Sleep deprivation solutions



This is a presentation about our project assignment on how to cope with sleep deprivation

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Sleep Deprivation Solutions

1. Take 'Rescue sleep' or 'MidNite'2. Move your "sleeping room" underground3. Plug ear buds4. Plug cotton5. Put a winter cap6. Put ear phones7. Play classical music8. Read a book till you fall asleep9. Talk to neighbors who live on the same side of the

building and see if they experience the same problem10. Put your hands on your ears

Sleep Deprivation Solutions11. Go under the blanket12. Move to sleep to another room where noise cannot be heard13. Ask the children that talk outside if they can speak quietly14. Poison the dogs that bark outside15. Talk to the owner of the dogs and ask her/him to remove them16. Give pills to the dogs17. Try to fall asleep through meditation18. Try to focus on another noise rather than the one that distracts you19. Try to completely ignore any noise20. Take pure L-theanine

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

21. Take a few glasses of wine so that you can easily collapse in bed22. Go to bed later when kids that produce the noise are gone23. Talk to your partner while trying to fall asleep24. Try to change your bed environment- for example, put more

pillows25. Do aroma therapy in the room where you sleep26. Play some music that is louder than the noise27. Turn on the TV and watch a movie28. Hook on an Internet and chat with someone until you fall asleep29. Write what frustrates you on a piece of paper30. Buy another flat/house in a quieter environment

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

31. Feed that dogs that bark32. Buy new windows that are noise impermeable33. Put a pillow over your head34. Change the position in which you sleep35. Put a veil over your face36. Put down the roller blinds37. Close down the curtains38. Take a yogurt39. Do some exercise40. Make love

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

41. Take magnesium and calcium42. Eat wild lettuce43. Attend a hypnosis at your therapist44. Bring TV set in the bedroom45. Have some hops46. Take Melatonin47. Do yoga48. Take Valerian49. Inhale lavander50. Take lemon balm

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

51. Apply the Silva method52. Have a cup of chamomile tea53. Get a bouquet of passion flowers54. Put a bed canopy55. Consume a tea of American Scullcap56. Have a cup of Corydalis tea57. Have some bitter orange58. Get a homeopatic treatment59. Do a self-hypnosis60. Change your bed mattress

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

61. Change your pillows62. Visualize about your future actions63. Change your sheets64. Take a pet to sleep with you65. Get a partner to sleep next to you if you are single66. Try to completely change the bed where you sleep- get a new

one67. Do not think over the things that worry you when you go to sleep68. Beat your depression69. Have a massage70. Make your room dark

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

71. Take TV out of your bedroom72. Change the room temperature73. Turn the clock face away from you74. Restrict the amount of sleep you get75. Reduce the amount of alcohol you consume76. Drink about 8 glasses of water per day77. Do not eat heavy meals78. Consult a nutritionist79. Cut sugar intake80. Go to a bar or to a party if you can't fall asleep

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

81. Read a book82. Establish a regular sleeping cycle83. Listen to e guided relaxation tape84. Do not stay longer than 20 minutes if you can't fall asleep85. Put your feet higher than your head86. Exercise regularly87. Find an animal that scares the dogs so that they can stop

barking88. Think only about good things that happened to you89. Surf the net for a while90. Play a movie

Sleep Deprivation Solutions

91. Plan your trips92. Call a friend and talk to him/her93. Talk to your loved one over the phone94. Plant flowers that can ban the noise waves95. Put a foam on your windows to fill in the gaps96. Buy yourself an Ostrich Pillow97. Change the side of the bed on which you sleep98. Get yourself a new partner99. Close your widows with brick and mortar100.Put a magic pole around the house101.Put sponge or similar material that absorbs noise on the outer

parts of the house
