Jonah Robins | Tips For Improving Your Mental Strength


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Tips For Improving Your Mental Strength

Jonah Robins

Learn To Meditate

One of the many tried and true solutions for improving the mind is to learn meditation. Now, there are many forms of this, and the key is to shut down. You want to shut your mind off from the outside world, and you want to just breathe, and relax for at least 15 minutes a day.

Exercise Daily

You shouldn't allow your body to become lethargic. It's easy to skip workouts, or to just dismiss this as something you don't have time for. Everyone is given 24 hours a day, and in that time, find 30 minutes to move around deliberately. This will help clear your mind, give you longevity, and keep health issues away.

Stay Hydrated

Your brain cannot function optimally when you are dehydrated. It switches back to survival mode so you won't have enough brain power for mental tasks. Water is an excellent liquid for oxygenation and detoxification.

Learn Something New

One of the most important things that you can do for yourself is simple, learn something new. Take classes, find a new hobby, and master something that you don't know. Learning something new is a good way to exercise the mind, and build strength.

Get Enough Sleep

This may seem so simple, but too many don't chase this. You need to have at least 7 hours of sleep daily. Don't try to eliminate sleep in favor of other activities. You need rest, and science proves this. You cannot be of strong mind without sleep, it's just not possible.

Eat Well

One of the best things that you can do to improve your mindset is to eat well. This doesn't mean that you should overindulge, eat lots of sugar, or comfort foods. Instead, eat a balanced diet, try to stay away from over drinking, limit yourself, and focus on healthy living.

Maintain Good Posture

Poor posture leads to poor blood circulation, which leads to poor blood flow to your brain and that's why you can't think clearly. So sit up straight, stand up tall as if there's a string holding your head and spine, shoulders down, chin up and walk confidently.

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