Storytelling of Biblical Proportions



Session given by Mitch at the #yallconnect conference in Birmingham, AL - July 24, 2013

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Storytelling of Biblical Proportions

Mitch Canter@studionashvegas

Who Am I?

Mitch Canter@studionashvegas


The Parable

What is a Parable?

A story that uses imagery or story to illustrate a truth.

Can also be a comparison or a figure of speech.

Usually works on a literal level and a deeper level.


Why Do Parables Work?


People Relate To People…not facts and figures.


The Parts of a Parable

The Beginning

Starts with a person and a problem.

Sets the stage as quickly as possible.

“Meet Jim. He’s Got a Problem.”

The Story

The story gets resolved or the imagery gets explained

Don't focus on the minute details.

“Suddenly, a wild X appears and saves the day!”

The Nugget of Truth!

That "Aha" Moment when it all comes together

Without this, the story is just entertaining.

This is the call to action moment


Bringing It Home


People Relate To People…not facts and figures.

A Great Story…

Makes you memorable.

Allows people to empathize with your brand.

Turns customers into raving fans.


The Commandmentsof customer engagement

The First Commandment

“Do Unto Others As You’d Have Them Do Unto You”

Don’t feed the trolls.

Treat people with respect.

Meet people where they are.

The Second Commandment

“Thou Shalt Not Make It All About You”

Share other people’s content / videos / articles.

“Content Curation”

For every 10 shares, 1 is yours (Chris Brogan)

The Third Commandment

“Thou Shall Not Be an Ostrich”

Face your problems head-on – Don’t duck out.

Inaction is the worst action.

Don’t delete comments (unless they’re offensive).

The Fourth Commandment

“Thou Shalt Be Real / Transparent”

People don’t like to be “hoodwinked”.

Be up front and honest (identity, affiliations, etc)

Be up front about not being real if necessary.

The Fifth Commandment

“Thou Shall Not Be Scattered”

Pick a network and own it.

Be a laser, not a shot-gun.

Don’t have “abandoned social properties”.
