Overcoming Your Fear of the Dentist



Many people face an ongoing fear when facing going to the dentist. To help ease your anxiety, dentist Jenny Miller compiled these great self tips to help calm your fears during your next dental visit.

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Overcoming Your

Dentist Jenny Miller

Of The Dentist


What ever the reason may be,

many people find the dentist to be a very scary place to


Easing Your Anxiety

Dr. Jenny Miller, a dentist from Lexington, Kentucky, complied these self tips to help you calm your nerves next time you make your dental appointment.

Some of the greatest fears we have are ones

we imagine in our heads. Remembering to take deep breaths will help keep your

heart rate down and to stay calm.

Take a Deep Breath1

Use Hand Signals

People are often uncomfortable when they

are not able to communicate with their dentist while their mouth is open. Using hand

signals is a great way to communicate with your

dentist if you are feeling any signs of pain or discomfort.


Distract Yourself

Bringing headphones or a music player is a

great way help distract your mind and put your

attention elsewhere.


Discuss Issues With Your Dentist Beforehand

Your dentist will only know your fears and concerns if you make them aware. Discuss any issues you may have beforehand so that your dentist can

properly address them.