Positive quotes


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Positive Quotes

Your dress doesn’t make you a better person but your behaviour does.

You can wear makeup but you must not makeup facts.

Think on what is better: a positive mind or mind games?

Do or Die attitude should be replaced with Do or Cry attitude.

Pen down your best thoughts else they will fly.

Start from where you left, goal will atleast be one step nearer. Else change your last left.

What is more important for you: a beautiful mind or beautiful heart?

Life is not a mystery. Solve it like a puzzle. Keep trying new ways to reach your goal.

Make pain your best friend. It will tell you from where the problem is emerging.

Brush your mind for fresh and creative thoughts.

Stop reading others mind. Start reading yours.

Have you heard of “Conduction of Thoughts”? Act as Insulators for Negative Thoughts.

Action Speak louder than words. This is why it has been adopted as most effective means of Communication.

Think before you speak and Feel before you do. Keep smiling and stay positive.

