 15038 Certified standards. DIN EN 15038 is the only standard available for linguistic services. This means a third party audit has been conducted on the service provider. 5. Asking for translation samples

Compare the quality of the agencies’ outputs in the form of sample translation. Most of the translation agencies should oblige and share the translation sample for your requirement; Do also try and understand the policies and payment terms before you go ahead and shortlist the translation agency. For guidance throughout the entire selection process you can write to us at in­support@lyriclabs.com
