State of Email Analytics in Zambia



Barcamp Presentation on Email campaigns and Analytics in ZAMBIA

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  • 1.Barcamp Lusaka 2009
    Tags: Email Marketing, Opt-in Web Form, Auto responder
    Presented by Jerry Sakala

2. Reading and Sending Email is the # 1 Key Activity on the internet
@247 BILLION emails sent per day
Worldwide. email The all time #1 mother
of all Apps on the Web.
Even on YouTube ,facebook ,twitter or LinkedInpeople read and send email to build a more personal and direct relationship.. Dont you?
Secret is there is nothing new under the web; people predominantlyuse the internet for email.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
3. Design your website to Helpfirst time visitors keep their internet habits: Reading and Sendingemails
First timeVisitors to your website won't remember to come backtomorrow- or next week- to check UNLESS youguide them back from their email inbox.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
4. The TRUTH Every web designer must Recognize
There are many things that can
make a for bad website design. Top of the list is a Website, blog or profile page that lacks a prominent email opt-in form.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
5. The One Website Feature Most Zambian websites under-utilize:Email opt-In Form
99% of Zambian websites DO NOT have a prominently placed opt-in form on every web page for a first time visitor to use to get your web content in a web application theyare ALREADY comfortable withEMAIL.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
6. When was the last time you typed in a URL to Check- On a website Update?
Its the reason whyyou should NEVER tell visitors to your website :
This website is being updated Please keep checking back
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
7. WhatYahoo, Twitter and facebook Know About email that you Dont.
Email is
The power for rapid communications between you and your supporters , members or customers.
What gives transparency and accountability to your direct and personal communications.
Framing the story or responding to breaking news.
Getting your readers to take action NOW.
That provenamazing ability that gets first time visitors back to your sites.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
8. Can You instantly Spot the Email Opt-in Form on the best of Zambia website?
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
9. Can You instantly Spot the Email Opt-in Form on ChiluLembas website
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
10. Can You instantly Spot the Email Opt-in Form on OV-IDEA blog
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
11. Is Your websitepurposefully designed to Attract REPEAT VISITORS from theirEMAIL inbox?
Most Zambian website designs dont
offer email opt in formsthe few
that do, DONT make checking email inboxa high priority activity as much asinternet users do.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
12. Tip #1 :
Make Collecting emails offline and online a PRIORITY .Prominently Place an opt-in form on your website, blog or social network profile. Avoid spamming, Use a double-opt-in confirmation auto responder system with your opt in web form to legitimatelysendany future follow up email messages .
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
13. Tip #2 :
Do not use deceptive subject lines. The subject line must ALWAYS accurately reflect the content of the message.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
14. Tip #3 :
Disclose clearly and conspicuously that the message is intended for promo oradvertising purposes.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
15. Tip #4
Statewhere you are geographicallylocated. All Your messages mustinclude a valid physical postal address. This can be your current street address, a post office address, a post office box youve registered with the Zambia Postal Service (Zampost)
or a private mailbox youve registered with a commercial mail provider (eg.postnet).
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
16. Tip #5:
Explainhow to opt-out of receiving future email from you. In every message include a clear and conspicuous explanation of how they can opt-out of getting email from you in the future. Craft the notice is in a way that's easy for an ordinary person to recognize, read and understand.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
17. Tip #6 :
Honoropt-out request immediately.
Don't charge a fee or require
subscribers to give any personally
identifying information beyond an email address. Do not make them take any step other than sending a reply email or visiting a single web page on an internet website as a condition for honoring their opt-out request.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
18. Tip #7
Don't sell or transfer email addresses, even in the form of an mailing list. The only exception is that you may transfer the addresses to the company you've hired to help you comply with the Best Practicethat ISP's love and online users can trust.
Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
19. #8 Know what they are doing with your email
know exactly when subscribers click on links in your message so you can focus on the right time to send your message.
Re-send a broadcast to only mail subscribers who didn't open or click on your previous broadcast.
Know whichmail subscribers are responding to your campaigns, which links they're visiting, and where on your website they're going after clicking through..
Tags: mobile corporate email messaging, Ovi mail, Nokia
20. Thank You!
Jerry Sakala is a former mobile industry insider andindependent Consultant based in Chingola, Zambia. Takesthe biasedtrusted view that reading and sending email is predominantly what people do on mobile internet...
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Tags: email marketing,Opt-in Web form,Autoresponder
