Out of the Box Thinking


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STAYING AHEAD OF THE CURVEOut of the box thinking

CAKE Reports Team


● What is out of the box thinking and why it is hard● Examples● Some problems in Restaurant Industry● Out of the box solutions● Holographic Menu● Interactive Augmented Reality Application

Why out of the Box / Innovate

Human Nature - Traditional Approach

Let's Start with a Story

Once upon a time ...

QWERTY Keyboard

Problem in old typewriter

DVORAK Keyboard

Lost in Detail : Finding the height of a building

Limited Information

Limited Information

A Problem in Restaurant Industry

Hologram Projector

Thinking outside the box

Engineering Design Decesions

Augmented Reality

The integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it.(http://whatis.techtarget.com/)


Augmented Reality Features

● Virtual sphere (New platform for marketing)● Personalized experience (Places/Offers)● Immersive experience(Rayban)


Augmented Reality Use Case

Transforming a traditional menu into an interactive and

information rich menu

Augmented Reality DEMO


● Unity: Popular game engine (Windows/Mac)● Vuforia: Augmented reality software development kit for mobile


Augmented Reality DEMO


● Create an Unity Project● Create vuforia account● Add licence and database in vuforia● Import vuforia SDK and database into Unity● Add vuforia assets(ARCamera, ImageTarget)● Import an asset from Asset Store● Run (Desktop/mobile)

Augmented Reality

Thank you :-)