Learn how to make the best decisions with The fundamentals of decision making



Ever wondered why its sometimes so hard to make a decision? Or if there ever was a way to ease the whole decision making process? I have,and its probably more than a hundred times. But what if i told that the craziest truth about decision making is that its actually so simple that even a seven year old equipped with the right knowledge can do it. See what they never told you is that at the age of 2 your gender awareness stops to grow and other mental faculties begin to develop. And by the age of seven,your mental capabilities are full fledged and only lack ways to manifest themselves. So unbelievable right? But you know whats even more shocking,everything in life and i mean everything that goes on your life depends on the law of decision? Somebody somewhere decides how you live,what you like and who you become. Believe it not ,not everyone you know is in control of their lives.Someone somewhere laid it all down for them.Now if you continue living like that,i promise you that your life will be headed for the cosmos.But thank God we are editable beings and whatever we put our minds to,we can achieve. So heres a book that will teach you so much more than you will ever learn. Imagine possessing the four basic principles of making great decisions,faster and easier. Imagine learning how to be the driver of your own life and being able to predict the outcome of every choice you make? You too can live your life in freedom,but here are the keys.Enjoy!

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© kaumbu chiteta 


Kaumbu   Chiteta  is   a   Philosopher   with   a   long   history   of   motivational 

speaking. Man of inspiration and touching words,he is currently based in the 

Netherlands where he runs life coaching and mentoring programs. 




© kaumbu chiteta 


       Dedicated to you the reader,because nothing else matters more than you!

© kaumbu chiteta 


“plus the famous 4 questions you should always  ask”

Kaumbu Chiteta





            If I asked you how many times you made decisions this week, 

you will probably say once in a while or when it was really necessary. But did you know that everything from how many times per minute your

heart beats to whether you like soft music or not is governed by the law of


Every second of your day and I mean every single one of it,not even

a millisecond is an exclusion,your mind is busy making decisions.

Whether you have to perform a task as easy as moving a finger or looking

left and right before you cross a road,a decision has to made. Like it or

not,everything that goes on in your life involves decision making. Either

at a conscious or subconscious level.

© kaumbu chiteta 

What you have to grasp is the truth that your brain is a gigantic

powerhouse so complex that if it were a maze,no one would ever solve it.

Your frontal lobe alone being the decision making part of your brain is

processing about one trillion and half of information and commands every

single second,a power so massive that it could light the whole world for a

period of 100 years if it were an electric source. But not all of these

commands need to be executed,otherwise due to information overload,

your whole system would shutdown. So to save you from this misery your

brain depends on decision making. For example,your nose meets over

8000 different smells a day but not all are remembered and stored. Only

the selectively lucrative are transmitted to your brain.

See,you posses an ingenious set of abilities that can turn your life

around,but it all depends on your decisions. It is your decisions that direct

the flow of your life,dont ever forget that. You as the captain of your ship

has so much authority that it only takes a stream of thoughts to create

your next reality. Remember,you are a product of the thoughts you

entertain. But most of us dont seem to realize that. Thats why we wonder

about cluelessly and hope to see the best. But if only you knew how much

potential lies dormant in you and awaits you to make that one

decision,you will probably freak out!

You have been programmed to believe your eyes. Everything you see

,you believe. And together with your brain,you have defined what you see

© kaumbu chiteta 

as your reality. Thats human and its a very normal state to live in. But you

can always change your reality by changing the way you think. Remember

the half full,half empty glass experiment. Remember how one person

identifies the glass as half full and the other as empty. Its the same reason

we can have two individuals look at the same image for a constant period

of time but still produce two different and very unrelated conclusions. It is

in your brain. How you digest what you bring in,determines what you bring

out. Change your perspective about yourself and your environment,and

entertain only positive thoughts and you will see your life shine. You can

always choose the life you think you deserve and its always up to you.

The Truth

You choose every time,just as you have chosen to read this book,you

are making choices constantly even though you are mostly not conscious of

it! Because of your physical state,you can only execute one thought or idea

at a time. So that means a choice has to be made every single time. For

example you have to choose between being at a cinema or going to a

friends birthday party,you cant be at both events at the same time,you are

not omnipresent yet! Your power of choice or your ability to decide is

likened to a scale you use to measure the importance of things or events. It

was invented for that specific purpose. Because every time you make a

choice,YOU judge between two objectives. And in many cases,only one has

to win. Thats why some people go, “i thought about coming with you or

© kaumbu chiteta 

staying here,but I think I ll stay here.” The truth is,they dont or didnt

“think” they will stay here,they richly dressed the idea of “staying here”

with all the positiveness they is. Thats why that thought won.

Time is your greatest treasure

As you go through life you will realize that time is a very important

asset or currency that requires carefully calculated decisions to manage.

How better you manage it,how faster your life improves. But the scariest

part however is that every single second you lose can not be recovered. So

to get the best out of the time given to you,learn to take a couple of seconds

everyday to come up with a list of at least 10 things you really MUST do

that day. In this way you will keep your mind focused on the things that

matter most and not wonder about like a clueless pilot. Follow this

practice everyday as you live and I promise you that everyday will quickly

begin to look and feel longer than usual.

Everything is governed by law

Everything in the universe is governed by law. And the greatest law of

them all is Order. Thats why we say, “Order is heavens first law.” Its order

that started it all. Not a random big bang. Think of how a child develops.

Thats the true manifestation of the law of Order. I never heard in my

whole entire life,of a baby who directly after being born walked him or

herself out of the hospital and while on their way home,started talking to

everyone they met. Its just not possible. That could bring total

chaos,believe me.

© kaumbu chiteta 

So first they cry,then they learn how to master the art of breathing then

thereafter comes drinking and then eating and everything else follows the

same suit. No coincidental happenings,just ordered events. But so is your

whole life. Nothing in your whole life just happens for the sake of

happening. Its always a ladder to something greater,something better. But

this law of order can not function without the principle of decision.

Somehow somewhere,someone decides what happens when and

where,how and why. There is no coincidence. Remember that coincidence

is a word we invented for the things we could hardly explain.

See you were born at an exact date and time. Just the perfect way it should

have happened. Your life was planned and your destiny laid before you.

Theys no such a thing as a coincidental birth. Or a mistaken one either.

Everything from the friends you have to whom your spouse would be,was

staged and premeditated upon. No room was left for error. You are unique.

You have to understand that you are one in over a seven billion people. You

are irreplaceable. They can't be anyone else like you. You had to be the

color,the height,the weight and the perfect you are for a very specific reason.

And thats how the law of order works. No mistakes involved,just precise and

very specific detailing.

It is however most viable to remember that this law of order follows a

rather strict sequence and can not be randomized. For example,you can

not plant maize grains and expect mango trees to come forth,thats just

absurd! Thats why whatever choice you make or whatever thought you

think and bring into action has what some people commonly call “The

ripple effect.” It starts with your conscious mind as its source and floats all

© kaumbu chiteta 

the way into the spirit world until it brings into being that which you think

about most of your time. In the bible book of proverbs it says, “As a man

thinketh,so is he”,you can only attract and bring into your life the things

you think about and act on most of your time. You may not get what you

want out of life,but you will always get what you attract. So think about

and act on the things you really want as opposed to those you dont really


Making the best decisions

So how do you really make a good decision? Is it by the art of

comparison and contrast? Or do you simply follow whatever comes out

first and stick to that? Whichever category you fall into,your brain is just

as judgmental as everyone else's. Its constantly judging between left or

right,this or that. Judgment is always at the heart of decision making.

There are no two ways about it. Its just unignorable. So to understand this

part of the human brain,a group of psychologists assembled about 20

students from 15 different states. And after identifying each candidates

different mental states,they asked each one of them to choose nine sticks

from a bundle of about a hundred painted sticks of different colors and

lengths. Within a period of no longer than one minute. And after close

observation and of course monitored supervision,they discovered that an

amazing 80% of the participants failed to choose any stick. Though most of

them blamed it on time,it was an evident fact. Fear and uncertainty,played

the largest rolls in decision making.

© kaumbu chiteta 

Amongst all the well known properties of a good decision,self confidence

and faith are the most cardinal. This is the same reason people fail

multiple choice tests,not because they are dumb or just not reasoning

enough but because they are constantly in doubt. You have to trust

yourself,stop doubting. Doubt and fear are your greatest enemies. Dont

entertain them. Stop feeding the fears,They will kill you.

Achieving the best results

Just like everything else in life,a good decision has atleast 75% of

positive characteristics embedded in it. That should be the first indicator

that you are heading in the right direction. If you can't see any good in it,its

probably because they's none. Some decisions may seem shallow and

passably unpromising but if the better part of it looks like its going to move

your life to another level then thats the way to go. Remember to always

think in tune with your sole purpose,because like a sunflower,you always

grow towards your sun. So anything or any choice that doesn't take you

towards it deserves no second thought.

Another thing you have to look out for is that every choice or decision

you make is a seed on its own. It is what shapes your life now or later on.

And just like every other seed,it has to grow and in turn affect the

vegetation around it. All those choices made,whether on a personal,family

or group level will eventually grow into something,and eventually become

© kaumbu chiteta 

a part and parcel of your daily life. This is actually a terrible story. But i

once heard of a girl who was supposed to go with her sister to a choir

practice but instead decided to go to a friend's birthday. She had a good

time and drunk a little bit too much to recall everything about that night.

She ended having sex or being raped by some unknown stranger. Thats

still unclear. But then she comes home early next morning hazy and not

really remembering what had transpired last night. She sleeps,gets up and

goes back to her usual routine. A few months later after constantly feeling

feverish and tired,she obeyed her best friends advise and and decided on

getting an HIV/AIDS test. It turned out really unfortunate for her. She was

infected with the virus. She was HIV positive. Years later,though on

medication,am sure she still remembers that day she could have chosen

for something else.

See everything that runs your life is embedded in decision. And how do

we reach a decision,by the art of thinking. But thought turned into

action,can not be reversed. If only everybody realized that. You can't

reverse yesterday,its gone. So be wise and treasure today by making

decisions that will make your tomorrow a better place.Because as time

goes by,thoughts turn into a new set of events commonly known as

“Habits.” And its these habits that when entertained and dressed with

attention that become the building blocks of your lifestyle and later turn

into an addiction. So if you wondering how you can cure any addiction,

heres a tip. Reverse your habits and repeat only those habits that make you

grow and the rest will disappear and go.

Take heed everyday though and atleast monitor your habits closely. Try

this simple experiment at the end of every week and will quickly notice

© kaumbu chiteta 

enormous change. During your free time,grab a pen and paper,walk to a

very quiet place,probably the beach or your own room and try to write

down the 5 habits and thoughts you entertained the most this week and

why. Try to think for a little while why you did this. If the reasons for

choosing them didnt include phrases like “making you happy” or

“improving your life” then its time you cut those habits lose. Every choice

has to lead you up and not down,thats the model of the most successful

and happiest people alive. And you have to acknowledge the fact that this

is your life and nobody else's. Its your decisions that have made you the  

person you are today,so guard your choices wisely.

You are responsible for you

Now to ensure the assurance of a positive outcome in every decision

you make, always take heart. Dont ever make rushed decisions. It is your

life for God's sake,so take time and reflect on the things you want to

choose for. But most of all remember that,your life is your responsibility.

None else's. I tend to hear a lot of times people saying somethings like, “if

not for him or her I ll still be happy,he or she ruined my day.” Thats when

I go like,excuse me? They ruined your what? I thought this was your life

and not theirs! You create or ruin your own day. Nobody else does. Its all

in the thoughts you choose. If you choose sad or negative thoughts,you will

begin to feel sad. Same applies to thinking happy or positive

thoughts,what would you feel? Happy or sad?? Happy of course. And the

more you feel that,the more you will begin to see more happy faces and

hence the more happy you will become. So take control of how you think  

and how you feel and how you live will change. 

© kaumbu chiteta 

So here are the 4 most important questions to ask before you reach any

good decision. Put them into practice everyday and make them your

guiding blocks.


Is it really that important to me?

If it really matters enough,you will surely focus your energies on it. How

do you know whether something is really important to you? Heres

how,pick a time or day you mostly alone and free then relax and clear

your mind of all obstacles. Take a closer look at your life's past and reflect

only on those things that have made you stronger and better. How did

they come about? Was it through someone you met? Or was it through an

unexpected incident? And is their impact still noticeable? If so then in

what way? After this you will find that your focus will shift to these things

that matter the most to you. And if its a person you met who brought

about this experience,you will most probably want to hang out with them

even more.

Now i know a and have come across a bunch people who have taken

wrong paths and made wrong decisions not because they where in any

way incapable or unlearned but because they let someone else matter

more than them. They let someone else's interests come first. Thats a very

backward way to live! This is your life,It is your business for God's sake

and whatever happens to it affects you the most. So why let someone else

control your interests? Let self love and self value always come first.

Consider you first,you are very important for everyone and everything

© kaumbu chiteta 

else to wait. And the consequences of your life's choices are what will stay

with you for a very long time even after every one and everything else

deserts you.


Does this add value to my life?

I always tell my team if it doesn't add value to your life then it probably

is an obstacle and not a gift. See,do not waste your time associating with

people who hardly add any value to your life. Life is too short for such

nonsense. If possible create a very tight circle of value adding people. And

stick with those. Someone once said, “show me your friends and I will show

you where you going”. Thats very true because your friends have as much

impact on your life as your own brain. The truth is,your life is precious

and so is your time here on earth,you didnt come this long just to be a

people pleaser,NO! NO! NO! You only live once,understand that and

embrace it and be careful with which roads you take and with whom you

make company.

The one true notion is that life is too short and wasted decisions makes

it even shorter,keep that in mind and avoid things or people that dont add

value to your life and keep the people or things that bring value to your. At

least treasure the day God has given you by making decisions that will

impact you positively tomorrow. You are alive today so you can see

tomorrow,and the secret to getting there is in what you do today. Learn to

value yourself first and let everything else come second.

© kaumbu chiteta 


Does this make me happy?

Ever had this moment when you tried to do something or go somewhere

and your heart just couldnt let you do it? Well let me tell you the sad

news,it probably was a sign. I once heard of a man who had to board a bus

but later on stepped off it just because his heart wasnt happy or

enthusiastic about it only to find out on the evening news that the bus

developed a faulty tire and overturned late that afternoon,living dead

about 54 passengers and injuring 6. See you gotta be happy with every

decision you make. Whether small or big as long it concerns your life,you

got to consult your heart about it. Did you by the way know that in the

development of a baby the heart is the first orgna to grow? And thats why

its the wisest,learn to follow it. Because your heart pretty much knows a

lot more than mind,your intuition and your calculative intelligence

combined. So take heed and trust your heart. Mind not what everyone else

is saying,let intuition guide you

“Avoid doing that which doesnt give you peace at all,its probably the

first sign that you are heading the wrong way”

Feelings play a very important in any ones life. Mostly if you feel happy

about something you are likely to enjoy it even though the outcome wont

be all that impressive. Let happiness lead you,learn to check your

enthusiasm level in decision making and you will discover that your walk

through life will be an easy one.

© kaumbu chiteta 


Can i live with myself after this?

Nothing is more seriously painful and tiresome than leaving a life full of

regrets,thats a pizza you dont want to have a piece of. I have met countless

people who have said they had done miserable or regrettable things and

from my point of view,they just looked awfully spiteful,some called them

mistakes others called them trials and errors but at the end of the day for

them to get here,it took nothing more than a choice. Learn to take a glance

into the future,as once noted by Harold Melchert.

The End

My hope is that by this time you should have learned and understood

what much weight a decision carries and that from this minute onwards

you will learn to treasure it as a tool and learn to work together with the

laws of the universe to produce the results your heart desires.

Happy decision making!


© kaumbu chiteta 
