Ten Tips to Overcome Social Anxiety



Ten Proven Tips to Overcome Social Anxiety.

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10 Proven Tips to Overcome Social Anxiety

10 Tips to Overcome Social Anxiety


Social anxiety disorder or simply social phobia snatches away your personal and careeropportunities and keeps you lagging behind in this competitive world.

I have seen opportunities knock at the door of socially skilled ones, though so manyothers have the same academic and technical skills.

I accept that mingling with other people is not everyone's cup of tea.

Introverts do not like to participate in social gatherings. Even if they do, physicalsymptoms like nausea, increased heart beat, short breathe make them feel uneasy.

But no need to worry.

There are some techniques which can make you overcome your social anxiety. Onlyone thing you needed is the commitment to practice them.

1. Get motivated why you need to overcome your social anxiety:

Unless you understand why you need to overcome your social anxiety, you don't getmotivated.

Social skills brings you more opportunities than you imagine.

Being social makes you feel more confident.

Team work has become an inevitable part of our career.

Psychologically speaking, socially skilled ones emit their emotions through theirconversations directly or indirectly and lets stress out of their mind.

Getting motivated is the most important task in overcoming social anxiety. It constitutes90% of our goal. other 10% includes tips , techniques and strategies to get those socialskills.

So, the first thing you get motivated.

Image Credit: http://pixabay.com/en/users/geralt/

2. Never skip any occasion:

When you have social anxiety your mind finds innovative reasons to turn down andescape every social gathering opportunity. Instead of trying to boost your confidence toattend those you quickly find lame excuses to skip,

So, now take a firm decision. You are not going to deviate from this decision. If youdeviate from this you are going to compensate by participating in more social occasions.

Take this into your mind, NOW....

" I will participate in each and every social gathering that comes to me. No matter whathappens, I won't skip any. if i skip any I will compensate it by attending more."

3. Your friends are your teachers:

Observe people who are known as socially skilled, and learn from them. Their facialexpressions, body language, phrases they use, how they respond to different situationsetc.

There are some things that are not available in books. they need to be learnt by "watchand adapt' method only.

You don't need to reveal anyone about your observations. Just tell yourself. As infantsimitate their parents, you too follow ....select, copy, adapt.

Read social etiquette books:

A great number of books are available in the market. So, go through them and practicethem.

Knowing social etiquette is essential because one little mistake may make youembarrassed and keeps you in your own turtle shell, socially alienated.

some of the best books of social etiquette are

1.Emily Post's Etiquette

2. Exceptional advice for the extremely modern lady by Derek Blasberg.

4. Don't be a backbench guy:

These little tips will certainly help you in overcoming social anxiety.

Try to utilize every opportunity to participate in activities, like

Public speaking

essay writing

playing games and sports that involve teams.

Volunteering for any purpose or organisation.

Start little talk with strangers (not necessarily on the road, but in familiar places).

Don't be a back bench guy. it is very, very comfortable to sit in the back seats buttrust me you need to avoid them, if you want to improve social skills.

Image Credit: http://pixabay.com/en/users/vait_mcright/

5. Take care of your physical appearance:

Your physical appearance certainly influences your confidence levels.

When you are not satisfied with your appearance, you try to keep away from others.You feel uneasy. You identify that you are feeling uncomfortable, and wait foropportunity to leave that place.

What to do?

Take care of your

Har style

clean shave



body language

6. Find what people are interested in:

Starting conversation with others is very easy than you imagine.

Just follow a simple rule.

"find what people are interested in and ask questions"

This is a very old communication skill and there is nothing new in it.

people have a habit of speaking more about their passionate topics.

The advantage you have here is, you don't need to speak anything, just keep on askingquestions one after another.

7. Deep breathe:

How hard you may try, still you may have these kind of symptoms in social situation,


Shortness of breathe



to overcome these you need to acquaint and practice relaxations techniques.

Out of those all relaxation techniques, the simple yet powerful technique is

"Take a deep breathe"

Don't believe me?...do it and find the results.

8. Other relaxation techniques:

Practicing Relaxation techniques will certainly have a long term positive influence onyou.


Mindfulness for stress relief


Progressive muscle relaxation

Guided imagery

Choose any of these techniques and make them a long term habit to reap extraordinaryresults from them.

9. Consult a psychiatrist:

Some times by following the above strategies, you may not be able to overcome yoursocial anxiety. The reason, you might be suffering from GAD (Generalized AnxietyDisorder), which require medication.

Medication makes your anxiety reduced in a short span of time.

10. Positive Affirmations:

keep telling yourself these kind of positive affirmations. By telling yourself continuously,they enter into your subconscious mind and stay there.

This is a wonderful technique that brings miraculous results.

"Every breath I inhale calms me and every breath I exhale takes away tension."

"I love meeting new people"

"I enjoy being in a crowd"

"I meet new people easily"

"I am comfortable around other people."

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