Reusing Grecja


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In these photos, our team are using pages from old magazines and decorate the desks of the teachers in the classrooms. Old maps and old comics are also a good way to make desks much more “attractive”.

These are the final results of our work. What do you think?

Old car-tyres have also been used by our school to make flower pots for our garden. Our team always takes care of them!

We thought of using plastic milk bottles to make a small fence in order to protect the rose bush in the garden.

We used cans of soft drinks or cartons of yoghurt to make pots of flowers and created a small garden in the classroom. Now, we are responsible to water and take care of our “garden” every day.

Old flowers pots can also be reused instead of being thrown away as rubbish!

Instead of using real vases, our team made some vases from glass jars and carton crafts! Aren’t they nice?

We also make robots with packets of cigarettes which pupils bring from home!

We celebrate the carnival days by making our own masks and decorations. Especially the junior classes enjoy drawing and colouring masks for the school’s fancy-dress party.

We are having a great time at the fancy-dress parties, at school.

This is our “ecological” present for you! It is a red rose but it is not real! It was made by the peelings of an orange and was dyed red. Isn’t it wonderful?
