Satsugaicat Guide to start Facebook account



Satsugaicat Guide to start facebook account

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Satsugai’s Social Media GuideSatsugai’s Social Media Guide



Facebook iz increasingly important fur kitties to communicate. It allows purrs and meows to b heard.

Getting a profile page and fan page iz not hard, but da hoominz may hav rules dat prevent us anipals from dominating the world. In order to use it, U may need to fallow some rulez.

Facebook Rules

• Facebook haz many kitties inside, haoever, many sick hoominz iz jealouz of us, and wan to delete our account if we hav more fwens than them.

• U nid to be like … 13 to join Facebook, so even when U are 2 months old, you can get you hoomin to put some age to join.

• U can also share yr account wif your minion, and get them to put posts fur U.

Iz it hard to get fwens?

•No, kitties r wery fwenly on Facebook. If U r cat. They will fwen U.

• There are many kitty groups on Facebook. If you go there, you can meet other meows, and be their fwens.

• On average, kitties hav more fwens than hoomans. So, many of them are jealous.


Mi have almost limit of fwens on Facebook. Dat is more than 4500+

many cats on Facebook

• There are many cats on Facebook and lots more cat lovers. Here are some groups I join and you can get some fwens there.

• Cat Lovers, SatsugaiCat, Lindos Mininos, Cat Welfare Society, Bad Kitty, Internet Cats, cats

• Search Facebook Groups and pages for Cats check some of them out and you can find more cat lovers!

Step 1 Go to

Fill up information & join fur free at

Enter the words in the text box and click button

You don’t need to find fwens for nao.

Skip unless you hav a job other than being a cat

Click, find your photo and upload

Check your email!

You nao hav yer own fb profile.

If you follow these steps, you will now own your own facebook account!

Pls “like” mi!
