The Prodigal's Dad




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The Prodigal’s Dad


• Father’s Day is a special day. We honor you!• Thank you for your love and sacrifice.

Father’s Day Quotes

• "Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad" (Anne Geddes).

Father’s Day Quotes

• “Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!” (Lydia M. Child)

Father’s Day Quotes

• “A father carries pictures where his money used to be” (Author Unknown).

Father’s Day Quotes

• "By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong" (Charles Wadsworth).

The Father of the ProdigalLuke 15:11-32


• The Parable of the Prodigal Son contains a wealth of lessons. We will be examining it from the perspective of the Father.

Parable of the Prodigal Son

• “Its sentiment, its scope, its message of a son’s rebellion, a wasted life, and a father’s love has been the source of inspiration for many lessons through the centuries.”

Inheritance (15:11-12)

• The older son would get a double portion, the younger would get one-third.


• Under normal circumstances when will a son inherit his portion of his father’s wealth?

• Answer: When the father is dead.

He Wasted His Wealth

• “He yearned for the spurious liberty of a land where he would be wholly independent of his father. Thus the sinful soul seeks to escape from the authority of God.”

Riotous Living (15:13)

• Luke 15:13• Proverbs 29:3, “Whoever loves wisdom

makes his father rejoice, But a companion of harlots wastes his wealth.”

• Riotous: “One who by manner of life destroys himself.” It describes wild and disorderly living. It literally means “incurable.”

Feeding Swine (15:14-15)

Son Returns Home (15:17-20)

Welcomes Him Back Home(15:21-22)

Jealous Brother (15:25-32)

• Prodigals Are Not Only Sons

Lessons for Father’s Day

• 1. We teach values to our children every day. Therefore, be wise in word and deed. Our children are listening/watching.

• 2. Fathers are responsible for raising their children in the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). However, children make their own way.

• 3. Remember that redemption is a process.• 4. Forgiveness is complete.

Lessons for Father’s Day

• Job 1:4-5• Pray for your children. Show them and lead

them to be righteous. Some may not see it until they are older.

• God never gives up on us but he lets us live the consequences we have chosen. We must do the same.