Time to Have a Party! An Email Readability Party!



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Discussing email readability with: Time to Have a Party! An Email Readability Party!

The email campaign you just sent out may look good in one client or browser, not not in others. That’s why the best solution for these problems is to have an office party...an email readability party!

Given that these massive differences and lack of any real standardization can befuddle even the most experienced web and email designer, it is time to revert to an old fashioned saying: "The proof of the pudding is always in the eating."

Prior to the party, you've sent each of them different variations of your current email campaign messages. As they start enjoying the coffee, donuts, and camaraderie, you, your web designer, and a couple of people from your IT department, are sitting at the front table checking the display of each email on each device!

The preferred procedure is to have a good digital camera and lots of Post-It Notes handy. As you are about to review each device, write down everything about it including the brand, model, and part number on a Post-It Note.

The more devices you have to work from, the more accurate your test results will be and the better you'll be able to fix the problem that makes your email look like crayon doodles on MeeGo, Symbian, Bada, SeaMonkey, Konqueror, Flock, or Camino.

For visual learners (video): Test Your Email Campaigns For Readability

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