Signs He’s Taking You for Granted



One of the biggest enemies of relationships is when one or both partners start taking each other for granted. This goes a long way in killing the romance as well as the love between two people. Typically, it’s pretty easy to tell when someone starts to take you for granted. However, if you’re not SURE, but you highly suspect that your partner is taking you for granted, there a few surefire telltale signs that will seal the deal for you.

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Signs He’s Taking You for Granted

One of the biggest enemies of relationships is when one or both partners start

taking each other for granted. This goes a long way in killing the romance as well

as the love between two people. Typically, it’s pretty easy to tell when someone

starts to take you for granted. However, if you’re not SURE, but you highly

suspect that your partner is taking you for granted, there a few surefire telltale

signs that will seal the deal for you.

He forgets your birthday and/or anniversary: Now, it is possible that

your partner was so busy at work or something else was going on that

caused him to zone out and forget what day it is. That can happen once in a

while but if it happens on a regular basis, he might be taking you for granted.

He doesn’t care how he looks around you anymore: You know how guys

make themselves look and even smell great in the beginning of a

relationship. Well, if he stops showering regularly, or brushing his teeth, and

lays around in his old, ripped up clothes when he’s just with you, that kind

of shows where you fall on his list of priorities. It’s even worse if he dresses

up to go out with his friends.

He doesn’t pay attention to your appearance any more: Granted, once

you’ve been together for a while, your man isn’t going to be telling you how

hot you look every time you make a little change to the way you look.

However, if you put on something slinky and sexy and he still can’t manage

to tear himself away from the television, there’s a problem. If he’s not seeing

you when you dress up for him, he’s probably taking you for granted.

He would rather have a night out with the boys rather than one with

you: Some guys just need that night out with the guys to blow off steam or

whatever. But if he cancels a night out with you to spend it with his buddies

at a strip club, you need to be finding out why. On top of it, if he finally

finds time to shower, shave and dress up first, then you should really be

suspicious. Give him his space at times, but if he’s spending more time with

the guys than with you, it’s time to leave.

If he never helps you around the house, he’s probably taking you for

granted: He might have a hard job that tires him out but if he constantly

feels that you’re the one that should do everything around the house,

including cleaning up after him, you should question it. He may just need a

maid and a whore in his life and you fit the bill. Don’t let him take you for

granted like that.

Yes, relationships become comfortable and familiar the longer they last. But if he’s

showing these signs, it’s time to address the situation. Keep your self-respect in

place and don’t let yourself be treated like a second class citizen.

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