Open your windows


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Looking out of the

WindowsFor Opportunities

Are not the end of the Road


You should always say

Done in Haste; Its is SURE to end up in Waste

In profession or in life, there are always ups and downs. When you are up keep your head down, when you are down keep your head up.

When failure knocks you; The Key Rule is “Don’t do knee jerk reactions”

They say, “When God closes a door; He opens a window”

But don’t sit looking for the god, keep watching for the WINDOWS– windows for opportunities

A break is a time to Realize and Regroup

Take a Stroll; walk with your best friends or your child(There are lots of things that needs presentations outside the board room and your child is the most deserving audience)

Talk to your friends

Go for a vacation with your family(Spend time with your family, poor souls they were missing your closenessfor a very long time)

Remember Archimedes found his invention not in the laboratory but in the bathtub trying to

immerse himself out of his mad mad hectic schedule of continuous working. Take a break and

keep your eyes & ears open for newer opportunities.


After connecting with yourself; connect with your network(Connecting with yourself is to take a Lock Stock & Barrel audit)

connect with your network(Connect with your network, bounce some ideas, offer to help them in some small things where you can bring your value)

Identify & grow THAT spark

“Always grab the opportunity by the forelock, never try to grab it by the hind-lock for it would have either sped away or you missed a chance of looking at the face of the opportunity”

Crowning is just stacking your experience in the RIGHT WAY

Shankar Venugopal
