Introduction to getting yourself Scam Free forever



I wrote this book based on the research I did to dig myself out of the hole I had been scammed into. I decided not to get mad or get even – just get my money back somehow, write up what I had encountered, and then move on. And writing this book is part of moving on.While I've put the bulk of this data into several blogs, ebooks, presentations, papers, and so on, I've decided to cobble it all together into a single book so that people can get this data without having to go through what I did.After I've done what is probably thousands of hours of research, my view on this was distilled one night, waking up after long hours editing and researching links and references on scammers. What follows in this presentation is the simplicity of what scammers are doing to our society - and a brief overview of how they can be handled...

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Getting Your Self Scam Free

Putting 2+ years of research into a single book.

You don't have to suffer through long hours of research...

Remember Pinocchio?

Scams aren't just free beer and pool.

But you don't have to slave off your credit card debt.

What's in that beer?

You do have to swear off the Kool-Aid.

Community action on scammers...

Mines (scams) shut down if no one works them.

Help wise up your friends and family

People can have their own choice.

Some lessons in getting scam free...

...and live a better life.

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