Key-notes for Daily Harmonies by Susie Champney Clark


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9 Bosworth Street

Boston, 1898

To make connection daily with higher stratas of thought than those of mundane interests, lifts the life leagues above doubt and depression, or possibility of failure. Mental fibre needs the stimulus and tonic of strong fresh thought, as do the lungs the influx of air. Heavenly manna descends fresh, every day. Then baptize each morning with the dews of health and



O'Life, beautiful Life, we thank Thee that we are parts of Thee, that Thy warmth and vigor thrill in our every pulse. Our spirits quaff rich draughts of Thy rare nectar, and drain therefrom such potency that we vitalize even these clay clods which we briefly wear as gar ments, but which are powerless to retain us prisoners any more than the bird is detained by the bough from which he wings his flight into the calm abyss above — the hollow of Thy hand.


Each day, each hour is a fresh miracle from His hand, a new revealing (or re- veiling), a replacing of the old veil with a thinner, clearer one through which we see face to face, and grow into that divine image and likeness which eman cipated eyes behold.


Arise for thy Light is come, that Light which ever shineth and floods the world with its glorious baptism, even though the darkness comprehendeth it not, but permits a crude materiality of thought and life to eclipse those radiant scintillations from the heart of Deity.


We are just discovering that we are not serfs but gods, that the kingdom of heaven and of health is within us, that God lives in us as well as we in Him. And how can a part of God be sick ?


None are held in the clutches of a relentless Fate. Each is builder of his own inheritance, the free and potent arbiter of his own destiny. His mis takes happily are not irremediable, for every soul has ample opportunity to redeem his past, to blot out, as alone the record can be erased, lines of tem porary ill with those of eternal good.


Meanwhile, through all the struggles of earth, the soul waits on its hills of light and patiently bides its time, with sure confidence in the final victory, knowing that through weakness strength will become manifest, through impurity will the beauty of purity be recognized, through suffering will perfection be attained.


The omnipresent Good always reigns. There is no life or potency in the shadow which the heart of man allows to fall like a pall between him and goodness. It is only the shadow of his own lower self standing with its back to the Light.


And so it will ever be, if intellect rather than intuition be made the arbiter of spiritual recognition. All spiritual truth must be spiritually discerned and cannot be intellectually apprehended. The mind which demands external proof of anything spiritual will never be con vinced by such proof. Spiritual con sciousness laughs at the testimony of the senses, for it belongs to another realm where matter is not.


If we cannot be architects or artists to create beauty, the beautiful action is possible for us all, and the strong help ful thought. Thus can we exiles from Paradise trace our way back to the glory now consciously ours since we know this much of Truth that the soul is "of God and has not come out from God " and that divinity can and must express itself through us.


It is not necessary that we find some one to teach us the truths of the spirit. The fountain of wisdom wells within, where the entrance to the kingdom is always found. They mistake who seek it without, in external channels, or fol low too unquestioningly the message of truth which comes to another.


The test of a true leader or safe guide is always humility, the rarest of human virtues, and only gained as one ap proaches the Christ. When any teacher exalts himself, or claims superiority for his message, let the pupil beware.


Moments of spiritual exaltation when, like Paul, whether in the body or out of the body we cannot say, show us the possibilities of daily, hourly living. For we are spirits to-day, free, masterful spirits, not imprisoned in the flesh, but simply using it as an instrument during our experience on a material planet.


We can live, now and here with the body but not of it. We bid defiance to disease, not in the bravado of self-will, but in the firm realization that we are spirits and not a handful of dust, blown hither and thither by the breath of con tagion or fear.


If God is perfect health and harmony, why do we not reflect His image more completely ? Have we not stopped far this side of our possibilities ? Do we not live in the flesh rather than in the spirit ?


Let us cleanse our hearts from every taint of selfishness, by striving hence forth to live for others, to leave no good undone which we can accomplish, to enrich every corner of the earth where we may tarry. Let us help our brothers and sisters onward and upward to higher, better aims than merely eating and drinking because to-morrow they die. Let us teach them above all that there is no death.


Mortals are spirits also, and all spirits, clothed or unclothed with flesh, occupy the same spiritual world, are denizens of the same realm and no barrier can exist between spirit and spirit. Immortal mind can forever speak to mind, sleep ing or waking, blind or omniscient. Such realization of our true spiritual estate need not wait for disembodiment.


Our friends do not, cannot "come back " to commune with us for we are never separated ; we grow together side by side towards the Father. Soul is inevitably linked to soul ; love never loses its own, not for the briefest sec ond ever ticked out on the clock of eter nity. Love is immortal and deathless as is the One Love which alone makes possible all human loves, and it lives by expression.


The mind is perpetually giving forth its emanations into the atmosphere, the thought-sphere widening in undula- tory waves as does the lake into which a pebble has been cast. Then what potent influence for good, or evil, every thinker must exert, what incentive to keep the thought pure, the fragrance of each life health-inspiring,

instead of resembling those poisonous and narcotic growths that allure but to destroy.


Thought is always a shaping power. Thoughts indeed are things, as all things are only the materialization of thought. Thoughts are potent energies, the levers of omnipotence, the messengers of the higher self, the indwelling Atma.


Evil is the limitation of Good as mat ter is the limitation of spirit. It is an inevitable condition of growth, a lower round in the ladder sloping God-ward. Early lessons are always imperfectly learned. The one all-pervading power in the universe is the omnipotent Good.


Spirit is Genesis as well as Revela tion. There is no death, but change is the necessary condition of growth. Does the green orange die when it dons the rich golden dress of the ripened fruit ? Should we wish to wear a dress we had outgrown ? Death is the great emancipator.


Space is a dimension bounded only by sense. Spirit knows no such limita tion. An awakened spiritual conscious ness can choose its own habitat ; the realms of the unseen are its own. There are other Gulf Streams than those which men of this planet navigate, mightier currents than the dormant earth-bound soul can ever know.


Nothing ever happens outside the In finite plan, and nothing afflicts if Divine will and human choice are one. Man manufactures his woes by wilful separ- ateness from that Love which is so wise; that Wisdom which is always loving.


Fatigue is forever past when that life which we call life, but which is mere existence becomes one with the Rhyth mic Breath, when Its harmonious expres sion becomes our unbroken habit. Man should serve as one of the strings of God's mammoth harp.


Vibration ! It is the very heart of Deity, pulsing through all the universe. We become gods in miniature when we concentrate our vibrations for noble action, when we breathe thought-waves over our suffering brother, to relieve pain or restore waning power, replacing spiritual discords by love, trust and divine union.


The eternal magnet draws with potent power, each aspiring traveler nearer and nearerto the broad summit of Truth. On that altitude all differences must cease. Vision is perfect, and unconfined by surface limitations. Union of senti ment and belief must there prevail, and all disciples will lose their distinctive titles in the "new name" promised to the children of God.


Let every soul feel himself a fresh creation of God. He bears perhaps a new message to humanity. Then let him strive to be humbly, grandly him self, entering no path because another soul has there achieved success, but let him work out his own individual type, following strictly the leading of the Mas ter's hand, the copy set for him by the Divine Schoolmaster.


A leader can only tell us about treas ure he has seen and where it can be found. It is not then our treasure. Each seeker must win for himself all that is truly his. The progressive soul demands a larger revelation than priest or book can furnish, seeks

for Truth, first hand at Nature's altar.


What is Thought ? The breath of the soul, the vital respiration that sus tains the spirit's embodied existence. Thought is the universal language, the reconciling tongue. Without it, what were man ? A lifeless thing, a serf ; with it an immortal, creative god.


This hour is the spirit's opportunity. Spirit has two poles, or gates. To live in health it is only necessary to keep the gate closed which opens downward into the realm of shadows and unrest, to be always positive in that direction, and negative upward, toward the source of all Life, the unfailing fountain of strength, of power, and wholeness.


Man recognizes attributes within him self that can make of disease a forgotten word, that can bid pain depart from every sphere of life. He is no longer a dumb, blind creature, of untoward circumstances, but a creator of his own environments.


The legacy of the Light-bearer, Jhis parting message of appeal and hope, which, like a morning star sheds its beams on our advancing path, is : " Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."


This is pre-eminently the age of intel lect, but souls are being stirred with a divine hunger which the treasures of intellect outpoured can never satisfy; for the human mind is not the avenue through which conscious connection with Divinity is made.- The only gate way to the kingdom of heaven opens from within the soul, however

rusty its hinges may have grown. It opens into a sphere of Light and Wisdom more vast than can be comprehended by the senses.


Then focus not spiritual lenses abroad for revealment as to what is Truth, The Good we seek is the All of Truth, and the voice of an unfolded intuition and the voice of God are one.


People inherit poverty of purse as well as of health ; but they do not claim the necessity of its continuance, or hug their birthright to them as a perma nent possession. They make desperate efforts to change such condition ; and all physical states are likewise mutable, evanescent.


There is a Life back of your mortal birth, a Law which gave your parents to you — greater than you or them — which can annul all inherited transmit- tance. It is a force which you can ab sorb so thoroughly, that it will work out its divine strength in you to the last physical expression. Turn to that strength which surrounds us. Drink it in and forget all weakness.


If God sent sickness, how impious ever to call in aid for its relief, thus thwarting His plans for the sufferer! How impossible that Jesus should have devoted His life to overthrowing His Father's work ! Did He not rather fulfil the Divine will by preaching a per fect freedom, physical as well as spir itual ?


The nearer we come to God, the far ther are we from discord and pain. When we go out from Him we find mis ery and unrest. God being omnipotent Good, cannot be the

author of anything so unlike Himself as loathsome disease. Man, by his own imperfection has cre ated it.


Mozart's lofty muse flows on like some mighty river, calm and majestic, reflecting sunshine in every ripple, while Mendelssohn is the mountain stream winding gracefully, leaping gaily over the rocks and pitfalls in its path. Grand models for human lives.


Thought is the cradle in which the man-child is rocked, it is the finger of the Father, to which His children tightly cling when striving, with fre quent failure, to walk alone. It is the guiding voice heard above the tempest of life, the spray from that Eternal Fountain which floweth ever, and dashes in musical, rippling fall on every fevered breast.


It is only for a little while that " man is made lower than the angels." Death is the open door to the caged bird. It is freedom in the glorious sunlight of immortality. Paul spoke truly : "Death is a gain." We shall never fully live until men call us dead.


Happiness is not the goal of life, but growth, the highest growth and useful ness. Those who seek happiness find it never. The path to Truth's high altar leads often over one's own bleed ing heart, but " at even time it shall be light.


All great souls the world has ever known have come up out of great trib ulation. Like their Master, they have been cross-bearers. In fact, people are not worth much until they have suffered. There is a wonderful alchemy in pain to transmit leaden natures,

or valuable ore in the rough, into purest gold.


Only the materialistic mind can make of heaven a mere locality. The high est heaven we find on earth is in labor ing for others, lifting the burdens of the weak, bringing good cheer to the sorrowful and oppressed. Why would it not be heaven in any state ?


Nothing in the inscrutable mysteries of Providence ever puzzles us more than its unpitying moderation, but sometime every perplexing doubt will be ex changed for certainty of knowledge. Meanwhile we have trust, which is bet ter than wisdom or sight.


If men happily awake after their dream of death to find heaven in their hearts, are they thenceforth to be sen tenced to imprisonment for life in some distant walled-up city, with streets of gold and gates of pearl ? Methinks the wailing of the lost would not be more pitiable than those chained thus to scenes of bliss. Activity is the vital breath of the healthy soul.


On wings of harmony we rise Wafted to gates of Paradise ; Music the ether where we float Out from earth's discords to remote And undiscovered harmonies. To past supernal memories. When life was pure and breath was tone. Th' enfranchised spirit seeks its own True source, the soul's key-note above, The tonic chord — the Father's Love.


The hardness of gold finds its corre spondence in the heart that sets up this god and

bows before it. Spiritual wealth should be the only treasure we seek to acquire. If we live in the spirit, a realm where gold is not accepted as coin current, we shall stray less widely from the path of Him who had not where to lay His head.


Let us never be content with our present narrow range of view, when a broader, wider horizon is within the reach of all patient research and conse crated endeavor. Inspiration is a foun tain of many mouths where each thirsty wayfarer can draw sweet refreshment and upliftment.


Disease outgrown is better than suf fering relieved. What greater boon could be brought to the race than the abolishment of all sickness and infir mity, than its entrance now upon the fulfilment of that gladsome promise, "Neither shall there be any more pain."


Are we flesh or are we spirit ; are we bodies or immortal souls ? God is spirit and our Father, yet where are our in herited Godlike powers displayed, our freedom from the entanglements of mat ter ? Omnipotence is one of the attrib utes of our heavenly Father : why do we not share it in a finite degree ?


We are never while embodied, all that we are in soul, but it is this soul-force permeating our mortal nature which is our reservoir of power : the divine Ego illumines the human clay. It gives us the voice of intuition, reveals our inher itance to perfectness of health, strength, and freedom from all physical bondage.


It seems the immortal George was attacked with sore throat, or quinsy, like any

ordinary mortal, but the doc tors, realizing him to be an extraordi nary patient, used their most desperate measures, bleeding him mercilessly again and again, giving him between whiles cruel doses of tartar emetic, till even his iron constitution gave way, and at last he implored them to let him die in peace.


Could not a spirit, when its own brain becomes a handful of dust, breathe on other brains with a soft suggestion to abhor the evil which tempts, and cleave to that which is good, to look up to the Source of Light which ever exists when clouds of depression lower? "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister unto the heirs of sal vation ? "


Death would be something to antici pate with such a goal in view. It would be the Christ's work, coming to earth to open the eyes of the blind, to unstop deaf ears, to release them that are bound in chains of vice, or of ignorance, which is the only cause of vice.


We can think a cold on to another if we indulge in ill-will towards him, an east wind of thought. Thoughts being real and tangible things, what barbed arrows may we not dart at the health and happiness of our brother who is off his guard, to say nothing of the baleful reflex action upon ourselves, the back ward kick of the gun.


We always relate ourselves to that upon which our thought dwells, and therefore endows with power. We can be whatever we choose to be, we can live as physical beings subject to all lower conditions, or we can live, now and here, the life of the free-born spirit, on the plane of spiritual reality.


Our beliefs and opinions make us what we are invariably. If we thor oughly believed we were one with God, realized that God was living Himself out in us, where would be the limit to our mastery and control of all condi tions ? If in Him we live, He will direct and illumine our paths.


We can keep our communication so close with the Over Soul, can run back on that glittering line of light so far into the Central Heart as to drink in and absorb light, heat (or love), wisdom, and power for every need.


Having fed upon husks so long, hav ing spent our precious time and soul energies in external (if not in riotous) living, prodigal sons and daughters that we are, shall we not arise and go to our Father, return to our only spring of refreshment, our true bread of life ?


Even the Master came to His mission through the gateway of helpless infancy. There are still Christs on the earth who need further embodiment less for them selves than to bring conscious life and immortality to humanity, through the atonement of a mighty sacrifice.


Media, like poets, are born, not made. There is no diviner gift of God than to be a mediator between the spiritual and material realms of conscious life, although in every age it has proved a thorny crown to its possessor.


Freedom is the vital breath of the soul ; growth its aim. Listen only to the divine voice within your own breast, the most trustworthy teacher you will ever know ; heed its promptings inva riably.


A phrase now somewhat commonly used is to come in touch with persons, or events. It is an unconscious recog nition of the soul's power to reach and touch other souls, independent of and transcending mortal sense. How many avenues the soul seeks through which to illumine our clay bound conscious ness !


Try henceforth to feel with your soul instead of with brain and nerves alone. Throw out your spiritual feelers, sense spiritual values. The illumination which awaits us in the future, who can fore see ?


We all create thought-currents with which other minds connect. Then think thoughts of love and sympathy while performing your daily duties, and the hard task of some weary laborer may thereby become lighter and easier. Create music in the hearts of others ; make all lives a song, since your broth erhood is universal.


How we would all welcome the day when mortals, instead of being drugged, carved and vivisected might be tuned into health as is a flat-toned piano, and then fed and nurtured by the vibrations of sweet sounds and colors surrounding them. This is what a spiritual treat ment accomplishes. Ht raises the pa tient's vibration to a higher pitch, helps him to strike true and clear his own key-note.


Our bodies are dying constantly. With the birth of every dawn, some thing of us has died, some wasted ele ment has been thrown aside, and there is a perennial spring of life within that repeats itself continually, creates new elements, eventuates a new form to serve the soul which survives all change.


There are laws governing spirit and matter not included in the laws of Moses. God is a perpetual creator. Man is constantly mounting evolution's winding stair, ever opening new avenues in mental and psychic directions to ap prehend more of Truth as he ap proaches heights where the essence of Truth is zwvolved.


Let motive be always true, the de sire selfless to accomplish the divine purpose in your creation, unmixed with any ignoble craving to shine with a lustre that others may see and marvel at your excellence. Humility is the test of all true growth. The Christs of the race have ever been meek and lowly. Except ye become as a little child, ye cannot enter the kingdom awaiting the poor in spirit.


"In my Father's house are many mansions." Aye, but every resident builds his own. It is building, to-day. Stone by stone must the structure rise with our every act and word. Each lofty aim, each noble aspiration though fruitless here, there finds expression. The home of the soul ! Be it ours to make it bright and fair, richly furnished with the fruitage of faithful service.


Even the ripened grain has to undergo the mower's scythe, the thresher's flail ; and when the pruning-knife of sorrow and bereavement has been used in our growth, when the husks have been rudely beaten from our hearts, we have counted the winnowing process grievous rather than joyous, yet afterward it hath yielded richest



Innocence and purity are not synony mous. The former is a negative con dition, untried, unintelligent, undevel oped. Purity is the triumph of the con queror, of one who has "overcome " all earthly temptations and is henceforth "clothed with the sun." Souls are given ample opportunity to unfold their divine possibilities, to reflect the divine nature, to grow in wisdom and in love.


There is no other avenue to the flood gates of inspiration, of wisdom and divine love but intuition, no other bar rier between us and their inexhaustible supply but our own lack of receptivity. We cannot appropriate the light that shines in any other soul.


God is pre-eminently and universally harmony, a harmony so perfect that the sweetest cadence of our choicest music * but feebly, faintly catches its divine echo. Harmony is the sound of God's voice, the rhythm of His thought, even Love is its expression.


Life's garden has its tempests and its early frosts, but also long, rich days, t with fostering sun and refreshing breezes, with sweet and helpful com panionships. Sown for a time in-mat- ter, life thrills in the upper temple of the soul, seeking a more and more spir itual expression ; the Over Soul, the magnet toward which it struggles.


What blessings may we not scatter abroad on friend and stranger alike if we keep our thoughts pure, strong and ennobling, if we think no evil, if we replace the unkind thought with the charity that suffers long and is inva riably kind, if we peremptorily

decide what sentiments shall henceforth find lodgement in our minds.


What a world this might become, what perfectness of health it might enjoy ! We fear the half-understood forces of steam and electricity, yet deal with a more potent, less perfectly un derstood force every day, one more deadly or beneficent as we shall deter mine — the power of thought.


The first underlying cause of all sick ness, weakness or fatigue — would that all the children of earth might realize it — is an ignorance of the true self hood and a sense of separateness from that Divine Energy we call God, the Eternal Centre of all health, strength and perfectness.


For the soul which can feel and affirm in serene but jubilant confidence, " I and my Father are one" has no further need of healer, or of healing.


Truth is the law of life so far as we have translated it, and Love is the great est law of Truth, the secret of all growthful, fruitful living, the gateway to the kingdom of heaven on earth. That love inculcated and practised by the Nazarene, which loves one's neigh bor as himself, is the oil of life, lubri cates the wheels of commerce and inter change in human marts.


Fear has blocked every avenue God- ward, fear of that Eternal Heart whose loving-kindness and tender mercy en- dureth forever, fear of that other man- made god — the god of evil, with its prefix " D " — fear of the beneficent angel Death, and above all fear of the consequences after death. " Perfect love casteth out fear."


Nature is forever the ideal to which Art aspires and yearns to soulfully por tray. And why ? Because back of Nature there is always God. We long to behold the face of our Father through the outermost veil that screens His glory. He hides us in this cleft of the rock while He passes by.


If we indulge in discouraged, despond ent thought we become a magnet to attract a whole flock of such ravens which fly to us from other befogged minds, the law of affinity being espe cially strong and close on mental planes. Thoughts of weakness gather their own legitimate harvest, and attract an imper fect achievement, or failure.


Retire each night with rejoicing at the consciousness of a fresher strength coming to you than you have ever known before. Baptize your first wak ing thought with this potent realization. Anticipate the new power with which the duties of the day are to be met. Aspire, grow mightily towards omnipo tence even on mental lines.


The psychic plane is not one to linger upon, any more than is the mental, but the psychic realm of consciousness is the intermediate round of the ladder between the mental expression and spir itual realization and the soul's complete record has to include this also. That marvellous faculty — psychometry — is the divinity in man coming to the sur face, the cognizance of the soul making itself felt independent of the senses, or the reasoning faculty.


Intellect is always self-reliant, never God-reliant, and the aspirant for true Wisdom

must ever be clothed with hu mility as are the Buddhas and Christs of the race. No other garb suffices, the lack of it marks the false prophet always. Intellectual pride is often pos sessed unconsciously.


Listen to the voice heard only in silence, when the tempest and whirl wind of earthly passion, and striving, and grieving, are stilled, the voice of your own soul welling up from the open flood-gates of intuition — the message of that Divinity which even now you assuredly are.


Inspiration is a baptism of Deity. It broods over every living spirit in any realm. It flows from the Deific foun tain-head ; it is the pulse of God. All genius is a pulsation from Divine wis dom, is in very truth, an inspiration.


Oh, the joy of being a gate opening both ways, through which the angels of aspiration and inspiration can ascend and descend. It is a God-given possi bility. It is the fault of our own spir itual blindness that there is ever any unconscious separation between friend and friend, for Love still seeks its own and Life is ever lord of Death."


Ignorance, our chief if not our only sin, is the primal cause of human suffer ing. The spirit descends into matter and aspires again towards its source, and countless gradations of progress are manifest on this stairway of experience.


We are now in our chrysalis state, we want to emerge from our material en casement and live the freer, diviner life of the winged soul. Then find your souls, and let the

soul find and shine radiantly, potently through your lives, now and here.


Conscience is the pendulum swinging back and forth between the animal and the divine within us. It is the impulse of the sense-plane balanced by reason, and is largely influenced by education. Conscience is the message with which the enlightened soul penetrates and sways the doubt and indecision of hu man conditions.


Conscience and intuition are not one. Intuition is the soul's gateway, the great revealer of one's divinity, of one's at-one-ment with the All of life, which never had any beginning and never can have any ending. Intuition does not need the sanction of reason any more than an adult should await the correc tion of a child. Intuition is the higher voice.


Impression is the spray from intui tion's fount. If we act habitually on its first prompting we connect ourselves with that unerring voice and encourage its trustworthy utterance. But if the pride of intellect steps in to weigh the value of this message, we connect our selves with the sense-plane which is always deaf to intuition.


We are all restless travelers seeking the peace that abideth, only to be found by conscious union with divinity. Stray not so far from thy Source, oh tired souls. Regain your own connection with the Infinite strength.


Growth is the main consideration however slow. Satisfaction is often a detriment thereto. Growth is better than contentment, for it assures the supremest joy —

fruition, at last. A slow assimilation of mental or spiritual wealth is usually grandest in its fruit- fulness.


What refreshing baptism do we gain at Nature's shrine, how the soul quickens again within us at such rich draught of beauty and grandeur, while looking through Nature up to Nature's God, and growing nearer to Him on the heights where the tumult of the world's action is stilled and we catch the key note of His harmony.


Thought into being by His Creative Mind, how can any soul be lost, (God's thoughts, which we are, being perforce, immortal) ; how also can any soul be ill, if we share His perfect life, how weak, if underneath are always the everlast ing arms ?


All dwellers on this earthly threshold need to learn the lesson of physical emancipation, the power and possibil ity of the indwelling spirit to dominate all erroneous conditions by its own di vine inheritance. For freedom is pro claimed, freedom while clothed with clay, the freedom which belongs to the spirit which man is.


All of Truth shall be yours according to your growing capacity to receive its supernal message. But seek it at the Source, not alone from book, or teacher, or external authority. These are only reflectors of the one Light which you can gain for yourselves first-handed. Then walk in the Light, live and be the Truth — its illumined embodiment.


The contract is not given us to forc ibly reconstruct the world. It is the potent leaven of our unobtrusive lives which will permeate and vitalize the clay. Divine seed must fructify for its central germ is Omnipotence.


Thought strikes off the fetters of material thralldom, it enfranchises the spirit, gives back its wings to the caged bird. Thought is freedom, it is life eternal. Thought is vision, it is the sight of the brain. It is a telescope through which we catch glimpses of the Infinite. It is the language of heaven.


Death does not end our labors or our joys. It but opens a gate into a wider field of action, one of renewed facilities, of grander possibilities. This life is the shadow, that the substance ; this the germ, that the ripened fruit. There every latent gift will find fruition, every blighted bud will fully blossom.


Sometime will not a treatment of dis ease seem amusing that begins and ends in the realm of effect without touching the cause, without educating the race to that standard where each one shall be his own physician, no longer at the mercy of fears and erroneous beliefs that mock God's perfection, His love and tenderness ?


To a life realizing its one-ness with the Father in essence and likeness, en compassed and ensphered by Divine Love and Strength, no weakness can come, no harm befall.


It shall be given us in every hour what we shall speak and what we must do, if we place our hand trustingly in His to be led. Give no place to dis trust. The Truth will stand without the prop of our anxiety. To sow the seed is all we can do; He will look after the harvest.


No grief can await us on the other side of life, nay, in the real life, so keen, perhaps, as the remembrance of a missed opportunity for doing good. Our meagre bank account will trouble us little then. Freely have we received, freely should we give.


How often we live to thank God that all our prayers have not been answered ! How merciful it is that we do not have the ordering of our lives ! What pure joy, what rare blessedness we should otherwise miss.


A medium is such from the peculiar magnetic, electric, and odic properties of his physical organism ; while a medi ator between light and darkness, truth and error is able to perform such high office because of the depth and breadth and grasp of his divine nature. One can be both. Psychic sensitiveness is not spiritual unfoldment, though one should lead to the other.


A spiritual healer is an open window through which vibrations of light are conveyed. It is the Sun always which gives the light ; it is the deathless prin ciple which heals and not the thought of the healer. The light must illumine every darkened heart eventually, but for immediate needs the transparent pane in some other soul can be utilized.


Whenever conscious connection is made with the Divine Energy which surrounds, upholds, and enspheres us as does the sea, the fish, the moist soil, the grovelling worm, there is henceforth nothing to heal. Sickness or fatigue are no longer possible since divine sup plies are inexhaustible. It is never low tide on the heavenly coast.


We shall accumulate nothing we do not need. Our roots cannot pierce too deeply, or spread too widely, for the large demands which life will make upon us. The season of growth is often one of pain ; but present suffering means future power, present conflict, future peace.


The workers who leave us in the form have not ceased from their labors. We work and grow together, embodied or disembodied, and both there and here, the motive of each and all, the desire which burns in every breast is to reach the grandest, deepest unfoldment of all that is divine within us, and that not alone for our own advancement but for the point of greatest usefulness in the harvest field of the world.


Soul is the vice-gerent of divinity, breathing a portion of its immortal life s and thought and power through spirit into matter, by which combination the evolution of Mind becomes possible. The soul is one with its Source, like wise uncreate ; the spirit of man is con ducting pipe for its inspiration to the intellect.


If you would keep your mental atmos phere pure and sweet, let the mind never serve as a sieve or drain into which the impurities of other's thoughts are poured. Give no ear to the idle gossip of the hour. Its poor victim now stands where we once

stood and needs the helping hand to climb higher. Sharpen not the teeth of self-reproach, their wounds are deep and bitter.


God is Spirit (nowhere in any Scrip ture is it stated that God is Mind), and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and (thus) in ttuth. Then let us get as far from the external as possi ble ; let us live, work and realize in spirit.


Ye cannot grow towards a goal which ye do not desire, which finds no habit ual lodgement in your mind. You become like what you think of most. Thought must be centred on spiritual things, the soul now starved must be fed with spiritual meat.


Does the seedling having gained an anchorage in material soil elect to grovel there? Does not its upward- reaching lance strive bravely, steadily toward that bright magnet which lures it on ? It grows because it feels within, the pulsing of that mighty, forceful tide of life which impels it forward.


Every thought-wave is actualized on the external plane. We cannot move until we think to do it. Every action has this lever as motive power, every condition of physical life is the outcome of thought. Then what excuse for un favorable bodily conditions ? We are creators with material at hand which we fail to intelligently utilize. We bear burdens which a truthful thought would disarm.


The Light of the world ! How it has been eclipsed by the wordy sophistries of men ! The Christ which the human Jesus became and exemplified, the Christ who is with us

alway even unto the end of the world, the Com forter which abides more surely since the mortal presence departed, whom yet the world does not comprehend !


In the Orient, a Buddha instead of the Christ brought the truth of self- renunciation as a key to the kingdom. But whether it be the Christ, Osiris, or Buddha, all paths lead to the one gos pel, the same truth, however revealed, that the Supreme Self is the self in all creatures, and its Law is universal Love.


To feel at-one-ment with the divine plan and purpose growing stronger each day, to lose self-choosing and be gladly used as an instrument of the Infinite de sign, the personal will so one with the Divine will that human sorrow is for ever disarmed, whatever befalls, and only contentment can remain.


The pathway to Truth's high altar must ever be an arduous course, a sol itary pilgrimage; but all things which can be desired are incomparable to the peace which descends as a rich baptism on the soul entering the portals of Truth.


The true use of prayer is to lift the supplicant beyond the need of appeal for personal blessing or protection. Aspiration is the vital breath of the soul, without which souls are dead. It is the link connecting child and Parent, spirit and Spirit, soul and Over Soul.


The innate strength of its Omnipotent Source gives tenacious hold to the weak est vitality, the feeblest struggle for expression. In this Divine Immanence no soul ever

fails to live itself out, to unravel every thread of experience it is destined to gain, while building for eternity. Love is a marvellous tonic ; health and strength are contagious.


Facts are stubborn exponents of affin ity's potent law. Spirit, true to its own kinship, recognizes no ties of flesh ; the memory of the soul, intuition's prompter, gives flashes of prior recognition to the inner consciousness that are reliable.


How sweet life is to the happy, to those whom Love has crowned ! God help those to whom Love proves a thorny crown. Yet Sorrow is one of God's educating angels.

"Only those are crowned and sainted, Who with grief have been acquainted."


We become true healers as we be come Christ-like. It is the birth of the perpetual Christos. The Christ-prin ciple must be felt within ; its outward demonstration will thence be spontane ous, and naturally transmit a healing tide, the divine beatitude.

MAY 10

Evil is only ignorance, slowly chang ing into a greater degree of enlighten ment, though none of us has yet pro gressed so far as to sit in judgment on evil. Our present condition may seem such in the light of to-morrow. The death of the lower self is the entrance into life — that life which is Life indeed.

MAY 11

If one has a retentive memory let him be careful what pictures he hangs among her cherished treasures, select ing only those whose permanent com panionship will be

a delight. As well eat tainted meat as contact from motives of curiosity alone, impure malarial men tal atmospheres.

MAY 12

The prevalence of yellow in all wild flowers is very noticeable. Symbol of light — God's first-born — it is also the color-emblem of wisdom. Blue, which symbolizes truth, is rarest in the floral kingdom, as indeed is its correspond ence in a world so rife with error that it has not yet solved Pilate's old query : " What is truth ? "

MAY 13

Beauty never forgets her earth child anywhere, under any circumstances. Can even Paradise be fairer than this radiant planet ? If so, we hope the angel of Life, whom men call Death, will not tarry too long.

MAY 14

In our mundane schools, the intellect is unduly exalted, its activity solely en couraged, when the kingdom of wisdom is within, with intuition as its warder. At the throne of intellect the voice of intuition is never heard, and thither the inspired message rarely comes. Men tal concentration closes the door to inspiration.

MAY 15

By ceasing to focus upon self, upon a principle, or Logos, by forgetting all about self in faithful service to others, that same higher self unfolds and ad vances at a more rapid pace than ever it has done before. Conserve your con- centrative efforts to a higher plane than the mental.

MAY 16

The spirit is a breath from that Deific germ, the soul, is pure as its source, untainted by the alloy of earthly experience. It can therefore never be ill, or faint, or weary,

hence, to annul sickness, fatigue or unrest, we have only to live every day and hour in the spirit rather than exclusively in our bodies.

MAY 17

Mental purity, moral rectitude, the Christian's faith are not enough. The soul must feel and realize its inherent generic one-ness with the Over-Soul, must be so in touch with the Infinite Perfection that its very heart strings are lyres that vibrate with the Eternal Harmony.

MAY 18

If one with Omnipotence — think of it — how can weariness ever assail or possess the consciousness. With all the strength in the universe back of us, how can we possibly give out until God does ? Is the fountain exhausted while the vast reservoir pours through it ? Fatigue is the result of human expec tancy or limitation.

MAY 19

Fathom the mysteries of life's daily happenings. No experience or episode need be profitless. Each holds a jewel for our polishing, bears some truth that awaits unveiling at our hands.

MAY 20

How glad we are that the all-inclusive Intelligence did not forget to create ferns ! What pure and delicate joy we otherwise should have missed, a charm not wholly lost when winter comes, for Jack Frost so yearns over the tender victims he has slain that he constantly strives to reproduce their fine tracery in his own delicate creations.

MAY 21

Since the centre of God is every where, His circumference nowhere, it is far truer to

affirm that we are in God than that He dwells in us, though both are true, since the finite cannot con tain the Infinite, conceptions of which broaden so inconceivably when personal love is lost in the limitless sea of divine love.

MAY 22

Through growth and struggle, man learns the potentialities of his being. The unripeness of the race, which we call evil, is apparent in the going out of the unit from the All and hence its sep aration from the Source, which leads to the exaltation of the lower self. The supreme good is the realization of unity between the human and the divine.

MAY 23

The psychic sense is the clear lake which reflects form and color in its deep heart. The psychic realm is the connecting link between substance and shadow, spirit and matter. Psychic dis cernment should be cultivated in its utmost purity and strength as the rarest gift mortals can .possess. Heal ers, above all others, should be psychics.

MAY 24

He who by true knowledge of his own being and its powers, has learned his one-ness with all force and how to wield it, can say as Jesus did to the tumultuous winds and waves of human consciousness, "Peace, be still!" and there comes a calm. The soul's propor tion of the Divine Essence is greater than that of the "elements.

MAY 25

As a man thinketh, so always is his physical reflection, but as he liveth near or remote from the Deific Heart, as a spirit cognizant of and under the do main of spiritual laws, or as a mortal merely, of the earth, earthy, so he thinks and manifests on the physical plane.

MAY 26

To be held in close, vital relationship, in perfect at-one-ment with the Father, is the

only religion (religare — to bind back again) worthy the name. The soul is then raised to conscious son- ship : the Comforter has come.

MAY 27

The body per se has no power to be either weak or strong, and our share of Omnipotence — the all-pervasive Energy — is only limited by our spiritual capacity to receive and appropriate the same.

MAY 28

We cannot learn how to be healers, we must feel ourselves to be such as we grow into the realization of Truth, which is always one-ness with the Father. " He that doeth my will shall know of the doctrine." Such service is the only road to wisdom.

MAY 29

In the early centuries of the Chris tian era, healing went hand in hand with the preaching of the gospel. Why this degeneration of spiritual gifts in the 19th century when the need is greater ? Every minister of Christ's pure gospel of health and purity who brings so much as a headache or a twingeing nerve to the performance of pastoral duties, needs to study a new translation of the Word of God.

MAY 30

Laurels and abiding love for those who held not their lives dear when their country was imperilled, and the cause of human freedom was at stake. Yet greater than the conflict which abol ished chattel slavery is the work of emancipating a race from unnecessary bondage to the flesh.

MAY 31

The portals of heaven never open in any realm save in response to this key — the conquest of self — which leads as nothing else can to union with the Supreme Self. This is the true Nir vana, the final goal of the aspiring soul.


Only the school of life can bring wis dom, and the harder and more crucial the curriculum of this course, the richer the harvest hoarded by the soul. Ex perience is both its test and spur, the hard, strident whetstone to sharpen its courage and heighten its pristine brilliancy.


If we can only reach the desired end through attrition, toil and hardship, should we not welcome even with out stretched arms, the most bitter experi ences, that thereby the purpose of our embodiment be fullv outwrought even as the warrior embraces the opportunity to win his laurels.


Omniscience is the all-seeing engi neer of this long life-journey which we have undertaken, and one of the pur poses of the pilgrimage is to recognize the good in all and to learn that all is good. There is no other omnipotence.


We want to awaken from the sluggish torpor of the flesh in which we have drifted so far from our true anchorage, and we long to feel, or should, the tension of divine holding at the very springs of life. " Lift up your heads, oh ye gates, and the King of glory shall come in."


A fear of disease is always a curse to the individual or the race; and a reli gion, however devout and sincere, that has failed to rid the world of this curse, or reveal its unreality on the plane of spirit is imperfect, impotent, and proves itself incapable of bringing perfect sal vation to the race.


Can any form of worship be more acceptable than to bear about in our bodies the mark of our Lord's power, to die daily to our lower nature, to be hourly resurrected in that perfect life and love which casteth out fear ?


The height you would surmount is within yourself. The ineffable Pres ence dwelleth there, in the secret cham ber of your own soul. Go to that inner sanctuary, and, when you have shut the door upon the world's tumult and desires, commune with the Author of every good and perfect wish.


For as each ray reflected from our solar luminary bears a message of life and growth to the worlds that form his starry retinue, so to the Central Eter nal Sun alone must we look, on its light must the soul depend for illumination, or for healthful vitality.


Life's garden has its tempests and its early frosts, but also long, rich days, with fostering sun and refresh ing breezes, with sweet and helpful companionships. Other flowers grow just across the path whose fragrance breathed upon the willing air, we sense, and gain therefrom upliftment.


Realize that you live to-day in the world of spirit, feel its other denizens about you as plainly as you sense your human companions, who are also spirits ; catch the message they would bring, which no mere words could adequately express.


The worlds — crystalized thoughts of God — as they revolve discharge their vibrations of odic force, pregnant with the thought-auras of the superior intel ligences who inhabit them, and of all the spirit spheres that lie between ; and some souls in mundane paths grow sen sitive enough to feel these currents appreciably and draw from thence assist ance.


It doth not yet appear what we shall be, as we grow to find our souls, and appropriate more and more of the divin ity which is our own, and grasp of the infinitude of Deific Love and Wisdom which awaits our possession, and of which physical healing is among the least of its possibilities and prophecies.


Grow on, up and away from self, grow into others' lives, help your near-sighted brother to know himself, strengthen the foundation on which he is building — it may prove the truest revealment of weak places in your own — live broader lives, learn to know, love and serve that broad expression of God's self — humanity.


The bird who wings his daring flight through the limitless spaces of ether does not first, to aid his freedom, con centrate upon a tree-bough. Shall we then thus clip the wings of our aspira tion toward the upper spheres of being, the realm of all true living ?


Lift the consciousness to the plane of pure and absolute spirit. Strongly real ize yourselves to be spirits who inspire the brain with activity as you do the body with sensation and usefulness, but yet remain apart from those external planes of expression, in reality and in consciousness — spirits.


An Omnipotent Hand dropped the seed of our souls in their mortal environ ments. It is the fruit of the ancestral tree and must in some distant harvest day be true to its primal type, which is Divinity.


Do not fear to grow, to follow the promptings of the God within, even if your path seems to turn aside from familiar, well-traveled roads. They have not always led to freedom and light hitherto. Let each soul be its own High Priest unto God, its own physician.


What a gospel (one as yet unfath- omed) does color preach to the world, and what would the world be without this many-toned evangel ! It is the synonym of the myriad attributes of Deity, the diversity of the Omniscient thought. Each ray of God's Infinite Light which reaches the soul of man is a prism of His own varied wholeness.


Our lack of health, of happiness, wis dom, growth, or power, is due to our failure to absorb the Light which falls upon us so lavishly. It surrounds us with a flood of radiance, but in our murky material atmosphere, we catch here and there but a feeble ray.


Intuition is the guiding voice of our own souls in their at-one-ment with Omniscience. Impression may be the message of our own soul-wisdom or of some external Ego, one wiser, or more unenlightened, as we shall attract.


God is always an omnipresent mag net drawing the children of men nearer and nearer unto Himself. He waits for their approach, for them to choose to come, and prayer is the lever to lift the soul toward an understanding of this simple truth.


No one holds a copyright on Truth, any more than you do. No opinion can be half so authoritative for you as the divine promptings of your own intui tion. Do not seek for light through any other soul, creed, or book, save the Sacred Word which God inscribes on the inner tablets of your being.


If we felt, within, a close union with Deity, our minds, even on the mortal plane would be shaped accordingly. Thought is the creative power, the agent of our acts and of the conditions reflected in our bodies. Thoughts are veritable things, but our spiritual state decides ivliat thoughts shall be ours.


Discord in home life is a prolific source of illness. The common polite courtesies of society are neglected there. We say to our own what we would never say to those less dear. Love is the secret of life. " In honor preferring one another."


A sacred treasure is the life we bear, a life which calls for the most earnest consecration ; especially must the spir itual healer exemplify in his daily walk and work the truths of the spirit. He must outgrow personality. It is God's Truth that invariably triumphs and its torch-bearers, losing all selfness, rejoice heartily together.


True happiness is never known until self is outgrown, with all desire to tri umph over another. There is no sin in the category of human wickedness that does not spring from the prominence of the self-hood as something separate and apart from the multitude.


Free-will is the soul's inheritance, and the use thereof, marred by the ignorance of immaturity, causes mis takes which must be painfully outgrown. But sorrow is the prince of educators, and every error is transformed into good eventually, though the road thither may be long and devious.


Everywhere, in everything, we see our God. What is space ? The " ever lasting arms" around and underneath, enfolding all. What is light ? The rays that stream from the Central Glory. Color ? It is the warmth of this illumined Breath. And music ? The melodious throbbing of the Infinite Heart which sets the keynote of all that lives to perfect harmony. Such a form as this, our God may wear.


The externalizations of the Infinite thought in Nature are the object-les sons by which, as children with their blocks, we spell out wonderful words of Deity. They are the concessions He makes to our human blindness for until the A B C's are mastered, how shall we understand the language of the Teacher?


Grow in spiritual realization, con stantly reaching upward, like the aspir ing flame which spirit is, to our true ancestral Source, struggling ever up ward, as does the tired child to its Father's arms, above and beyond all discord, error, and materiality, to rest, and peace and God.


All force is in the soul. There is no matter as a power, though it exists as a vibratory combination of molecules to act as agent of the real power. Mind imperfectly expresses the supernal mes sages of the soul. Hence in the work of healing, let the Infinite reach its child through the avenue of the enlightened soul, unhindered by finite mental action.


It is not the healer's mentality, how ever ripe, with which a patient needs to make connection ; but to renew con scious, vital realization of one-ness with the Father. The divine reflection, that perfect peace which surpasses all human understanding, can only be gained in absolute, effortless silence.


Decide which life-waves you will vi brate with, the major or the minor tones, and then decide to remain in tune. There is a concert pitch of the soul. Do not fall below it in your mortal expression of life. Your key board is wide enough for grandest, full est effort.


No patient can take the gift of free dom from the healer ; he must heal him self, at last. Lincoln could, with a stroke of the pen, release a race from slavery. He could not thereby raise them to a conscious equality with free manhood. There must be an unfold- ment of the bowed and stricken nature which has so long cringed in bondage.


There may be an element of human curiosity in the desire to develop psy chic gifts, but back of this there is also an innate prompting of the soul to reclaim its birthright.

To become clair voyant, or clairaudient is simply to re possess our own, to conquer material density and limitations, to clear the dust of earth from our eyes and ears.


In that day (while still embodied) when our spiritual powers as well as our realization are regained, we shall understand why "there is no death" and how death can be swallowed up in victory. For our translated ones will walk and work visibly beside us, as indeed they now do invisibly, because of our pitiful blindness.


It is a momentous thought that we are as necessary to God as He is to us, else creation would not have been evolved from the Infinite Mind. Power and Intelligence must express itself, and Purposes of which we have not yet conceived must be outwrought. Hence we mc — potent factors in a Deific design.


It is possible, here and now, to culti vate the capacity of seeing the spiritual in the commonplace, of detecting the Infinite design in the most trivial inci dent, of seeing only this and being so filled with the wisdom of its purpose, that we shall be lifted above all per sonal regret, or vexation.


We are still color-blind to the Truth everywhere prevailing, and transform ing error into light ; we yet fail to discover the omnipresent beauty so lav ishly outspread on every hand. As Plato in one of his regal sentences declares " Beauty is Truth in its splen dor."


Be ye faithful in the smallest duties. No matter how small, duty is duty. If of no more

value than a feather's weight, see that the feather be not tarnished.


Gifts differ in their myriad expres sion, yet all are one. For is not heal ing inspiration ? Is not the force that touches and burns itself into the breast of another a conscious inspira tion ? So is soul wherever you find it, and thought is its vehicle. Every good is the result of the self-same inspiring power.


Look for virtues, not for vices in humanity. We usually find what we are looking for. Search for the true, the eternal. See only the light shining above, when earthly pathways seem dark. Catch the silver lining to every cloud, the bright side of everything. Wear optimistic glasses.


While wandering, aimless thoughts are spendthrifts of our mental wealth, strength and poise, and we should be able to focus attention steadily at will, labored and habitual mental concentra tion fetters the spirit's flight and dulls the ear to the messages of soul-wisdom which are above and beyond all treas ures of intellect.


The healer should wait in passive silence to be concentrated upon by the Infinite and only Healer. The word metaphysician might well be superseded by psycho-physician, since soul-power is the primal energy, the only real and abiding force, and soul- emancipation from the bondage of mind over matter the greatest need of the patient.


Everything we see, or hear, or feel in Nature is the projection more or less faint of the

Infinite Self. Is not here the science of all beauty — the God made manifest — the partial revealment that it is of " that Beauty so ancient, that Beauty so new," the Source of all, with which the yearning, homesick soul craves re-union.


What musical, jocund sound rings in the green fields when the mower whets his scythe, making a brief meadow symphony which provokes even the birds to song ! And who can say that spiritual ears may not catch the tones of half-suggested melody when the whet stone of sorrow is used upon our hearts, a refrain that must soon ripen into a grand full anthem of victory.


Yet all experience is not of a sombre nature. Many of its lessons are sweet and pleasant, all educative in the broad est sense, since true education is not a cramming process from without, but an unfoldment from within of latent power, of wisdom and of spiritual conscious ness.


If in harmonious attunement with all of Nature's laws, should we be unduly prostrated on a hot day ? It is quite a fashionable infirmity to "feel the heat." Look for the rich life of which the day is also brim full, and you will assuredly find it. Feel the life as well as the heat.


How often do we gratefully acknowl edge the faithful service of our guar dian angels ? What pure desires and aspirations may thus touch our hearts unawares, what quickening of thought and righteous resolve, what weakened power of temptation, what increasing hunger and thirst for Truth and Light !


Thoughts are positive, tangible poten cies, and a strong thought sent out with fervent desire to accomplish any noble, beneficent purpose, attracts to it thoughts everywhere of the same type and color. In union there is strength ; no life is lived alone.


With the grand pulsation of the Infi nite Heart, man must harmonize him self, must regulate his thoughts and his loves by its perfect rhythm, must attune himself to the Divine anthem, strike the key-note of his being in accord with that perpetual harmony wherein no dis cordant note can sound, where health and peace must reign supreme, forever- more.


Each soul must seek and find God for itself eventually, must gain its own translation of that T.ruth which is His | revealment, even though another may show it the way. No finite apostle, however worthy, can himself be the way.


The mind is perpetually giving forth its emanations into the atmosphere, the thought-sphere widening in undulatory waves as does the lake into which a pebble has been cast. Then what po tent influence for good, or evil, every thinker must exert, what incentive to keep the thoughts pure, the fragrance of each life, health-inspiring.


Just what that supernal message is which Music breathes from the realm of harmony to the exiled spirit on earth, no human language can ever translate, since emotion has no speech for human ears, but the spirit remembers the language of its native home, and it responds, throb for throb, to each vibra tion of Harmony's wave. It is

flood- tide in the soul.


Just what that supernal message is which Music breathes from the realm of harmony to the exiled spirit on earth, no human language can ever translate, since emotion has no speech for human ears, but the spirit remembers the language of its native home, and it responds, throb for throb, to each vibra tion of Harmony's wave. It is flood- tide in the soul.


The law of gravitation, the affinity between kindred souls is still enforced when unclothed with clay, and the freed spirit is drawn to the atmosphere of its loves as surely as the apple drops to the ground. Mortals have never suffi ciently recognized the silent ministry of the unseen powers that beneficently guard, protect and aid them.


Our fuller apprehension of Truth awaits only our growing receptivity, waits for the divine in us to awake and know itself, its at-one-ment with Truth, of which it is also an indispensable part, a thought of the Deific Thinker, there fore one with the Infinite Mind of God, which is Truth.


Live as a spirit should on the plane of spiritual consciousness and even sen sation loses its potent sway. Your chair, the floor will be scarcely sensed. The attraction of gravitation to which you will then respond will be of the spirit, upward, rather than of the planet, downward.


Intellect looks outward, reasons from the external. Intuition looks within where the pure in heart see God. There is always something lacking with intellectual giants. The truth must be spiritually discerned. Intuition teaches a wisdom beyond that of the schools.


Unselfishness is the password to the realm of peace, the solvent of human misery and unrest. Health consists in the discovery that the real true self is one with the Infinite Perfection and therefore cannot register such gross imperfection as fevers and gouts. Over come the lower selfhood.


The day is coming when no spiritual teacher will gain a hearing whose form does not express immaculate health to thus prove the worth of the message he bears. Faith must be practilized, the promises of divine similitude appropri ated.


Many true-hearted workers in our pulpits are broken down before their prime, or stagger on under the burden of dyspepsia, bronchitis, or nervous prostration. What an anomaly it seems to do God's pure work, bear His mes sage of Truth to a waiting world and — suffer for it.


First in knowledge of themselves, mankind should learn that heirs of God cannot be slaves of the dust, that hence forth they must be emancipated from fleshly conditions, and then the neces sity of disease, pain, or fatigue will assail them no more forever.


A distinction should be made between individuality and personality. One is the state of being, the other its method of expression, and some methods are capable of improvement. The external personality should die, or change, day by day, as we slough off imperfections and mount to the consciousness of the true inner self.


The wish to follow any line of achieve ment is always the prophecy that such latent gift exists in this present expres sion of life, and stirs you with unrest till it be unfolded. But let motive be ever true, the selfless desire to accom plish the divine purpose in your creation.


If you want to be happy, healthy and wise, want to polish down the sharp angles of narrow selfish interests, or morbid slant, if you want to grow into the image and likeness of the Creator of this beautiful world, which in all its glory is but a shadow of the real Home of the Soul, then — travel !


Man has within himself unlimited powers of emancipation from all bond age. The Christ came to show by ex ample what possibilities are already ours. But has not the copy set for us by the Divine Schoolmaster been most feebly, imperfectly traced by our blundering stupid hands?


As soon as we stop fearing and be lieving in sickness, it can no longer attack us ; according to the old couplet,

" The best receipt for health, say what you will, Is never to suppose you can be ill."


The best and highest form of treat, ment is above and beyond all thought. For God does not speak in the whirl wind of argument, or in the tempest of mental conflict, but when these are past in the still small voice.


For some of the cMemist's experi ments the atmosphere of his laboratory must be one of perfect tranquillity. All physical laws have their spiritual cor respondence. Alum makes the most beautiful crystallization when the ut most quiet prevails. It is in this atmos phere also, that Truth crystallizes most perfectly.


We hear much of diseases of inher itance, of maladies that are an ancestral trait. But what do we inherit from our heavenly Father? There is an inher itance of the soul of perfect freedom, strength, and vigor. Should not the higher heredity annul and overcome the lower?


It is often the surest sign an idea is true if it antagonizes our error. Be broadly open then to every phase of thought, while desiring Truth supremely, and from that potent law of affinity, like attracting like, you will accrete nothing but Truth.


We need less to bring spirits down to the mortal plane (although we should welcome them when they come) than to lift our own spirits to their rightful immortal state of spiritual freedom. All should learn this lesson of physical emancipation, the power of the indwell ing spirit to dominate every condition by its own divine inheritance.


Remember the corner-stone of all Truth, the only necessary base on which to build, is a realization of your own divinity, and of your own close vital connection with the Deity — God within as well as without. Practilize your con victions.


If you and the Father are one, then let the divine strength and perfectness become manifest in the unassailable health of your bodies, in the purity and potency of your thoughts, the unselfish beauty of your daily living. Let God utter Himself through you.


The life is always the guage of one's grasp of Truth. Then live this truth of divine at-one-ment. Be ready, if neces sary, to die for it ; but show it forth that others may see the Light you hold and the Source from whence it streams, and glorify, not you, but your Father in heaven.


Be rich in good thoughts, good deeds, good cheer for all. Radiate the spir itual influx wherewith you are filled to overflowing. The higher life is gained through unselfish love. Forget self, ignore and spurn the personal self-hood, even the eminently respectable intel lectual self and rise " on the stepping stones of your dead selves " to the highest realization of spirit.


Yellow — the color of the sunshine and symbol of Wisdom — is so universal that the artist has to use it even in painting his shadows. May we remem ber this in our life-shadows, and be able to detect through the gloom, the tone- color, Wisdom, in the hands of the Infinite Artist, who is thus beautifying our lives and strengthening them for victory.


Sophia, — fair goddess of Wisdom — might appropriately be symbollized by one of those exquisite marble statues wearing a veil. The lovely contours and rare semblance are suggested, almost discerned, but the veil of exter nal sense obtrudes its eclipsing folds, and we catch the beauty and its mean ing in segments.


Let us not forget our weaker broth ers and sisters who are painting their life-pictures in the slums, filling them with clouds, and storms, and whirlwinds of passion, with shipwreck of body and almost of soul. Let us reach out strong helpful hands to them, our loving hearts, our potent, uplifting thoughts.


How little we comprehend the least of the laws of spirit and its control of the externalized form, our complex pos sibilities, our dual nature, the diverse channels in which growth and develop ment may obtain, the hidden treasures which in us lie ! When we begin to realize the depths of our ignorance, the poverty of our acquirement, the germs of Wisdom are being planted.


Our perhaps intimate knowledge of our friend of yesterday, his character, aims and impulses predicates nothing of his attainment to-day. He may have stepped over a broad and mighty thresh old while we were sleeping, as we too may have grown since last he met us to an altitude he but imperfectly scans.


We are building our future homes now, each day and hour, by every thought and act, adding thereto the embellishment of fair jewels of self- sacrifice and willing service

for others with which the dark stain that marks the failure, or mistake of last year, will be encrusted and obliterated.


An instrument to be used! This pure, altruistic aim is the expression of at- one-ment, one with the divine plan and mission, to be both medium and medi ator ; this is the service of the Christ when the Logos becomes manifest in our hearts, and the Holy spirit illumines our atmosphere.


Aspire for Truth only, whatever its label, or however it may differ from for mer conceptions of Truth, still the Truth against the world (which world must be overeome before the Truth is even sighted) the Truth forever, the highest, deepest revelation which can and must fill to overflowing the children of Eternal Unfathomable Truth.


God's thought in these rare, radiant days, has seemed, from our standpoint, a daily becoming, an unfoldment of beauty, fragrance and abundant fruit age. What better example can we seek than this object-lesson which Nature furnishes to encourage us in our daily, hourly resurrection from our lower selves to higher ultimates of expression.


Each flower breathes a different mes sage. If tints were tones, what full choired anthem they might sing, for color speaks with a language all its own — speaks of love, wisdom, truth and inspiration leading the heart, through chromatic gradations, to the white light of purity.


It is the God, in embryo within our selves, from which we must roll away the stone and rubbish of materiality. It is our own sheaves with which we must enrich the heavenly granary. We must earn the plaudit : "Well done."


The beaded drops of labor must still rest upon our brows, proving how often a crown of thorns — the only insignia of royalty our Elder Brother ever wore — but the disciple counts it joy to share the portion of his Lord. A new out pouring of the spirit follows each Geth- semane hour, a holier baptism succeeds the refining process of cleansing fires.


Could we know what light means if no night intervened, whose contrasting darkness is an educator ? The prob lematical "evil" — that unripe condi tion which is steadily growing toward perfection — has been a necessary whet stone on which to sharpen all our en deavors toward the reflection of the Infinite Good.


Seek for the divinity that is within thee. Find God there and worship Him in the beauty of thine own holi ness ; all other things will henceforth be added unto thee, and painful mate rial conditions will cease to afflict, since they no longer exist, for thee.


Let us strive to live soulful lives, not mere human existences ; for being is far more than living. Yearn mightily on ward — soul-ward — God-ward.


Be the torch-bearers to illumine the darkness, that all may read and learn for themselves. Quicken the dying embers of Truth that smoulder on the hearth-stones of the world. Fan them into a wide sweeping flame with the breath of thy glowing spirit.


In thy growth, be original. Cut loose from narrow platforms. Follow no teacher implicitly. The progress of the world has been wrecked on blind faith and unquestioned acceptance of external authority. Taste the pure joy of freedom. Let thy spirit expand and burst its fetters.


No soul ever grew in leading strings, and no two souls approach the altar of Truth by the same avenues. Guides are occasionally helpful but often retard progress. Richest discoveries reward the solitary seeker, and Truth reveals her rarest treasures to the soul that in passive silence, waits and listens for her sweet voice.


Sense the body so little that like the pilot in the wheel-house you will turn the machinery below you, while not a part of it. Allow the spirit to remain in calmest equipoise, in waiting readi ness to receive, that it may serve as a connecting link in the chain of Life and Health and Wholeness, to transmit to others.


" With His stripes we are healed." O Elder Brother, In thy footsteps pure perchance e'en another May press on toward dark Gethsemane, May climb, cross-laden, some Calvary Of self-abnegation, of sacrifice high. For soul of another may materially die.

May suffer derision, mockery, scorn, For the Truth that in some heart waits to be born. The hill may be rough, its path rocky and steep. Where we faithfully search for

the wayward sheep, But the Master hath trodden its wilds before ; Joy and peace

eometh when the conflict is o'er. "By His stripes" — by ours, — yes, thus thev are healed, And awake to the Truth which He hath revealed.


Whence cometh thought ? From above, from within, from every side. It forms a chain of golden links whose topmost loop is riveted in heaven to the central throne. It gives sweet com munion with other minds, whose atmos phere interpenetrates our own, without the spoken query or response.


This present life is only an inn where we pause for a brief night. When the morning breaketh, we must away for the refreshment that eternity affords ere the next session of our life-school re opens. After the recess of another cycle, each resurrection dies again in mortal birth, through the portals of material incarnation.


How much more frequently that spir itual summit, Obedience, is trodden by foot of dog, or horse, than by rebellious, unfilial humanity. Dogs likewise enjoy interchange of thought and sentiment with us far more intelligently than do we thus commune with the next order of beings above us.


It is we who are the deaf and dumb and blind to those angelic ministrants who bend earthward with loving guidance and helpful suggestion, who would illumine our atmospheres with glintings of inspiration from the upper spheres, but we are unresponsive, and turn aside to doze in the sunshine, or gnaw our mundane bones.


Is it not incredible that at the close of this 19th century, with all its rich harvest of

culture and research, that intelligent beings, even students of spiritual truth, are found to deride and scorn the exercise, or even the recog nition of our legitimate and valuable psychic powers and attributes? We could have no physical orbs if there were not first spiritual sight.


Even the planet aspires for riper con ditions and through cyclone, tempest and earthquake emerges from present crudities. Onward, upward is ever Nature's watchword, with which man feels himself akin, nor is this incentive outgrown when angelhood is reached. There are still the archangelic, and Messianic states beyond and some pos sible Nirvana of which human hearts have not conceived.


Only good is immortal. Error is merely negation, like the darkness of a room which cannot be found after light pours in. The Infinite Magnet stead ily and potently draws all life to Itself the Source and Goal.


The soul at every moment of its growthful career is prime minister and chief executive of its next step. Its former record has decided present expe riences, and by its present action it is preparing its future pathway. Eternal law each chance doth guide.


Let no day pass without its moments of silence. Make an appointment with your own soul, with all beneficent, invis ible agencies and keep it as rigidly as you would a business engagement. Withdraw from the mundane plane and absorb spiritual nutriment.


In the crucible of pain, intuitions of Truth are most readily quickened, and the hunger awakened for more, and yet more, of divine revealment. It is those who hunger and thirst who assuredly will be filled.


Inspiration (from Inspiro, I breathe in) is simply the respiration of the spirit, and it is a natural office for the spiritual nature to receive its nourishment on its own plane, through communion with Absolute Spirit. There is divine wis dom for us to appropriate, with every forceful impetus to pure, holy living.


There are so many differing spheres of spirit-life that the mere fact of phys ical dissolution does not imply a close companionship with all other departed souls. Growth in realization of spirit decides fellowship, whether wearing a form of clay, or not. The mere state of embodiment counts for naught.


How could we know the marvellous and diversified beauty of the Infinite Author of all, but for this full message which Nature brings from His great heart to ours. What myriad ways He has taken to surprise us with rare glimpses of His wisdom and bounty ! And all that we see here is but a shadow, a mere phantom of the radiant glories of the spirit world.


Far better is it to redeem the drunk ard from his cups, or raise one sufferer from his bed of pain to a life of useful ness and growth, than to be able to declare to a decimal the number of fig ures necessary to represent the duration of a Day or Night of Brahm. Useful ness to others is the goal of all life.


Those who have caught one beautiful little ray of light from the many-sided prism of Truth, often claim for it the full-orbed radiance of the central sun Each segment of Truth's spheral orb is needed, one to supplement the other ; and if all spiritual students would amic ably unite, the new message .might be evolved, the wider revelation for which the world waits.


Because God is, souls are, life of His Life, of essence divine, and all alike innocent, holding the germs of constant sonship. But to exchange that inno cence which is ignorant and untried for the purity of the Christ, to clothe that immature weakness with the strength of the conqueror, expression, vast and varied on every plane is necessary.


Society makes exacting demands upon us, but offers also its opportunities for extending our usefulness, for leavening the whole lump of Fashion's material ity with the strong thought which we have grown to realize, with the innate force of soulful lives.


All things are possible with God. Omnipotence means all which the word implies and we are sharers of its potency. Spirit — the divine principle — is Alpha and Omega of Law and of Life, to its remotest expression. It is Creator and Preserver of the divine order of health and harmony. Walk in the spirit.


Seeds our own hands have sown must be gathered even though it be a bitter crop of

tares. Since God allows man to choose between good and evil, the prodigal son goes out and away from peace and safety until the journey back to his father's welcome must perforce be long and tedious even though salu tary, and one which no healer can tra verse in his stead.


Man being an epitome of the universe is in harmony on his physical plane of expression with every force in the side real heavens. He responds thereto as readily as does the ^Eolian lyre to faint est breath of passing zephyr. The natural man does sense planetary influ ences, but he need not remain of this genus.


Let the practice, the life establish our theories, for new revelations come to simplest souls. Why not depend on the unfailing Strength for the little hourly demands instead of saving its potency for some crucial test. We have all the strength in the universe to draw from — aye, and all the health. We cannot give out, we cannot fail till God does.


It is possible to outgrow every bale ful influence, planetary or otherwise. The unfolded being is one with the planetary spirits, those arch-angelic world-builders who control the planets and therefore with them he holds every astrological, or occult power in subjec tion, by that spiritual supremacy which is itself an expression of the highest law.


Constant aspiration towards spirit can bid defiance to every astrological reckoning and annul their passing sway, as one can stand on some clear moun tain peak above the thunderclouds that storm about its base, and see the light nings play around the heads of the dwellers in the valleys of human pro gress.


Divine influx cannot fill the anxious heart. The healing baptism descends fa tardily upon an agitated brain ; personal effort restricts its generous outpouring. Healers can never be made such by listening to instruction, however pure, valuable and suggestive such teaching may be.


No school is so growthful as the school of experience, no instruction so high as the prompting of the divine monitor in the individual breast. The true healer should remain passive, re fraining from mental argument, from denials and affirmations, and allow the Great Spirit to perform the work.


When physical results of treatment are not perfect, the soul is unfolded which is the essential good, a growth is established whose harvest, not yet ap parent perhaps to mortal eyes, will assuredly yield an hundred fold more than we ask, or think. The lord of the vineyard slumbers not nor sleeps ; the gardeners labor not in vain.


What is it to see God ? How do we reach the vision of the invisible Spirit, the inherent Life, the all pervading Essence ? Not as material things be come objects of vision, but the eyes of the soul take cognizance. They re-cog nize, regain what they have lost while striving to peer through the gateways of sense.


What is sight itself but the vibration of that Light which is His garment, that seamless robe woven into such beauty of form and color falling in green folds from the shoulders of the hills, rippling in irridiscent foam across the ocean's breast, or scintillating in myriad gems from the diadem of night ?


Where do we not see Deity when every sand-grain bears the divine im print ? And yet this creative ray forms the staff only on which the score of Life's grand anthem is written, in full est harmony ; and through all this broad diapason we read other attributes, Majesty, Tenderness, Sublimity, Benev olence, Truth, and the greatest of all — Love.


It is the human habit to pounce remorselessly on the points of difference between the Deific prototype and its feeble copy, rather than to emphasize the oft-times faint resemblance which eyes trained only to "see God" and all which is divine, would so clearly detect.


If we look for good, we become the magnet to attract all that is good and lovely within our range of vision. To the pure all things are pure. We grow likewise into the image of the Good we seek ; we express divinity in health and wholeness of body and soul.


The only entrance to the kingdom of heaven lies within the soul, and its latch key is Love. With this one mighty weapon all the hosts of error can be overcome. Love of Good, love of our neighbor, however thick the mask he wears, love of Truth and of service in its cause, a love that seeketh not its own.


The true spiritual life is always un consciously lived, being a natural out- breathing of innate divinity as nature is a spontaneous expression of the Deific Mind.

Withdraw then from the plane of anxious personal effort into thy real self; live not so exclusively with its projected appearance.


Nature is dying, but dies so gloriously. The harvest of a life is reached ; it dies that it may live again in the brain and muscle of its brother man, in renewed beauty and wealth of foliage and fruitage through all its fair domain. One realizes anew what a glorious gift is color, one of the greatest vouchsafed by the bountiful Giver.


Hills and woods have seemed one vast parterre of flowers while over all hangs the cloudless arch of blue — the hollow of His hand. Our power of assimilating beauty and grandeur in crease with our yearly growth ; the tired soul, dusty with its toilsome way faring, craves fresh baptism, again and again, at Nature's shrine.


Let the mind snap backward, as would the archer's bow after long ten sion in one direction, let the mentality retreat from the outer realm, let it climb backward up the slope by which it thus descended, and enjoy the blessed companionship of its soul.


The leaders of the race in every age are invariably psychics through whom advanced intelligences, even the arch- angelic or planetary guardians carry out their beneficent plans for human advancement, and impress on such plas tic brains, lessons of pregnant import.


God verily is the only source of inspir ation, but mortal ears are not often attuned to catch such high message without intermediary links of transmis sion. Even then it is

God's alone, and this capacity to be a medium for the Light to shine through is the divinest gift vouchsafed by God, or won by aspiring man.


Sacred history represents an un broken chain of angelic guidance and watchful care over human needs and education, a chain still unbroken, its links even stronger now as we see their beneficent purpose clearer ; for laws are the same in every age.


How unnatural the theory that rele gates the so-called dead to some walled- up Heaven, or Devachan, in far-off space, and allows an agonizing silence to fall between loving hearts, which many people still endure. What be reavement must mean to those who hold such belief, or how it is ever borne, stops the heart's beating to consider.


If we are living our real, true life, the only life there is, in the realm of spirit, how can there be any separation between us and any other denizen thereof ? If telepathic communion is possible through miles of earth's dense atmosphere, and our clay-enshrouded sense, how much freer it must be if only one mind has escaped such limitation.


There is a blindness of the soul be yond the art of oculist. Spiritual unfoldment opens a new world, which the physical orb never discovers. And for the full enjoyment of beauty, there is needed a keen sensibility of kinship with nature, a spirit attuned to its exquisite harmony.


Nature tenderly clothes her dying children in regal robes as a token of the ripeness they have won. Shall not the human soul drink therefrom fresh inspiration, and gather strength, wis dom and purity of thought and action that will bear golden fruitage on immor tal hills?


The heart which has partially severed the fetters of earth and craves uplift- ment finds ladders by which to climb on every hand. And this is the true purpose of all healing — to grow beyond future need of such ministration.


The attainment of unassailable health only comes under any regime, or school, ancient or modern, when the sense of separateness from our divine and per fect Source is outgrown, when we recog nize the true self-hood which can never be ill, or weary, when our consciousness is established on the spiritual plane.


O pitiful is it to see a world in need less bondage to fetters forged by their own ignorance and blindness, to watch them eagerly seeking for some balm that shall bring them surcease from pain, yearning for the health that re- maineth. O restless, despairing souls,

" Why seek it afar, forever, When it cannot be lifted away?


The Christ who was the illuminator of life and immortality, furnished also the key to health — "I and my Father are one." There needs no other.


O that all could gain a vital realiza tion of at-one-ment with the Father, one in strength and power, one in time as well as any future eternity, practically one, now and here, the Divine Essence permeating our every fibre and working itself out in beautiful, healthful lives, full of strong, grand service to God and to humanity.


I, the minute glow, am enkindled from the Primeval Flame whence Life was born, I, the lesser, am forever one with the Great Breath, the Source of all cau sation. How all-powerful we might be come to realize this truth hourly, to feed on this Divine Eucharist, the nutri ment of perpetual spirit !


Spiritual realization is far more impor tant than psychic sensitiveness yet one should include the other. In the fam ily of spirit, death never enters. There are no severed companionships, no in tercepted confidences. Life is the one grand, unbroken reality — the life which is Spirit.


Attune yourselves with universal Spirit. Demand your union with Divin ity. Become conscious of it. Let your moments of silence be those of effort less absorption to the waves of love and force and potency which flood the uni verse with their mighty vibrations.


You are an angel in embryo. Those celestial beings once stood where you now do, and you have within you every quality and attribute which when the hour of fulfilment dawns, will ripen into the highest state.


Catch the thoughts that flow from Infinite Wisdom, then shed those strong thoughts in generous baptism upon your weaker brothers and sisters. Until the fountain begins to pour forth its waters to the thirsty, the reservoir will not copiously infill its waiting channels. Love your neighbor and feel the over flow of Divine Love.


"Ye are the light of the world." Then hold your torch high. It flames from within, where the Christ hath set up His kingdom. He who spake as man never spake set us the example of lov ing also (even those who despitefully use us) as only Love incarnate can.


Our daily lives are one constant de mand upon our concentrative powers. Then in seeking the kingdom within, should we not reverse our methods, relax tension, and invite perfect recep tivity to be concentrated upon by the in spiring soul, aye, and the Oversoul.


No growth on any plane can be ob tained in a day. There are waiting seasons when advance scarcely can be detected and yet fibre is being thus broadened and strengthened. We press steadily upward every hour, forces within push us mightily onward, and the Infi nite Power draws us with irresistible, welcome potency.


Harmonies celestial surround us, an gelic voices call to us with prompting and suggestion, but our ears are stopped with clay, and unresponsive. Oh, that we might live in the realization of life itself, which is consciousness of spirit — all there is of us.


The Supreme Self must be the only self recognized in the work of healing. There is only one source of power in the universe. It waits to bless its chil dren through clear, free channels, unob structed by personal assertion, or effort.


The world is full of beautiful healing agencies, even the simple herb on the hillside breathes forth the aroma of its divine inheritance, the breath of the pine and the sea voice the strength which is their portion of Omnipotence, the radiant hues of sunsets and flowers bathe us with vibrations of healthful harmony.


We suffer our thoughts to dwell, our affections to twine too closely around temporal affairs. We live for the pres ent, we seek social position, or wealth, and all things which we must presently leave behind us. We too rarely look beyond, up the path whither we are hastening.


Why do we not seek the true wealth ? Why not devote our present time and energies to earnest culture of the best that lies within us ? Gymnasiums are erected for the development of muscle and sinew. Why not a gymnasium for the soul, this world the arena with its many aids for the discipline and culti vation of every spiritual faculty.


In every sense, Death is a mighty deliverer. We never die. We slip off the outer wrapper as one removes a cloak which he needs no longer. We are spirits to-day as much as we ever shall be, only imprisoned temporarily in crude matter. We escape our bonds, and gain a blessed, glorious freedom.


We have not gained our spiritual understanding, have not entered into the inner chambers of the soul. When we do, nothing will surprise us : we shall become as world-builders. The Eternal Spirit is the only supreme and absolute Reality. Every soul is an individual drop in the Divine Ocean. Everything is God at last.


Struggle away from material environ ments and stand firmly. Refuse to drift and swash with human tides. Learn self-abnegation. The Divinest soul the world has ever known pleased not him self. Each pulse-beat of his -glorious life from the manger to the cross was a breath of noblest sacrifice.


In the great mosaic of Life there is a place for each minute piece. The model of the great Artist is perfection, an at tribute each piece must share. The shaping growth is sometimes slow, but Eternity knows not time ; to the soul it is no barrier. The goal is in sight and must be won.


How many beautiful, helpful thoughts we exchange from opposite banks of this narrow river of Life, and the river runs into the one great Ocean of God's Love. Nothing can ever separate spirit from spirit. Angels and mortals climb together every step of the way.


What a common form of slavery is the habit of taking cold, a subservience to physical conditions which is quite unnecessary. Does the spirit feel cold, and we are spirits? Should we — chil dren of the Infinite — remain under the dominion of changes in temperature, or of pure atmosphere considered as draught ?


How quickly would fears and appre hension be transformed to tranquil as surance of security, had the spirit ever learned its power. Fears create scare crows before whom people prostrate themselves, not realizing the divine powers which they possess, the possi bility of absolute freedom from physi cal bondage.


Hours of rest are necessary, and should be regarded. The spirit grows weary of controlling too long in one direction. Change is rest to the spirit, a change of action and direction.


Many acute dyspepsias have sprung from marital slavery and many such have been cured by simply changing the attitude of the dependent spirit to one of freedom from a craven submis sion that was unjust to both husband and wife, by setting the key-note of their life-score to a finer rhythm, whose modulations shall henceforth hold fewer accidentals.


Let us strive to be grand, noble, self- forgetting spirits, here and now, living a spiritual life to-day of great beauty, purity, and all blessed ministration, becoming one with that beneficent, life- giving stream which flows from the heart of the Infinite.


Differing opportunities come to each, but each comes to all in time, for the same divine germ dwells in every breast, the sun of an all-pervading Love warms and enriches every heart alike. Accord ing to our receptivity, it is given unto us.


We cannot sufficiently prize the spir itual sense of touch, nor realize, when lacking it, how far we have drifted from our true estate — the life of the soul. There are institutions for the physically blind where reading is rapidly accom plished by the fingers. But no atten tion is given, even in our normal or art schools, to spiritual touch or finger reading.


Was the "daemon" of Socrates who attended him always and inspired the wisdom of his utterance, a dangerous companion, or an animated astral shell who deceived that great soul ? If there has never been any communion between the world's visible and invisible, then we have no proof of immortality.


Why scan the future with anxious eye, the duty which lies next should be our care, the morrow's task, the assist ance we may render some darkened soul in its struggle upward. Replace anxi ety with a most implicit trust in being led, an unquestioning, unfaltering assur ance of guidance and protection.


Why scan the future with anxious eye, the duty which lies next should be our care, the morrow's task, the assist ance we may render some darkened soul in its struggle upward. Replace anxi ety with a most implicit trust in being led, an unquestioning, unfaltering assur ance of guidance and protection.


What is the avenue of transmission for the Divine Energy which connects our souls

with the Central Battery ? Is it not that fluidic ether known to the ancients as the Star-Magno, or Akasa, that universal agent of the life principle everywhere, from sun to world, from planet to satellite, from God to soul, from soul to its instrument ?


" From Atma," the occultists say, " Prana comes." It is the parent and generator of all lower manifestations, of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, of vitality in vegetable or animal kingdom. It is also the agent of sensation between the spirit and body of man. To with draw from the plane of sensation is to withhold the astral emanation from the lower consciousness, as it is driven back by an anaesthetic.


The true healer, the one whom Paul designates as having the gift of healing, is a strong soul who in his spiritual organism has the power to serve as transmitting battery for the Divine Elixir, exactly as the battery in the tel egraph office furnishes power to trans mit the vibratory waves of your mes sage along the wires.


For a brief while of every day, forget your toil. You will carry richer force to your next duty by each wayside in spiration. Relax tensions, change the direction of your thought, that thought may grow stronger, your work receive a grander, loftier power.


Be the nautilus, with its many far- reaching tentacles, that secretes its pearls in all waters. Strive for the broadest growth, be the grandest, deep est, merriest, sunniest expression of life in all thinking.


All days should be thanksgiving days, for aspiration is the inhalation of the soul, its

vital breath, which finds natural expression in spontaneous gratitude. But the day as an institution is sacred, as a legacy from our Puritan fore fathers, as a day tender with treasured reminiscences; of glad reunions and loving interchange recalling also that Love which alone makes possible all earthly loves.


Our bodies reflect the shadow of our thought. We dwell in them tempora rily, use them as servants whom we should absolutely control. Life is su preme, eternal, and spirit which is life per se, is master. Our material dream has been long and troubled, but the dawn cometh with roseate flush, bring ing tidings of great joy to all people.


In many a solitude, apart from the busy world, rare but obscure souls catch beautiful inspirations of Truth, and Rhythm, and Poesy, that reveal in literature and song still more of the Infinite Harmony and Perfection with which the souls of men are perpetually ravished through this abundant over flow from the Over-Soul.


Divine Love — Life's "beautiful ne cessity" — still leads us on to unfold our birthright, to show forth in thought and impulse and thence in action, the myriad diversity and divinity of innate powers, the charm of unselfish and fruit ful living, which is both unteachable and indescribable.


Whatever power we have of express ing our lineage, of creating stray bits of beauty, if we can paint a picture, sing a song, or raise one flower that can brighten a sick room, or a hospital ward, let us fervently consecrate our one tal ent to the good of humanity, to bring ing out the beauty that lies latent in every darkened heart.


Every trial or testing process by which nature is purified bears its valu able lesson which must not escape us. It is not enough that the temptation be overcome ; we must learn why it ap pealed to us that the test need not be repeated. What weak, unguarded point needed strengthening ? What defences must be upreared ?


Separation from the world is not the best path to spiritual unfoldment. A convent or a cave may be useful as a place of refuge, but would not encour age spiritual mastery any more than a soldier could win his laurels while con fined in an armory.


How does the blacksmith gain his muscle ? By steady swing of his iron hammer ; not by sparing or saving his muscle, as many people try all their lives to "save their strength." Give it out, without reserve, use freely every bit you have, if the demand of a good cause comes, then reach and take more, forever.


To gain divine at-one-ment is a goal so vast and high as to call for the deep est consecration of life, of love, of every power and gift which we possess, all which we are, or by culture can become, a reverent, aspiring awe-some consecra tion to the divine purpose in our exist ence that its intention may be fully out- wrought.


Eyes are not trained to see only that which is divine, but have a habit of looking only for disaster. If God con stitutes all of Being that is, or ever will be, and we are one with that all-inclus ive Life, how then can we suffer, or cringe, or fear, or live a moment that is not as free as the Spirit of Deity itself?


All life is a struggle between the light and the shadow. The giant oaks and pines of the forest have gained their strength and fibre only by battling with a century of storms, which have goaded the young saplings to strike their roots deeper and wider into the heart of mother earth. Human storms also drive mankind (where the magnet of love failed) to closer anchorage in the Source from whence it sprang.


The highest advancement is always gained through self-forgetfulness. For get whether you are growing or not, if only Christ's lambs are fed. Only good is eternal, not a good that is accreted and niggardly hoarded but a good that is poured out for others, that is lavished in the light, joy, and liberty of those in need.


Speak boldly the Truth you now hold, knowing the light of to-day will seem a dim twilight to-morrow compared with the grander revelation you have grown to receive. There is more and more to be given throughout eternity, a drawing nearer and still nearer to the Infinite Wisdom.


Open a spiritual correspondence with God. Feel your divine environment and grow into a wider, closer one. What then can you fear from surround ing error? You are the acid to neutral ize that acid, the touchstone to separate the gold from the alloy. The gold is there.


Separate in your thought the sin from the sinner. Watch as the refiner would the process of transmutation, and you will be rewarded by a new revealing of the Infinite Love that will not let any perish but bring all to a knowledge of the Truth.


If we could see with inner vision how the clear atmosphere of some fair morn ing is clouded by the smoke of our dis content, our unwillingness to serve or material promptings, would we not make greater effort to keep our thought- aura pure, and radiate thence only light and beauty and harmony ?


What a blessed thing to be able to make everybody better, stronger, aglow with purer motive and nobler incentive, who come in contact with us, to carry healing even on the hem of our gar ments. And we all have this capacity to be a flower, giving forth rich per fume to friend and stranger alike.


The fires of hate and jealousy, which attributes seem polar opposites of love, are kindled from the same flame. They are the quadroon offspring of this fair est mother. Jealousy is the inversion of a narrow, personal love which holds no conception of the universal principle of life and all living.


As we rise above the mud of the ma terial plane we see spiritual beauty existing in unexpected places, our hori zon of likeness to its Creator widens, we become ourselves more like unto that perfect type in which we were made. We worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The Beloved is always beautiful and adorable to the lover.


What unspeakable experiences the future holds when thought enlightened ripens into resolve, when resolve fos tered becomes habit, habit strengthen ing into

character and all aspiration approaches fruition. How dim in com parison grow the present expiations for past mistakes, for they lead to the heights we shall some day surely win.


In all arcane or psychic researches, man himself is not only the investi gator, the object of the research but the instrument by which such investiga tion is prosecuted. " Man, know thy self," is certainly the gravest, most stu pendous problem of which we can conceive.


God has painted His thoughts, and sung His divine melodies on the harp- strings of human lives. Each individ ual is a separate theme, a necessary note in the harmony of the universe, but how rarely do we catch our neigh bor's true rhythm, how seldom is our own key-note clear and resonant.


Do not forget the important neces sity of self-examination, keen search ing, severe self-analysis. The task is not a pleasant one. We writhe under condemnation, whether self-imposed or not, and so postpone the painful scrutiny. Yet nothing in our growth can take the place of a close sentinel watch over the inner self, its motives, its impulses, even its thoughts.


The life of motherhood is the nearest approach to one of self-sacrifice which blesses our lower world. This seems one mission of motherhood to serve as an example of what self-abnegation can become, in a perfect service for others.


Self is still a prominent factor in every life. Where the quality we term selfishness is in a measure outgrown, there is a feature we might term self- ness a dominant, sometimes aggressive assertion of the lower self-hood as some thing apart from the multitude, which is unlovely enough to need judicious pruning.


Unlimited power is yours for the grasping. Some feet must stand on all heights, then why not yours ? But the one purpose paramount to all others in God's universe is service — to be of use to some other creation of the Infinite Creator. No man liveth unto himself alone.


Health is the eternal fact — Nature's copyright — it is the truth of being, our natural and normal condition, and true healing is the discovery that there is not/iing to heal. God's creation is now and forever perfect.


Next to common sense, healers need the keenest development of intuition, the quickened consciousness that radi ates spiritual health and harmony over all erroneous conditions. Why stir muddy water to analyze its component parts, and decide on the especial charac ter of its filth, when close at hand flows the pure water from the Fountain of Life which awaits parched and thirsting lips ?


When winter's ermined mantle falls Upon the earth's cold breast, And Nature's active hands are stilled In their hibernal rest ; Then brightly gleam in hearts and

homes The deathless fires of love, And peace, good will to all on earth Are mirrored from above.


'Twas winter in the world's dark past, A night of error grim, When shone the Light for ages sought, Blest star of Bethlehem ; That Light whose beams still clearer grow And never can depart. Its radiance bright creates to-night A Christmas in each heart.


For now, as then, the Truth is born In every fearless soul. The anthems angel voices sang. In echoes thither roll. " Christ with us alway," may each brow Crowned with this diadem, Reflect the Light which still gleams bright From star of Bethlehem.


Time ever onward sweeps ; Time, the great consoler, the tender nurse, the unfailing salve for Sorrow's wounds, Time which also brings such vast and growthful opportunities. Like a strong, swift swimmer, with mighty strokes, Time still bears us on its broad bosom toward the Infinite Sea of Perennial Youth.


Have we learned to see God within as well as without ? God is Spirit. Do we live as spirits should, discern ing spiritual things ? Do we walk in spirit, or realize spiritual growth and Freedom ? God is Love. Is love our daily expression, does it control our thoughts, our judgments one of another ? God is Truth and the paths of truth- seeking lead us always God-ward.


"I and my Father are one." Sub- limest utterance of the ages, paean of grandest wisdom, which were all other truth lost would build anew the temple of the Lord, being its corner stone. This alone is sufficient panacea for the wounds and stripes of the children of men. For if indissolubly one with Omnipotence how could weakness ever assail that indomitable spark, how infir mity cripple its invincible power ?


In every soul which now seems en shrouded in error and ignorance, the Voice of Infinite Harmony and Peace will yet sound, through every darkened chamber, and even that soul will one day rejoice in its own god-hood. We rest in the hollow of our Father's hand always, and shall some time sound our paean of triumphant gladness, because at last, we have grown.


O Spirit of Truth, sole mediator be tween our souls and God, reveal Thyself more and yet more ; grant us thy sweet companionship. Bring to all waiting hearts such visions of Thee, Thy purity, worth and beauty — Thou one thing to be desired — that they will gladly bar ter all else to possess Thee. Open in every soul many windows to behold Thee — whatever and wherever Thou art, O highest Truth — until the Light of all the universe pours in upon them, until Thy radiance streams from every side.