Photographs of potential locations


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Photographs of potential Locations

by Fatima

At Brindley place there are canals which me and my team believes it’s a good location as the mise en scene will denote romance, as it is a chilled relaxed area. We will tend to carry out performance/narrative scene in this location.

As we live in Birmingham, we have the opportunity to film in the brand new Central Library. This location has various places in which we can film for our music video, as the feel, look and interior of this library is diverse. We would intend to carry out a narrative scene in this Library.

From our research into similar music videos, Me and Sandy are quite keen to shoot our music video in a place which looks like a forest. So we both found this place on our way to Sandwell Valley. We both like this location as it connotes isolation/loneliness. As there is no body else around in the location.

This is another location Me and Sandy have found, This is a golf course, yet again This location is a potential, to signify loneliness and isolation. This location is much bigger and wider than the forest. Both these locations, we intend to carry out a performance scene

This location is in Sandwell Valley and we like this location as it gives a mysterious feel. The colours in this location is very nice and it would look nice as a ‘meeting up scene’ where both artists spend time together. We intend to carry out a narrative scene in this location

As we wanted a forest scene, Sandy had suggested this location in Jewellery Quarter. Therefore this is also a potential location to film.

This Cathedral is a nice place to film as the building itself looks very grand. It also would look quite romantic to film here. Therefore me and my team may film both narrative and or performance scenes here.

This is another angle of the cathedral. We will potential film at.

This is a location in Birmingham City Centre which would look quite nice to shoot a performance scene.

As in our chosen music video, there is a performance shot of Nate playing the piano. We would also like to have a scene like this. We was suggested the Custard Factory as they had a grand white piano, which we could possibly use. Also they provide a theatre, where It could be possible to film a silhouette shot, similar to the one in our chosen music video.

As our song is a break up/ argument song, the structure of our video is to show a time line of the memories which the two artists have shared. Therefore there is a Coffee shop, in the outskirts of the City Centre, where we can film a possible date scene.
