Jane Williams - a celebration


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JANE WILLIAMScelebrating a very special lady

“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together,

keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.”

Winnie the Pooh…and Jane Williams

“Jane was a very caring person and very happy with whatever she was doing.”

Alison and Ray Holt

“We are all proud of Jane and couldn’t ask for a better sister, sister-in-law and auntie.”

“We would spend summer holidays in Cromer with our Grandma

‘Marnie’, where we would help run the tombola stall at the Cromer carnival.”

Paul Holt

As much younger kids, our Mum came in from the garden

to find Jane and I in the kitchen. Jane had poured

honey over my head so I had got my own back and poured

jam over her head!”

Paul Holt

“Whenever I look up, I will be looking out for ‘Flutterby Jane’. Sleep

well and pain free. Love you always.”

Jerry Holt

“We were so proud of her when she graduated. Her answer to everything was “I can’t do it.”

But she did!”

Alison and Ray Holt

“Having had two sons we were thrilled to have

a daughter in our lives, and right from the

beginning we thought of Jane as this.”

Paul and Marie Williams

“We feel blessed to have shared her life for the last 23 years”

“She has been a wonderful wife, mother and daughter. We are very proud of the way she and Chris have brought up our

Grandchildren. We are full of admiration in the way she has faced up to her illness and been so courageous.”

Paul and Marie Williams

“We are all so proud of you, in the way you have lived your life. What you have achieved in your work, family life and most recently your

charity work.”

Nick Williams

“Words that I would associate with Jane: wife,

mother, family, loving, kind, patient, courageous, calm,

thoughtful, funny, inspirational.”

“I’m sure she will be pulling

strings in Heaven to help James and Sam and all of her

nephews and nieces make wise choices.”

Anita Williams

“Her biggest joys were without doubt her three boys. They put a smile on her face and love in her heart and they have helped

enormously with her burden of pain.”

Anita Williams

“What about your greatest achievement of filling me too full with food that Christmas in Wrexham!”

Nick Williams

“With Chris’s parents, their families and our family, we have

had lots of lovely memories with holidays, and family get

togethers. Memories we all will cherish.”

Alison and Ray Holt

“It may well be that we will never meet again in this lifetime,So let me say before we part,

So much of me is made of what I learned from you,You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart,

And now, whatever way our stories end,I know you have re-written mine,

by being my friend…”

Lyrics from the musical ‘Wicked’

“Jane has always brought out the best in people and I remember when Jane met Chris, she was so head over heels! Their wedding was wonderful and Jane looked so beautiful”

“I feel privileged to be a part of Jane’s life. She’s a truly lovely person, caring, thoughtful &

selfless in every way.”

Gail St Clair

“We all missed her greatly when she left, there was certainly a

void in our office...rest in peace...you have been so strong.”

Linda Rhys-Davies and Dora Weston

“I have never met anyone so positive about life. I can’t think of a better inspiration and role model for my children…and me.”

Ceri Macleod

“Jane loves me very much and she has a lovely voice. She looks

beautiful and I love her.”

Matilda Macleod (aged 5)

Jane gave me my very special teddy Bobo. If I don’t have

Bobo I can’t get to sleep properly.

Jane is Bobo’s Mummy.”Matilda Macleod (aged 5)

“Jane was a wonderful, strong, positive and happy person that will be missed incredibly by so many people. She was my best

friend, and I will treasure every memory I have of her.”

Ceri Macleod

“Jane has left a gap

in our hearts, but enriched our lives immeasurably for having been in it.

God bless you Jane, sleep well my

beautiful friend.”

Ceri Macleod

“You often said to me, but I don’t want to die,

I haven’t achieved anything…look around,

you have achieved this…a room filled with

love, admiration and friendship.”

Claire Griffiths

“We all love and have loved you because you gave love, unbiased, uncompromising and unconditional. Never a harsh word, never a

complaint always hope and fun. Jane you achieved the very best …you made everyone love and admire you for being you.”

Claire Griffiths

“Rest peacefully I will miss you but I am proud to have had you in my life and I will cherish you in my memories.”

Claire Griffiths

“Jane and Chris were the first people I told about Julia accepting my marriage proposal!”

Chris Evans

“I am forever grateful to have known you. I will truly miss our chats. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you in Heaven.”

Candice Lynn Naber

“We always felt we could ask her opinion and advice and

nothing was too much trouble for her.”

Linda Rhys-Davies and Dora Weston

“One of my memories was when Jane said she had a Groupon voucher for this

lovely restaurant in Cardiff Bay called ‘Tiger Tiger’

and did we want to join her and Chris. On our way there we found out that it

was in the centre of Cardiff and was a Night

Club!! We arrived the oldest there giggling to

ourselves. But we all enjoyed a lovely meal with

good company.”

Julie Couzens

“Thank you for being a very special, lovely, helpful and great Auntie. God, please look after Auntie

Jane. I love butterflies and I love you.”

Jemima Williams

“Stretch your beautiful wings. You will be remembered with great affection and admiration. I am so honoured to have been your


Sian Islip

“Jane has always brought out the best in people and with her the glass was definitely always half full.”

“I feel so honoured to have had Jane as a friend and

also feel so blessed by how much she has touched me.”Sally Anderson

“The kindest, strongest and most determined person I

will ever have the pleasure to meet”

“Jane broke the ice and soon started chatting to me, with

her huge grin and friendly face. We spent the next four

years best buddies through the ups and downs of our

degree course.”

Helen Offord

“Jane seemed to balance hard work with fun

effortlessly. Dedication and determination have always been present in

bucket loads.”

Helen Offord

“I remember the time when Jane was fondling

Rob Perkins bottom in Pen Y Daith, in the

mistaken belief that it was Chris. Jane was mortified

but Rob enjoyed it!”

Mel Richardson

“She was an inspiration and amongst other

things, she taught me the power of positive


Ali Crook

“Jane, my Scrabble and card-playing adversary/partner, depending on the rules of the game we were playing. You were an excellent player, and

those games the four of us played were legendary…as long as you were on my side!”

Alex Macleod

“She was a dedicated member of staff and was patient and respectful to all the people in her care.”

Linda Rhys-Davies and Dora Weston

“The stars will shine brighter

with Jane with them. She will

always be there for you all.”

Carol Wood

“I am forever grateful to

have known you. I will truly miss our chats. Enjoy the

beauty that surrounds you in Heaven.”

Candice Lynn Naber

“Sleep peacefully Jane, you were a truly inspirational lady who I had the pleasure of

getting to know through Flutterbyes.”

Yvonne Short

“I will miss my amazing friend,

more than words can ever express.

Sleep tight darling Jane. You may be

out of sight but you will always be in my thoughts.”

Sally Anderson

“Fly high my little flutterby. You will always be watching over your three

men, and we will always be watching you too.”

Sharon Sutherland

“Your bright star will forever light up my life.

Thanks for all the inspiration.”

Marion Schumacher

“Darling cousin, fantastic nephews and amazing family, your beautiful girl made everything about our lives just that little

bit more precious.

Sarah Sutton-Dodd

“I will always remember Jane for

her loving, fun and kind nature and the great times we had at


Karen McDonnell

“She was, is, and will continue to be a huge inspiration to me personally, and I am so glad that I knew her.”

Peter Greedy

“There are no words that anyone can say that do her


Matthew Wallace

“This virtual world is incredible and

although I never met Jane, I hold her dear in

my heart. Rest in peace Flutterby Jane,

your star will shine into eternity.”

Jenny Maine

“I will miss her cheery

banter and keeping me on my toes at

Scrabble…actually that should be

thrashing me at Scrabble!”

Alice Davidson

‘It’s been a privilege

to have called her my Flutterbye Friend

over these past few years.”

Dottie Moore

‘You brightened this world with your


Susan Pugh Hoffman

“Jane was a truly

amazing lady with such a warm, caring


Richard Barnes

“We pray that her beloved three men will find comfort in knowing

that she made a difference in countless lives.”

Karen Fretheim Fredrickson

“I never met

Jane in person, only through

Scrabble on Facebook…her love of life and

love of her family always

shone through”.

Cher Oddy

“What a privilege it was to have had Jane in my life.”

Sue Nicholson

“She shone bright and true and now she will shine over you all, gone but never forgotten.”

Joanna Dawson

“To Auntie Jane up in Heaven,

thanks for being a great Godmother and Auntie, we will

all miss you.”

Rosie Williams

“Jane was a truly amazing lady with such a warm,

caring personality.”

Richard Barnes

“What a privilege it was to have had Jane in my life.”

Sue Nicholson

“I don’t know if you realise,

but Jane made such a difference in the lives of

her fellow Whipple survivors. She will be

greatly missed by the total strangers she cared about.”

Ardis Hendrix

“If you look to the night sky towards RA: 0h 41m 47.93s De: 34 27’ 44.5’ in the Andromeda galaxy, you will see the star

‘Flutterby Jane’ shining brightly.”

Chris Williams
